Monday, September 30, 2019
Problems in Setting Up and Running a Business Unit Essay
A business unit, sometimes called a strategic business unit or SBU, is a segmented group or department within a company that focuses on reaching a specific market or client. It may also focus on achieving a specific goal for the organization. While some businesses find success with this strategy, there are concerns and potential problems to consider before trying it at your company. Finances In business, money is usually a problem. It can be good to make money, but when you are just getting started with a business, it can be easy to lose money quickly. Before you start your business, develop a comprehensive list of the things you will need to finance and how much money you will need to make it happen. Discuss your business with others who have experience to try to cover as many costs as you can. When you have developed your startup budget, add 20 percent to it to cover the costs that you have not yet accounted for. When it comes to financing a startup, it is better to plan for more than you will need than to find yourself deep in debt right away. Employees Your employees can be your greatest asset and your greatest expense. It costs money to hire, train and retain employees. Your company needs to provide some sort of benefits package that includes health insurance, paid vacation days and paid sick days to attract and retain employees, and even then, you will have competition from other companies that may be able to offer better. As you delegate responsibilities to your employees, you begin to rely on them for your company’s success. A key employee leaving your company can have an effect similar to losing a major account. Space It is common for a new business owner to try to keep his office and warehousing costs down. When your company first starts out, a small and affordable space may be adequate. As your company grows, you will need more space, and you may realize that the facility you signed the one-year lease for is no longer sufficient. Have a backup plan available for warehousing just in case you outgrow your current warehouse. Offer sales employees the option of telecommuting to reduce the amount of office space you need. Become creative with your space, or you may find yourself spending money to remedy a space problem to which you are contractually bound for years. Problems Meshing Ideas When you segment your company in this way, you may find it becomes more difficult to get units to combine and work together. Though the separate units have different purposes, there may come a time when they need to convene in order to accomplish a goal for the organization. If your employees become too familiar with working in segmented groups, they may have problems working on joint projects with other units. Expensive Establishing business units can also be expensive. For one, you may have to create separate physical departments within the company. You may also need to create separate websites, mailing addresses and, in some cases, entirely new sub-organizations to properly establish these units. Finding a balance between efficiency and cost when maintaining these units can be challenging. Time-Consuming Setting up and running business units is also time-consuming. When you establish one, you must create a separate mission statement, budget, marketing plan and general business proposal. You must also set up technology and tools to support the department. You must then evaluate the functionality of the department before repeating the process with another business unit. If you decide to start all of your units at the same time and then determine that the formula isn’t working, you’ll also spend a significant amount of time dismantling or updating all of them. Social Responsibility Small businesses can encounter several problems related to Corporate social responsibility due to characteristics inherent in their construction. Owners of small businesses often participate heavily in the day-to-day operations of their companies. This results in a lack of time for the owner to coordinate socially responsible efforts.[9] Additionally, a small business owner’s expertise often falls outside the realm of socially responsible practices contributing to a lack of participation. Small businesses also face a form of peer pressure from larger forces in their respective industries making it difficult to oppose and work against industry expectations.[9] Furthermore, small businesses undergo stress from shareholder expectations. Because small businesses have more personal relationships with their patrons and local shareholders they must also be prepared to withstand closer scrutiny if they want to share in the benefits of committing to socially responsible practices or no t.[9] Job Quality While small businesses employ over half the workforce [10] and have been established as a main driving force behind job creation [11] the quality of the jobs these businesses create has been called into question. Small businesses generally employ individuals from the Secondary labor market. As a result, in the U.S. wages are 49% higher for employees of large firms.[11] Additionally, many small businesses struggle or are unable to provide employees with benefits they would be given at larger firms. Research from the U.S. Small Business Administration indicates that employees of large firms are 17% more likely to receive benefits including salary, paid leave, paid holidays, bonuses, insurance, and retirement plans.[12] Both lower wages and fewer benefits combine to create a job turnover rate among U.S. small businesses that is 3 times higher than large firms.[11] Employees of small businesses also must adapt to the higher failure rate of small firms. In the U.S. 69% last at least 2 yea rs, but this percentage drops to 51% for firms reaching 5 years in operation.[10] he U.S. Small Business Administration counts companies with as much as $35.5 million in sales and 1,500 employees, depending on the industry. Outside government, companies with less than $7 million in sales and fewer than 500 employees are widely considered small businesses.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Shortly about Sony
Company information Sony Company was founded in 1946 in Tokyo physicist Akio Morita and Masaru Ibuka engineer. The company consisted of 20 employees, they were engaged in the repair of electrical equipment and tried to create their own products. At that moment, any development and production have been hampered. Because of the post-war limits on the consumption of electricity has consistently exceeded this limit and â€Å"Tokyo Research Laboratory†kicked out of their official location, production forcibly moved into the ruins of an abandoned building.In the â€Å"new†building roof was full of holes everywhere and everyone had to work under the umbrellas. But this was another plus – unlimited energy. The success of the company acquired in 1946 when Sony released the first transistor in Japan and the first â€Å"all – transistor†radio in 1955. For more than 50 years from the date when the company first started to sell their products, it has grown fr om 20 employees to more than 160,000 people worldwide.Sony name was chosen from the Latin word Sonus. In the beginning it was called â€Å"Tsushin Kogyo Kabushiki Tox-gaysya†(Tokyo telecom and industrial company) or bbreviated Totsuka Today Sony Corporation designs and manufactures consumer and industrial electronic equipment. The company's products include audio and video equipment, televisions, displays, electronic components, computers and computer peripherals and telecommunication equipment.Akio Morita led the company for a long time, was responsible for marketing and sales, and managed to bring it to a huge success in the market. Sony made its name on a good and attractive design and innovation. The company paid a special role downsizing their products. In 1950 the company released its first radio – ? «TR-63†³, this initiated ompany's success. In the years 1970-1980 appeared the first portable audio player Walkman. In 1983, Sony, in cooperation with Philip s launched the first CD.All Sony Corporation is composed of eight departments: Sony Corporation (holding management, consumer electronics and professional); Sony Computer Entertainment (game consoles Playstation, and video games); Sony Mobile Communications (mobile phones) ; Sony Vaio (laptops); sony Bravta (TV); Sony Music Entertainment (music industry); Sony Pictures Entertainment (production and producing films, owns studios Columbia Pictures and TriStars Pictures); Sony Financial Holdings (operations in the financial sector – insurance, banks).A couple of interesting facts about Sony: When Sony, together with the Panasonic, developed CDs, then their capacity was determined randomly. A survey was conducted among potential buyers about what kind of music they will listen on CDs. The survey showed that people are most interested in perfectly crisp sound of classical music. Because in Japan the sales leader cassettes was â€Å"Beethoven's Ninth Symphony,†and it lasted about 74 minutes, then 74 minutes was converted into a 16-bit stereo into bytes.Then it was determined that an optical drive should nave a capacity ot MB; Masaru Ibuka addition to the company Sony, was occupied by the Association of Early Childhood Development and the organization â€Å"Talent Education†; Sony founders were faithful to their company until the end and never refused in consultation, even in the last year of life. Company Sony is very successful over last several decades and uses its innovation and developments to create a multibillion and multinational electronic empire.No doubt that such a big company would not become without a brilliant managers nd engineers. Sony – a company tradition and modernity rules bordering future. Business Strategy Sony's Business Strategy is to become the leading global provider of networked consumer electronics and entertainment in the world. In order to do that Sony will try to save market shares in developed countries by introducing innovative technologies and produce new products to emerging markets to achieve higher sales growth and at last occupy bigger market share.The main objective of the Sony Corporation is designing and creating innovative quality products which give benefits to people. SWOT Strengths Company is able to produce innovative products with high quality. Sony is able to be successful in several different markets for example company has made an impact in the PC market, video game market and especially the television market. Sony is able to be successful in several different markets for example company has made an impact in the PC market, video game market, mobile market, cameras market and especially the television market.Sony is one of fast growing companies. Corporation ranks among top 10 fastest-growing companies of the Word. Sony uses Machine-to- Machine (M2M) solution remote monitoring technology-based service solutions. The solution allows cost-effectively and continually mo nitor and manage the various components of production. Weaknesses Products are 20 to 30 percent higher than comparable goods of others companies. For example, for this reason, people in developing countries with minimum salaries cannot afford to by Sony's excellent products.Sony tries to close the gap with technologies companies such as Amazon or Apple which use Internet services to improve their electronics. However, because of its business overload of heavy perating costs leading to inefficient supply chain Sony is missing that market gap. Opportunities Sony has opportunity to sell complementary products and services in saturated markets in Japan and USA and standard products in emerging markets in China, India, Latin America.Sony can use â€Å"user-friendly applications†, innovative materials and attractive visual appearance to differentiate products develops new technologies Threats Sony always uses and New companies can enter the market because the shift from analog to d igital technology became easier. This is because complicated functionality has become oncentrated in semiconductors and it is easier to manufacture. Economic uncertainty and political instability in markets of China, India, and Russia is more violated.Mission and vision of Sony Mission of Sony it's running to make best price intended for consumer, and get better the excellence of existence for the after that age group from side to side our improvement. Vision of Sony it's necessity to look for new capabilities to move toward to change our skill to realize together gainful in addition to stable increase. Sony Company aspires for sustainable enlargement because bazaar of manufacturing lectronic customer supplies becomes wider. Inside together container, the Sony product determination engages in recreation a critical fraction.Sony corporation is clever to institute its extensive management by obtain additional physically powerful electronics corporation in addition to their results, wh ich be after that Joint depended on improvement corporation. Submission of preparation to its workers, usual corporation process, in addition to the availability of modern equipment after that remain strengthen the place of the various creations of company on the market. The objective of Sony Company is in the direction of safe the extension of the trade in a sustainable method, at the same time as next to the similar occasion continually improve the company's productivity.Attaining this objective involves four points: transition to the most important place in the market; focus attention to stay on top of a forceful distributers of the electronic offers; work in the direction of get better the company's competence in addition to reduce expenses in action; continuously enlargement from side to side in technologies expanding own destination to increase their value for investors. PEST Political Tariff lowering in EIJ countries will affect at import and export operations in Sony Corpora tion, because the price will be modified due to this policy.Bad influence of political instability including unexpectedly Juridical changes, changes in import and export controls and conflicts among developing countries. Economic Foreign exchange rate changes can nave an ettect on financial situation because large part of Sony's sales and assets are denominated in foreign currencies Social Electronics commodities are standardized products therefore culture has not a big impact. In all most markets, customer preferences are similar. In fact, the more standardized product, allow to sell it worldwide this helps organization to have ‘transference of marketing' across countries.Technological Advanced technologies are a key issue to be more competitive in the market. Sony tries to manufacture most innovative products that will be hard to copy and will help them to lead in the market, so the company does not stop in self-improvement.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
High Performance Coaching Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
High Performance Coaching - Essay Example From a historical perspective, â€Å"the systematization of sports science support for football teams is a relatively recent development which all of the football codes have followed to varying degrees†(Reilly & Araujo 2005: 11). Coaches elevate their team’s performance through training and instruction. In soccer, the demands placed on the players are grouped as four interdependent components of the game: technique, tactics, fitness and psychology. For raising a team’s high performance potential to its maximum level, and for preventing it from getting weighted down by a weak component, coaching has to focus on improving each of the components. Although performance perfection is never attained in sport, teams can reach their highest peak performance level when all the players are simultaneously â€Å"One of the key principles of sports science is that learning is accelerated when practice activities succeed in replicating the demands of the game†(Daniel 2004: 1). This is termed as the principle of sports specificity. An example is that the ball is rarely stationary in open play, with intensive pace and flight of the ball and timing of the runs; therefore practising crosses using a stationary ball from only 20 yards out does not enhance the players’ skill in successfully executing crosses in a game where on a regulation size field the crosses will originate from further out. Similarly, receiving balls at the edge of the penalty area, and using a leisurely five or six touches to turn and prepare for a shot, does not help a forward to prepare for the demands of his position, because during a competitive match he will not be allowed as much time and space on the ball so close to goal. The high levels of fitness required by soccer players to meet the physical demands of a game, calls for fitness training that is multifactorial, covering the different aspects of physical performance in soccer.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Select 2 research studies published in peer-reviewed, refereed Proposal
Select 2 studies published in peer-reviewed, refereed journals in your discipline - Research Proposal Example Still more meaningful and unfortunate is the percentage of Catholic children in public high schools. About one-third of Catholic students attend Catholic secondary schools. It is more than evident to all concerned that religious instruction must be made available. The article by Barnard et al is based on a randomized experiment conducted in New York City. A one-way analysis of variance design, employing three randomized groups of subjects, which corresponds to the three conditions of high, low, and no self-disclosure, was utilized. After district approval to conduct research in the schools had been obtained, elementary principals were contacted by letter and phone to request school participation. When participation was secured, teachers were contacted by letter and asked to volunteer approximately 30 minutes of their time to participate in the viewing and rating of a videotaped consultation intervention. Consenting teachers were then scheduled for a viewing at their convenience. Subjects were assigned randomly to one of four conditions: technical language with teacher involvement, technical language without teacher involvement, nontechnical language with teacher involvement, or nontechnical language without teacher involvement. The article by Henthorn is based on qualitative analyses interviews and historical data was used. Just as reliability is estimated by calculating the internal consistency of a test form, a similar measure can be derived from a structured interview schedule. Control over the timing, the environment, and the question order is possible where no such control is possible with questionnaires. To the extent that these controls enhance validity, they fulfill reliability requirements by definition. For nonstructured interviews, no such reliability estimates are possible. The hypothesis of Barnard et al is to investigate â€Å"the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Organisation and behaviour Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Organisation and behaviour - Assignment Example It further seeks to investigate the approaches of these organizations to their management. Style of Leadership The success of Berkshire and its founder, Warren Buffett starts with leadership. Buffett’s leadership has the capability of adapting to changing world. The success of Buffett’s leadership style is reflected in the performance of his company. The annual report 2010 of Berkshire stated that they tend to let their subsidiary companies operate in their own. They do not monitor or supervise them to any extent. Many managers utilize the liberty in a magnificent manner and preserve an owner-oriented behavior. Warren Buffett’s employs the laissez-faire style of management, which increased the stock of the company by 19.8%. Laissez-faire style of management thrives at Berkshire because every organization has its own culture. Berkshire does not enforce the conventional human resource. If it had done it, then laissez-faire would not have worked at Berkshire. Buffet t believes that enforcing autonomy creates pressure on CEOs. He encourages his leaders by convincing them that they can do more than they believe they can and it will take three people to replace each of them. A contrasting organization to Berkshire is Trump Organization, where the founder Donald Trump runs the organization in an autocratic style. He has centralized all the decision-making power to himself and to a group of few selected people. This type of leadership style limits the inputs of rest of the employees. Trump exhibits an eccentric style of leadership. This is shown in every piece of real estate that he owns. Every building, gold course, or casino has his name on it. Trump is considered as the positive example of autocratic leadership. According to his employees, though he keeps gentleness out of spotlight, but in essence, he is more generous than anyone would believe due to this reputation. It is not about which style is being implemented. It entirely depends on how it is being implemented. If leaders are confident, capable, and motivated, it can work well. Modern Management Theories When it comes to Donald Trump, it is quite evident that Henri Fayol’s 14 principles are applied to greater extent. Trump’s style of management clearly integrates elements mentioned by Henry Fayol. Unity of Command, Centralization, Discipline, Authority of Work, Division of Work, Scalar Chain, and Order are named as few. The common element among all these principles is autocracy and autonomy, which is decently reflected in the workplace and organizational culture of Trump Organization. The span of control and attention is limited to one person only, who has all the decision making power. It is staff’s responsibility to show initiative within the limits of discipline and authority. Uniform goals and similar direction is constructed for all the employees of the entire organization. In contrast to that, the style of Warren Buffet contradicts with con temporary capitalism. Warren Buffet understands the Systems Theory. Buffett is aware of how different systems affect the workers and how the system is affected by workers. A system constitutes of variety of different parts that work together in order to achieve a goal. Systems theory allows leader to evaluate events and patterns in the workplace. Warren buffet is aware of what inputs need to be inserted into the system in order to achie
Contract Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 4
Contract Law - Essay Example Pre-incorporation contracts are those contracts which are entered by the founders of a company before its existence or before its incorporation. As the company is not in existence, the company cannot be sued or can initiate legal action, may not purchase or own assets in its own name before its incorporation. Thus, promoters will be acting as the agents of the company to be incorporated while entering into a pre-incorporation contract. However, there arises a question how one can make principal and agent’s relationship when the company itself is not in existence. Thus, despite the fact that the claim by a promoter is acting on behalf of the prospective company, the promoters and not the proposed company will be held personally accountable for all contracts entered into by them on behalf of the prospective company1. The legal status of the pre-incorporation contracts under English common law is that it is illegal and cannot be approved or ratified or adopted the advantages of the contract which has been entered into on its behalf before its incorporation. Any outsiders who enter into a pre-incorporation contract witness an aggregate negative impact under English common law as it is either enforceable in court or it can be ratified .Thus , outsiders have to witness a risky scenario where they enter into pre-incorporation contract with a company yet to be incorporated. In Kelner case, 2 it was held that the supplier of goods to a non-existence company could not sue it for the recovery of the outstanding for the supply of products as the company could not make a valid contract before its incorporation as it was not a legal person then. In Natal Land case3 , a pre-incorporation of contract was entered between the agents of the appellant namely Rycroft with one Mrs de Carrey where she was given a ri ght to demand for a lease of the coal -mining privileges on the plaintiff’s property. It was held by the court
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Influence of Salvador Dali to Modern Art Research Paper
The Influence of Salvador Dali to Modern Art - Research Paper Example The paper "The Influence of Salvador Dali to Modern Art" discovers the art of Salvador Dali, the famous Spanish painter and his influence of modern art. Salvador Dali is one of the most resourceful and productive artists of the twentieth century. As Klein notes in his book, Salvador was a multitalented man who managed various activities like fashion, advertising, writing, sculpture, and even filmmaking. It seems that Dali was highly influenced by the psychoanalytical theories of that time, and his themes range from eroticism and death to decay. One can say unambiguously that his work was influenced by the Freudian theory of human mind. It is an accepted fact that Freud’s teachings of human mind and the unconscious seriously impacted on the thinking of artists in the first quarter of the twentieth century. In the words of Freud, the sublimation of the artist’s unsatisfied libido is responsible for producing all forms of art and literature, whether it be painting, sculpti ng, or writing. Thus, his new ideology made artists and writers look into their own dreams and thoughts with a new insight. Soon, these thoughts (once considered absurd and illogical) found a new place in art. Admittedly, it was the Freudian analysis of the role of dreams which attracted people like Dali. Dali was highly impressed by Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams and Die Traumdeutung. From Dali’s own words, â€Å"it was one of the greatest discoveries of my life. I was obsessed by the vice of self-interpretation-not just of my dreams...". but of everything that happened to me, however accidental it might at first seem†(Martinez-Herrera, Alcantara, and Lorena 855). At first, one can look into the interpretation by Stuart Walton. It is pointed out by him that Dali’s work called Autumn Cannibalism is the first stage of psychosexual development. According to the Freudian concept, this stage is marked by the psychological theme of total dependency. In fact , a baby at this stage is very dependent, as it can do little for its own protection. The Autumn Cannibalism was painted in the year 1936. It was in this year that the civil war broke out in Spain. Thus, as Walton points out, the work mainly depicts horror and destruction of war along with the demolishing nature of sexual relationship (69). In the painting, a chest of drawers is placed on a beach, and the upper halves of two people sit on it. The two bodies are highly entangled, and one figure dips a spoon into the body of the other. The latter figure dips a knife into the flesh of the former. The heads of the figures merge into each other. One can see pieces of meat thrown here and there. Thus, scholars reach the conclusion that the work shows the human impulses going back to the oral phase of psychosexual development. In addition, there are works like The Enigma of Desire: My Mother which reflects the Oedipus complex. The picture shows the porous rocks of the Catalan coast of Spai n as the central image. On the rock, one can see the words ‘ma mere’ written again and again. Then, there is the self-portrait of the painter, lying on the ground with eyes closed. One has to assume that the character is either asleep or half dead. Ants are coming out of the ear of the figure, indicating that decomposition and decay have started there. However, the point of consideration here is the little lion’s head above. The picture shows that the head has its face twisted into a grimace. Thus, the best assumption would be that it represents Dali’s father. The lion head is at the highest point of the mountainous body, and he is apparently pressing the face of
Monday, September 23, 2019
Military men Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Military men - Essay Example He was responsible for guiding the military personnel responsible for bombing missions. However, he grew tired of the work and decided to quit. He had to think of a way out since the military regulations required that a military person have to provide enough information to support why he needs to quit. Yossarian decided to act like an insane person so that he would be sent to the hospital. Since insane people could not be fit to work as military personnel, he thought that it would be a great exit plan. Catch 22 has some very challenging clauses that force the military personnel from doing what they would want to do. In this case, Catch 22 forced Yossarian to act like a mad person in order to avoid being military personnel. However, he is given different kind of work of reading and censoring letters from military patients. It is very challenging for Yossarian to prove to the military that he is actually insane. This is because the word insane can mean different things to different peo ple. For example, being insane in the military context is different from being insane in the real civilian world. It can even be said that insanity in military is acceptable especially because of the way the military laws and regulations define it. However, the military law called catch 22 could not allow him to quit the military job since by knowing that he is insane was a proof that he was actually sane. Therefore, Yossarian decided to spend the rest of his life in the hospital.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
SEMAI OF MALAYSIA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
SEMAI OF MALAYSIA - Research Paper Example The Semai of Malaysia is unique in a way from other groups or tribes of the American society. What make them different are their beliefs, kinship and health issues; these aspects have made them to survive for many years in this dynamic world. It is believed that the Semai tribe is what remained from the original ancient populations of South East Asia, who then belong to the Senoi ethnic groups. The lands in Malaysia are fertile and productive; this has made the Semai society to practice horticulture- planting crops in their fertile lands. In the recent times, the indigenous community has been made to shift to Malaysia hills and mountains by powerful technologies and peoples. But at times,the Semai community practice a mixed system of arboriculture, shifting cultivations, hunting and gathering. In general they practice hunting and horticultural farming. The main crop that is grown by Semai of Malaysia is rice; at times they plant arrow roots, grapes and corns in their farms. The Semai community is living in densely forested mountains. The horticulture they practice is non- mechanized, that is non-intensive form of plant cultivation performed non- repetitively on a plot of land. The Semai people live in ‘Kampangs’ (close villages) close to their farms and during planting seasons they head back to the forest to go and hunt for the rest of the year. They have low population densities, which has made them to be scattered in different parts of the huge farms and be able to practice shifting cultivation. When such horticultural factors are done, the families are grouped in scattered clusters moving from one location to another. They are known by anthropologists for their behaviour which is non- aggressiveness and a version to interpersonal violence of any kind. The relationship is that married men do not batter their wives, nor beat their parents. Children are not allowed to engage in activities like fights, physical assaults and murder which are virtually unknown to the community. In moving the horticulturalists are immobile as forages that may control rearing among is not a strict within their culture as is with forages. Majority of the children help their parents with providing labour in the fields enhancing productivity (Fix, 1990). The Semai community practice what is referred to as generalized reciprocity which means they can exchange goods and services without having any track or measurements of the exact value of what they have traded with an assumption that the transaction will balance itself in some time to come. This act of generalized reciprocity happens between parents and children, or between couples, or in advanced stages involving clans and large kin groups. This is a formal way of exchange that involves total trust and minimal distance between the two parties. For the Semai community, the main reason for eating is to make one feel full and satisfied. The meal to be eaten should include starch dish which is preferably rice. Eating meat, fowls or fish without any starch is ridiculous to them. The other economic activities include fishing, hunting and gathering. They use weapons for hunting such as, blow pipes and poisonous darts. They also use ‘rattan’ (climbing palms in forests) to make binders, house building, basketry, fish-traps others .(Norwak & Laird, 2010). 2.1Beliefs and values The Semai’s beliefs and values are enshrined in their religion, which embraces of belief on the forest and natural spirituality; a kind of animism. Animism involves traditions of thunder god called â€Å"Enku†which is associated with other kind of animals like a small eye less snake, beings working hand in hand with god, dragons that are present during thunder squalls associated with rainbows. Other animals include a flying animal with feathers and those with rounded scales and moist skins living inside or near water bodies (Dentan, 1983).
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Crimes and Misdemeanors Essay Example for Free
Crimes and Misdemeanors Essay Crimes and Misdemeanors Woody Allens, Crimes and Misdemeanors, film paints a realistic picture of the real world in which we all live. His film brilliantly portrays the lives of how a large amount of people across this globe live their own life and does not attempt to sugarcoat any event that occurs in the movie; he merely tells it how it is and provides information for what people should expect in todays world. Allen takes on the issue of the human races true beliefs of morality and what actually happens in he real world, in contrast to what typically takes place in movies. Allen transpires different events throughout his movie that create a lingering question for his audience on the thoughts of morality in a godless community. Adultery, lies, and murder were only a small sum of the crimes that were committed in Allens movie. However, the question becomes how the characters reacted to their own acts of immorality. The most in depth storyline in this movie was that of Judah Rosenthal, who comes to the conclusion that in a world devoid of godly resence, all acts are permissible, even adultery and murder. Once a person erases their belief on certain morals and values, it is much easier for them to erase crimes or immoral acts they have committed from their mind as being immoral. Judah does an extraordinary Job at showing this in the movie when he finds out that someone else was arrested for the murder of Dolores; he automatically knew he was off the hook and made himself believe he did no wrong. By doing this he was capable of going on and living his life. Another main character in Allens movie, was one layed by him himself. Throughout the movie Cliff embarked on new ideas and experiences because they were his passion and what he believed, however at the end of the movie we watch as Cliff loses everything he believed in from his love, his career, and his family. Many may question why Cliff would lose everything if he had so many good strong beliefs and how Judah can move on with his life even after being involved in a murder. However, the answer according to this movie is simple. We as the human race, define ourselves by our choices, with the absence of god. In he issue concerning Cliff losing everything he believed in, it wasnt necessarily a punishment, but in all actuality shows how it can be relevant to real life. Not all times, does a person with good morals get what they want. In addition, Judah was going to move on with his life no matter if he had a religious background or not. Judah saw the world as, once God is gone all things are permissible, which shows his true morals and values as a person. His character depicts the life of one who has done wrong and escaped punishment in their life at some point, which again can be pplied to the real world on a daily basis. Regarding the different situations that occur all across this movie, it is shown that there can be a sense of morality in our world without the belief of a certain religion. This movie portrays many types of religious beliefs within the characters and then goes on to show that even people who do not necessarily believe in God, still have morals they might Just value certain areas more than others. God is essentially a the absence of god, anything anyone wants to make permissible to their own self can be made permissible.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Influence of Gender Socialisation Causes of Inequality
Influence of Gender Socialisation Causes of Inequality In our society gender is considered one of the most important things by which a person can identify themselves. When a baby is born the first question one asks is not if the baby is healthy or how the woman who has just given birth is but if its boy or a girl?. The gender we are assigned when we are born sticks with us throughout our life, regardless of if we agree with it or not, seemingly influencing the way we act, dress and live our lives. In the following essay, I will discuss the way in which we can define gender both scientifically and sociologically. I will examine how the socialisation process influences our learning of gender norms and how these norms perpetuate gender differences in our society and the inequality that can occur as a result. There are many ways in which one can define gender. Macionis and Plummer define gender as the social aspects of differences and hierarchies between male and female (Macionis Plummer, 2012). While sex is often defined as the state of being either male or female as determined by biological characteristics. (Marchbank Letherby, 2007). We often see sex as being something natural while gender is a social construct built to more clearly define the differences between the sexes. Gender is evident throughout the social world. We see it in our workplaces, schools and in everyday society. Sociologists believe gender cannot exist on its own, it interacts with social norms, values, and in particular, social differences. For example, while society tells us, men are to have traditional masculine traits, to be strong and forceful, one would not expect the strength of a thirty-year-old man to be the same as an eighty year old. (Punch, et al., 2013). We do not have a say in the gender that is assigned to us, it is given to us based on our biological sex. However , there are arguments that show that sex does not always equal biology. Humans do not always fit into the mould of male and female. A study carried out by the University of Sussex, stated that in countries such as India and the USA; the idea of being transgender and gender fluid is becoming progressively more common and accepted. (Jolly, 2002) This study leaves many questions as to whether we are bound by our biological sex at all. If it is possible to change the sex we were born, then why should our gender identity be so important? Nonetheless the gender that is given can and does have implications on the life we will evidently lead and the way is which we experience socialisation throughout our life. Gender socialisation is the way in which boys and girls learn their gender scripts, the appropriate roles they are expected to follow. Boys and girls experience gender socialisation and are taught there gender identity in different ways. However, this gender identity most often highly tainted by the social world around said person. Marchbank and Letherby researched and wrote about many studies which examine the way in which we encourage masculine and feminine ideals, noting that this encouragement is unescapable in schools, the media, clothing, and toys. This does not allow people to explore their own gender, instead pushing people to conform to one definition either male or female. Something many people feel they do not fit. Many leading sociologists have augured that this does, in fact, lend its hand to the problems many people face in terms of gender discrimination and inequality. (Marchbank Letherby, 2007) While we are moving towards a day of gender fluidity in terms of peoples preferences of their own gender and in our gendered roles, inequality does still exist and is evident in everyday life. These differences and inequality vary greatly from country to country. What is considered acceptable in one country may not be in another. This is all a part of a particular countries gender order, defined by Macionis and Plummer as the way in which societies shape notions of masculinity and femininity into power relationships (Macionis Plummer, 2012) Jill Matthews first developed the idea of the gender order in 1984. Matthews argued that the gender order does not mean inequality but allows a distinction to be made between males and females that relates to the general form of gender relations. (Pilcher Whelehan, 2004, p. 61). This idea however, is outdated. Many critics of this theory agree that the gender order does account for the differences in gender expectations between countries it does not account for inequalities between both male and female and those who may not identify as such. Maharaj (1995) and Pilcher (1999) recognize that Matthews and consequently Connell, who based his studies off of Matthews, have theories that are historical in context and do not allow for differences such as time, place and diversity. Similarly, the theory of gender order does not account for gender norms varying from country to country, while gender inequity does not. (Pilcher Whelehan, 2004) Seen all over the world, perhaps the most universa l form of gender inequality is found in the work place. Woman are much less likely to be promoted to managerially and senior positions in work and are highly unlikely to be doing the same job as her male counter parts. For example, in the United States, less than ten percent of workers said they have a co-worker of a different gender who does the same job. (Ryle, 2015) A huge reason for this form of inequality and many more; is the negative qualities seen as being feminine or possessed by only women. Women are seen as the weaker sex, they are too emotional to take on high power roles and are better suited for care giving ones. These connections are directly related to the way in which gender is seen and taught by society. In the USA, women are more likely than men to have a college degree yet are more likely to live in poverty and have lower earnings than men. (Smilowitz, 2015) After examining the meaning of gender, how we learn gender through the socialisation process and societys gender order it is clear to see that all these factors lend their hand to gender inequality. Gender inequality is seen throughout the world, in ways that are often universal. And, contrary to popular belief does not only affect one gender but both and all genders. The social contrast of gender puts us a box. A box that aims to dictate how we will lead our lives based on our biological sex. Inequality runs rapid through our daily lives References Jolly, S., (2002). Issue 10: Culture, Sussex: In Brief . Macionis, J. Plummer, K., (2012). Gender and Sexualities. Third Edition ed. Harlow: Pearson Prentice Hall. Marchbank, J. Letherby, G., (2007). Introduction to Gender Social Science Perspective. First ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. Pilcher, J. Whelehan, I.,( 2004). 50 Key Concepts in Gender Studies. 1st ed. London: Sage Publications. Punch, S., Marsh, I., Keating, M. Harden, J., (2013). Sociology: Making Sense of Society. Fifth Edition ed. Harlow: Person Education Limited. Ryle, R.,( 2015). Questioning Gender: A Sociological Exploration. 2nd ed. California: Sage Publications. Smilowitz, A., (2015). For U.S. Women, Inequality Takes Many Forms The Huffington Post, 14 April, avaliable: [accessed 18 Mar 2017]
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Power President George W. Bush’s Speech On 9/11/01 -- Public Speak
The Power President George W. Bush’s Speech On 9/11/01 No one will forget the day we saw planes crash into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and perish into Shanksville, Pennsylvania’s countryside. On September 11, 2001 terror struck the heart of every American citizen. We did not know who was responsible for this mass murder and why anyone would do such a thing. Over 3,000 people died that gruesome day. 2,654 people were killed at the World Trade Center, 125 at the Pentagon, and 265 on the four airplanes the crashed. The country was in a state of turmoil and disbelief. That evening President George W. Bush gave a moving speech to console and unify our nation after the brutal attacks. After talking about Kenneth Burke’s pentad in class I felt that the "act" of President Bush’s speech was to address the citizens of the United States of America. The "scene" was September 11, 2001 in the United States of America. The "agent" was President George W. Bush. The "agency" was a televised speech. The "purpose" was to empower and unify the United States of America. I felt the r... The Power President George W. Bush’s Speech On 9/11/01 -- Public Speak The Power President George W. Bush’s Speech On 9/11/01 No one will forget the day we saw planes crash into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and perish into Shanksville, Pennsylvania’s countryside. On September 11, 2001 terror struck the heart of every American citizen. We did not know who was responsible for this mass murder and why anyone would do such a thing. Over 3,000 people died that gruesome day. 2,654 people were killed at the World Trade Center, 125 at the Pentagon, and 265 on the four airplanes the crashed. The country was in a state of turmoil and disbelief. That evening President George W. Bush gave a moving speech to console and unify our nation after the brutal attacks. After talking about Kenneth Burke’s pentad in class I felt that the "act" of President Bush’s speech was to address the citizens of the United States of America. The "scene" was September 11, 2001 in the United States of America. The "agent" was President George W. Bush. The "agency" was a televised speech. The "purpose" was to empower and unify the United States of America. I felt the r...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Graduation Speech: Thanks for the Good Times :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
Hello classmates of 2012. It is almost time for us to depart from one another. We will go our own ways and achieve our goals very soon, but before we go, I would like to share some memories with everyone. I have attended Tates Creek High School (TC) for two years. And during those two years, I have learned a lot from the school staff and from my peers. They all have taught me something new. This is what makes them so awesome. The school is small and so diverse that it makes it easier to meet everyone. It took me seven years in elementary school to get to know just about everyone, but at TC, I knew just about everyone in less than a year. The students are kind and very helpful. They help each other with assignments and help one another with catching up on homework when they have missed school. The staff here at TC are great. They help the students with questions on homework assignments and on just about anything. They are also here to listen to us and when we need someone to talk to, we can go talk to any one of them and they'll be there to help. We receive a lot of homework everyday, but it's no big deal. With many homework assignments, I am not able to slack off. I have to finish all of my assignmanets for one reason, and that reason is to not get any incomplete stamps. The homework load keeps me busy and keeps me from doing bad things that a lot of other middle school children are doing. There are nights where I have very little time or no time at all for fun, except for the weekends. On some days of the week, I have to do things after school. TC has set up enrichment classes for the students to do homework. I usually sign up for homework jumpstart, that way, I am able to get a jump start on my homework. The enrichment class helps me a lot, that way I'll have time to go do other things after school. TC has high standards for education. The staff here, at TC wants all of their students to be successful people in the future. They want what's best for us that's why they push us to try our best in everything we do. Our Basic Standard Testing scores are very high.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Essay --
What is the Better Purchase: LCD TV or Plasma TV? We live in a world of choice. In each moment, we are presented with the opportunity to choose from an array of options. The truth is, though, that we do not always make our choices consciously. Sometimes, instead of choosing what is best for our personal requirements, we fall in the trap of commercial tricks and purchase a product we do not need. When we want to make a choice based on facts and objective reasoning exclusively, we need to methodically analyze and compare each product based on the criteria that we value. In this essay, I will try to do just that when choosing between the two most popular types of TV’s – LCD and plasma. When entering the technical department of any supermarket or a high-tech store, many people ask themselves whether a LCD TV is better than a plasma TV or vice versa. To answer this question, we need to compare the two products based on several relevant technical criteria. From a layman’s eye, LCD and plasma TVs may look alike; however, a keen eye will notice the difference between these sets. These differences permit customers to have a manifold of choices based on their particular requirements. A plasma display comprises of two glass panels packed in compartmentalized spaces, with many small plasma cells. Plasma cells are normally charged to a precise electrical voltage level (Kith, Plasma TV Components). On the other hand, an LCD display is comprised of aqueous crystals that are normally preset between two panels of glass (Reed, Architecture of the TV). Displays are further enhanced by utilizing electricity voltage on the LCD TV set panel. As a result of such technical differences, a conclusion can be drawn that plasma TV sets are better in comp... ...y suit a hi-tech apartment of a young business person. Consumers should remember a couple of basic tips when choosing one type of TV over the other. For instance, if you want to fit a TV set into a huge space, then a plasma TV will do better due to the wider viewing angle and the lower price of big sizes. The debate about which TV set is better is far from over. In the end, the question lies more in the hands of the consumer. Next time you buy a plasma or LCD TV set, do not be surprised if your neighbor criticizes your choice. References: 1. Kith, Hendrick. Plasma TV Components. Hallwork Publishing. 2011. 2. Reed, Melanie. Architecture of the TV. Limpon Press. 2008. 3. Howard, Sarah. TV Comparisons: Modern. Francis Publishing. 2009. 4. Fields, Garry. Price Comparisons of Viewing. The Atlantis Times. 2012. 5. Franz, Liam. TV Statistics. The Seattle Daily. 2013.
Healthcare in Netherlands vs. U.S. Essay
Completing this assignment will require anywhere from 60-80 minutes. It will count as two response papers. This documentary is a case study in policy making. It helps us to learn about the mechanisms of making laws at the national level for high profile policies in America. In particular, this case focuses our attention on the role of powerful and wealthy interest groups in Washington, and how they can easily influence government and sway laws to their benefit. It also helps us to lean about who has power over and in government, who is represented, who has voice, influence, and who doesn’t. Please, watch â€Å"Obama’s Deal: PBS Documentary Exposing Corruption and the Role of Big Money and Powerful Lobby in American Policy Making Process†You may start filling out the questionnaire while you are watching the documentary. Simply copy these 14 questions into your response paper and answer them in the order of appearance. 1. What immediate problem did the president run into when initiating the healthcare reform? 2. Obama’s administration believed that taking on a healthcare reform is a test of what in American politics? According to Obama, it was intended to prove what? 3. Who opposed the healthcare reform under both Clinton and Obama? Who stood to lose from the healthcare reform? 4. What did the propaganda ads funded by insurance lobby advertise to the American public about the healthcare reform? Whose interests did they keep in mind when doing that? 5. Who could get to the congressional hearings on the healthcare reform? Was there anyone representing 50 million uninsured Americans at the congressional hearings? 6. While powerful insurance lobbyists initially stated that they would support the reform, what did they request in return and why? (hint: they wanted some feature added to the bill, what is that feature?) 7. Senator Baucus received $2.5 millions from insurance interest groups to do what? Whose interests did he represent? 8. Who is denied a seat at the negotiation table about the healthcare? Who is removed physically by guards from the press conference in the White House? 9. When in Congress senator Baucus introduced â€Å"Medicare prescription drug bill†, it was a payoff to drug and pharmaceutical industries for what? Who did the bill benefit (financially)c? 10. Insurance lobbyists (Ignani being one big player) spend tens of millions of dollars to defeat the health bill through ads that created panic, scare, rumors, and etc. Why? What is at stake for insurance and pharmaceutical lobbyists if a meaningful healthcare reform took place? 11. The answer to this question would require some speculation on your part: why do you think many Americans bought the negative campaign ads against the healthcare reform that were manufactured by the insurance lobby? Why did some ordinary Americans end up siding with greedy insurance and pharmaceutical lobbyists, even though saving money and health of working Americans is the last thing that those lobbyists cared about? 12. What does this documentary show us about the role of money and powerful interests in American politics? For whose benefits laws are made or blocked? Based on this case study, what would you say about who controls American political process? 13. What have you learned from this documentary that either reinforces or contradicts information from the textbook chapter 11 about interest groups? 14. Anything else you wish to state about your reaction to this case study in policy making: Background and further readings on healthcare policy in the U.S.: Healthcare is one of the most contentious policy areas in American politics. Some of the most conspicuous issues with healthcare provision in our country are: -medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcy for middle class and low income households in America -Insurance premiums and co pays are too high and limits for patients with preexisting conditions are numerous; insurance industry is fairly unregulated and has monopoly on setting the rules of the game on who and how they cover. -50 million Americans remain uninsured, with elderly, students/young, and workers in low paid or part time jobs that offer no health insurance benefits most affected. We do not have a public health option that would offer a choice aside from private care, just like we have public education/universal education for any American who does not wish to spend tons on private education -while we have such programs as Medicare (for the elderly), Medicaid (for low income families), and emergency rooms, they do not cover all those who need medical care; states became strict with qualifications for such programs, cutting funding and eliminating many Americans from qualifying. Emergency rooms, if you have been to one, do not offer quality care, preventative treatment, and many other essential services. Insurance does not cover pre-existing conditions; insurance plans have limits and co-pays that many people simply cannot afford once faced with a serious illness. -Healthcare is too expensive and inaccessible to many -What reforms are needed to address such disparities in healthcare? And more importantly, in our political system what reforms can or cannot be made? This documentary provides one way to think through the structure of policy making process in America. Supplementary/suggested readings: Start with understanding facts, numbers, and myths about Obama’s Affordable Care Act: Margaret Flowers: Obamacare did not go far enough, we still need universal health coverage for Americans: Number of uninsured Americans rises to 50.7 million: Census data on health coverage in America: Republicans who benefit from Obama’s healthcare bill are torn about the candidates: Listing some benefits for women under Obama’s healthcare bill, particular for potential cancer patients: Three myths about Obama’s Affordable Care Act: Republican presidential candidate Romney on healthcare: Public opinion about Obama’s healthcare bill: healthcare is complex in terms of public opinion–while a majority favored it’s repeal, large majorities actually favored each aspect of the law. Moreover, with the Supreme Court’s upholding the law, this seems to have made it more popular (but made the Court less so): Paul Ryan’s (runs as vice-president on the Republican ticket in 2012 election) plans to undercut social security and Medicare infuriate the elderly, he dismisses concerns with contempt and removal of a senior citizens from the hall: Healthcare debate in cross-cultural perspective: Canada vs. U.S. Healthcare in Netherlands vs. U.S.:
Monday, September 16, 2019
Importance of Fresh Water Essay
All living things on Earth need fresh water in order to survive But human beings become ill and may even die if they cannot get pure or clean and are forced to drink polluted water. Human beings can only last 3 day without fresh water. People died of thirst after the cyclone in 1999 because their supply of fresh water from irrigation channels was destroyed form tidal waves. However water is needed for many more purposes e.g. in agriculture and industries, but this water does not need to be fresh. Despite this there are still serious shortages in many countries for the purposes other than drinking. CAUSES FOR SHORTAGE OF WATER 1 The increases in populations, industries and irrigation The growth of population in many countries means that more water is required. The growth of population leads to the need for more goods and food. This leads to the increase in industries and in irrigated farmland. This means more water is required. 2 The pollution of fresh water supplies Even if there is sufficient fresh water in a country it may not all be good for drinking. Many villages in Pakistan depend on wells and rivers for their fresh drinking water. However chemicals used in the fields by farmers pollute some of these drinking water supplies. 3 the problems of the supply of fresh water Problems of the supply of fresh water in both rural and urban areas exist in the countries and in some countries. a) Fresh Water Supplies In Rural Areas In many rural areas in Pakistan and other countries there are no pipes o carry water to people’s homes or to their villages. Women and children may walk a long way each day to get their water. b) Fresh Water Supplies In Urban Areas Many villages have no piped water supply. But there are often serious problems of the supply of water even in urban areas where there are water pipes. This because of lack of distribution and transmission networks, leakages and power failures at pumping stations and because of rampant corruption in KWSB. It is also because hydrant owners continue to defy government regulations. Possible solutions for shortage of water in Pakistan Treatment of sewage It has been suggested that water suitable for industry and agriculture could be provided by treating sewage. However this would require a new and separate network of pipes which would be expensive to construct. Desalination of sea water This suggestion was rejected up to 2004 because of the high cost of building the desalination plants. However, in 2004 plans were announced to build Pakistan’s first desalination plants at Korangi Creek in Karachi and near Port Qasim. Disadvantage of desalination process Even though the desalination process benefits us, it can also harm the environment on the other hand. It cost too much money to pay for the plants. It reduces oxygen levels in the air and results in an increase of the density of any discharged waste water. Its unlimited source of water make more green house gasses so there for more pollution in the atmosphere .It doubles the amount of salt in the ocean’s and impacts on the environment for animals and humans.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Blue Shield Health Insurance Essay
The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) serves independent local Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies as its trade association. The BCBSA is one of the nation’s oldest and biggest health benefits company, widely recognized in the health insurance industry, given its 800 strong employee strength, across 39 companies in Chicago and Washington D. C. BCBSA companies together cover about 98 million people or about every one in three Americans. The reach and spread of the BCBSA is really immense covering all 50 states and the District of Columbia, in contract with over 90% of the hospitals and 80% of physicians. The products serviced by BCBSA covers individuals to small and large employers, ensuring coverage to all citizens. Through its several unprecedented and innovative schemes, Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association tries to bring healthcare insurance to all people providing hope and security to everyone. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association is an insurance provider covering healthcare for more than 98 millions, nearly one in three Americans. Healthcare insurance is a must for everyone. It is necessary to keep the economy going and growing because once the people are covered under some healthcare insurance, their medical needs are adequately taken care of, which makes their productivity go up because better health obviously results in better work performance. If the concept of insurance were not Blue Cross and Blue Shield 3 there, then every individual would have had to save a huge amount of money as reserve to cover some unforeseen or unexpected calamities. Healthcare is one aspect which can never be compromised. With the mounting medical expenses, people without a healthcare insurance can just not afford to avail proper preventive and therapeutic treatment. With the cost of medical services growing by leaps and bounds, healthcare insurance is imperative for one and all. Healthcare insurance company also stands to benefit because when they are likely to pay more in claims than what they get in premiums, a hike in the premium is anticipated. Under the employer-sponsored healthcare insurance, the employer spends roughly five times more than what the employee contributes. But the increasing medical costs have a great impact on the employers who have to pay out huge sums as premiums for their employees. From 1998 to 2003, there was a national increase of 42% in individual premiums after adjustments made with regard to inflation. With the increase in medical costs, employees are forced to contribute a sizable amount towards their coverage, so they opt to stay away from the job-based health insurance plans. The employers depend more on part-time and contract workers who are often not eligible for coverage. So fewer people access employer-paid healthcare insurance. The job instability too contributes in the steady increase of the number of uninsured people. And then there are some firms, which do not provide health insurance to their employees. With the shooting medical expenses, it is difficult for people to go for healthcare coverage, as the premiums are high. This leaves them uninsured, which again has drastic effects affecting Blue Cross and Blue Shield 4 both the people and the company. So, healthcare insurance has now become something that people can neither do with nor do without it. To combat this scenario, Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association brings various new schemes taking into consideration the needs of every individual. With no insurance and with the exorbitant medical expenses, the health care of the people is greatly compromised. They go in for lesser preventive care with the result diseases get out of hand before they are diagnosed, and even when diagnosed, the treatment costs are so huge that the therapeutic care is compromised. With no insurance, people are expected to pay up-front for the medical services and so they defer medical care except when it is life threatening. This also affects the government because it has to cater to the medical needs of the uninsured, which has a terrible impact on the economy because the expenses of the emergency department is much higher than in the outpatient clinics, and the conditions are often those that could have been averted or postponed with preventive care. Proper health insurance package is the icing on the cake. The medical expenses are so much that healthcare insurance acts as a major deciding factor when people seek jobs. With the ever-increasing medical expenses, every individual has to be insured medically so that they can avail the needed healthcare. But with the increased insurance premiums, the number of uninsured people is on the high. Furthermore, insurances have too many exclusions like certain drugs not being covered, certain Blue Cross and Blue Shield 5 procedures not being covered and the like, which again discourages people from being insured, which is detrimental to the citizens as well as the country at large. Even with insurance, the prospects of the people losing their jobs and thereby their insurances is there. There definitely have to be changes in the system so that every individual could be worked into the health insurance plan. The view of Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association president and CEO Scott P Serota testifies this â€Å"With such divergent political ideologies, it is unprecedented for these groups to have a joint agreement. Helping the millions of Americans who do not have health insurance is an issue that needs to transcend politics and partisanship, and that is why we worked together to give Congress a starting point that we can all support. †The 2005 data shows that one in seven American was uninsured thus depriving them of basic healthcare. The Institute of Medicine has that approximately 18,000 die every year of diseases that could have either been treated or prevented had they had health coverage. Lack of insurance prevents people leading a quality life, and it also brings down their productivity because of their recurrent ailments. The first annual National Walk @ Lunch Day to be held on Wednesday, April 18, 2007, by BCBSA (Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association) will definitely bring about an awareness among people about the need for an active lifestyle, which obviously would usher in better health. Unlike the usual health insurance companies, Blue cross and Blues Shield Association design innovative schemes to match the diversified requirement of the market. It does a Blue Cross Blue shield 6 lot of activity to keep the competition at bay. Even though profit making is the main objective in any organization, Blue cross and Blues Shield Association takes care that it does not become the sole objective. A paradigm shift in this regard is obvious by the mere existence of CareFirst, the non profit health care company which provides health insurance products and administrative services. In the current scenario where the number of uninsured people is on the rise, Blue cross and Blues Shield Association has to be applauded for its efforts in trying to bring the maximum people under the healthcare insurance cover. REFERENCES www. nchc. org www. bcbs. com www. money. cnn. com
Saturday, September 14, 2019
College Participation Essay
One of the best things we can do after high school is to continue our education by going to college. During a high school career fair, students may find themselves asking: â€Å"Why is it important to go to college? †Well, it is important because at college, students try new things, meet new people and expand their knowledge of the world. Higher education also improves their chances of having the lives and the job they always wanted. However, it is not as easy as they think. Students can get distracted by different things in college, which can prevent them from success and achieving their goals. In most cases, lack of class participation is one of the factors that could directly affect their education and increase their chances to quit college. Boring instructors and time management could be the obstacles for students to not participate in class activities. â€Å"My class is so boring†, â€Å"My instructor talks all the time†, â€Å"I fall asleep in my class††¦ are popular sayings from college students. Why should students go to class when everything from the lectures can be found easily from the book? When the lectures are so boring and the instructors basically just represent the information from the book, students would think that it is not necessary for them to go class, so they skip. Moreover, there are instructors who just go to class with a mission: talk. They keep going on and on without any class activities for students to participate in. This makes class participation even harder for students who attend class regularly and have questions or topics they want to discuss. As a result, students easily fall asleep during the lectures. Next, time management could be considered one of the biggest barriers that prevents students from class participation. Part-time jobs, friends and school activities can occupy most of the time if students do not know how to manage their time well. College students may vary where they come from. They could be high school graduate students or people who come back after years to have higher education in order to achieve their goals. But, they all cannot fully function as well as normal if they had to work until 12 the night before and then go to class at 8 in the morning. Since some have to earn money for tuition, their jobs occupy most of their time rather than finishing their homework and preparing for classes in the next day. On the other hand, in college, students always meet new friends and new people, so hanging out with them will just be a part of a student’s schedule. It can put them in trouble if they cannot balance themselves between spending time on school work and friends. It is even harder for those who are school athletes. It is impossible for them to be able to finish their homework and to prepare for class after hours of sport practices. With unfinished homework, lack of sleep and no class preparation, students will just attend classes with empty brains. Despite great lectures from the instructors, they all will just fall asleep during class or hardly join class activities. As a result, lack of class participation would prevent students from deeply understanding the lectures, increasing their chances to fall in the path of getting bad grades on exam. Class participation helps student to interact with each other and with teacher. It is an opportunity for students to practice in-class problems in order to deeply understand the lectures. It also helps them to better prepare for the assignments and exams. Unlike in high school, in college, students may have to finish a book in a short quarter. Dealing with large amounts of information in the short time, students may find it difficult to memorize details from the lectures and the book if they do not understand the lectures in depth. If so, it becomes difficult for them be able to score high in the exam because a test in college usually covers at least three to four chapters. Thus, it would not be strange if they got bad grades in the exams. On the other hand, in some classes, participation in class could be counted as a participation grade which can affect the student’s grade in general. One more important thing is that the instructors sometimes use the discussion questions for the upcoming test, so it would be a big disadvantage for those who attended class but did not actually participate in class activities. By having too many bad grades, students will just drop out of class or, the worst thing could happen, they quit. Approximately three million students enroll in some form of college every year; however, 33% drop out each year. From lack of class participation, students will feel alone and school becomes the most boring place they have to go to every day. They do not see the importance of going to college. Students will just quit to find a job that can fit them in. In order to have students participate in class, instructors should have some strategies to make their lecture more interesting to students and create interactive activities such as rolling dice to have students answer question or group discussions†¦ However, students also have to actively prepare for classes and participate in class activities. Checklists and to-do lists can be a student’s best friends if they have trouble with managing their time. By doing so, students can balance their time on school works and outside activities more effectively and have more spare time for themselves. When students find it more interesting to participate in class, it means they are one step closer to be successful in college. Because the more time students participate in class, the more knowledge they can gain and the more successful they can be.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Jane Eyre Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Jane Eyre - Coursework Example On the very first page it is made clear that the prevailing upper class view of childhood is one of repression and dominance, since Jane finds herself in a new family, but not of the same status as the original children in that family. The mother, Mrs Reed makes it clear that Jane is an outsider, because of her birth, and that she is inferior and must learn to submit to those who are in some indefinable way superior to her when she says: â€Å"Jane, I don’t like cavillers or questioners: besides, there is something truly forbidding in a child taking up her elders in that manner. Be seated somewhere; and until you can speak pleasantly, remain silent.†(Bronte: 1922, p. 1) The tone of this cold mother figure is that of criticism and command, making it quite clear that Jane does not deserve the privileges of upper class childhood, because she does not possess the ability to hide her own feelings, keep quiet, and submit to the will of adults. The other children in the famil y, and their nurse Bessie, conspire to treat her with contempt and, at times violence, but the blame for any conflict always falls upon Jane. Appalled by the unjustness of it all, Jane’s instinct to use her reason against this â€Å"unupportable oppression†(Bronte: 1922, p. 9) is what saves her from being completely overcome. This shows a child who has developed a strong sense of right and wrong, and a firm determination to endure the hardships of childhood so that she can escape into a time where she can make her own decisions. There is a long tradition in European literature of works about childhood, and they often take the form of the Bildungsroman which is a German term meaning a novel of education. Kern defines this genre as follows: â€Å"The central feature of the Bildungsroman is the protagonist’s progress of psychological and moral growing and developing from childhood until finally maturity. The central figure has a good look at certain fields in lif e and works out his relation to them until he finally achieves true self-knowledge and is in accord with the world and himself.†(Kern: 2007, p. 4) The purpose of childhood in this genre is to provide a starting point for this journey of self-discovery. Jane’s unhappiness in her adoptive family is soon replaced by another kind of institutionalized unhappiness at the dreadful boarding school called Lowood. Here all the proper and dutiful attitudes of female childhood are drummed into the girls. The language used by the first person narrator makes it seem like a prison, and the religiosity of the regime is linked again and again with the extreme cold: â€Å"Sundays were dreary days in that wintry season. We had to walk two miles to Brocklebridge Church, where our patron officiated. We set out cold, we arrived at church colder †¦ â€Å" (Bronte: 1922, p. 55) Bronte stresses the cold and the poverty partly to emphasise the warmth and consoling power of human relation ships. In the absence of parents, Jane finds inspiration in her admiration for Miss Temple, and in the absence of brothers and sisters, she finds affection for Helen Burns. Eyre shows a childhood that is filled with physical hardship and yet an inner core of humanity remains within the child Jane,
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Unit 4 assessment professionalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Unit 4 assessment professionalism - Essay Example By making the open door policy as an important policy in the organization ensures that the management and the subordinates understand what is required of them as guided by the policy. Further, by ensuring that it is part of policies in the organization is important in creating an organizational culture, which promotes open communication where every member is able to approach any other member of the organization who can address a given issue effectively (Malin, 2000). On the other hand, having a policy in place also helps in ensuring that the scope of what is permissible or not is addressed effective lest it turns the policy in to ineffective one, which causes more problems to the organization. In this case, the policy allows for order in the organization, where members respect each other and that they know what and where the policy is applicable (Anderson and Bolt, 2011). Lastly, a policy ensures that all individuals, both in the management and subordinate understand their responsibi lities towards the policy. Question 2: As a supervisor, you observe, on numerous occasions, one of your best customers intently abusing two of your most valuable employees. What steps do you take to protect your staff members? It is import for an organization to ensure that both the employees and customers have a good environment where they can engage each other with respect and professionally. Of great significance is the recognition of the importance of the customer, who should be well served and his/her needs addressed effectively and professionally. However, when customers become abusive on the employees, it is important for the organization to stand up to defend them from such abuse (DuPont, 1998). In many nations including the US, UK, South Africa and many more have legislation, which protects staff by forbidding certain behavior by customers. It is however important to know that the leadership of an
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Questions asked, Explain below questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Questions asked, Explain below questions - Essay Example The situation of the economy, such as economic booms and economic meltdown is a key competitive factor in global Smartphone industry. Economic meltdown will reduce the disposable income of customers. At that point of time companies are going for less costly smart phones. If the economy is booming customer’s disposable income would increase and companies starts to compete on high-end smart phones. Reliability of the brand and user friendliness of the smart phones is also a very key competitive factor affecting the company seriously. Before buying any smart phones customers search for different attribute and features like applications, internet speed, picture qualities etc (James, Laurence and Changhoon, 2011, PP. 343-353). These are the areas where modern players are competing very hard among each other. Static competitions are those competitions which remains same over the longer period of time. It does not change according to the situations. This sector is very much competitive in terms of static competition. Large players are constantly competing with each other. Difference between two large players is always very close. User friendliness, customer satisfaction are remains the static criterion of competitions. Legalities, patent rights of different companies are also important static competition. This market also has lots of dynamic competitions. This kind of competitions is short term. These are very situational in nature. Local small Smartphone brands can pose this competition in front of large global players. It can come up with new different applications which can attract customers. It poses lots of dynamic competitions in this industry. The Dynamic competitions some times are in terms of pricing strategies also. Yes, these two criterions diverge from one another. The above discussion is showing that static completion is not at all situational. This competition is always
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Explain a company's cost of capital and how it is calculated Essay
Explain a company's cost of capital and how it is calculated - Essay Example This means that since the investor provided the capital, there is a rate of return that would be demanded by them to compensate them for the time value of their money and the risk that they have to incur in investing. For this risk, cost of capital is sometimes called as hurdle rate. And for a project to be considered approved, it must earn more than its hurdle rate. The cost of capital determines how a company can raise money through issuing bonds, borrowing or both (, 2011). Determining the cost of capital is important in capital budgeting, determination of a company’s Economic Value Added (EVA), deciding when to lease or purchase of assets and regulation of electric, gas and telephone companies. The cost of capital is specific to each particular type of capital that the company uses (, 2011). It could be the cost of equity or the cost of debt or the combination of both. The cost of equity is the rate of return on equity required by a company i mplicitly estimated using valuation ratios. The differences in the cost of equity is an important component of differences in the ratings at which different companies and sectors trade. The cost of capital of a security is for the valution of the securities.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Article critque Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Article critque - Essay Example Stark says that managers must also include all employees who work in the organization as part of the planning process, instead of only relying on other finance officers. Stark suggests that there needs to be a plan that establishes the business need for a forecast and that it should be followed for best results. He outlines a plan for them. In order to create a plan, Stark suggests that when the organization is making the forecast, they should use at least two years of data. This data should include data from "multiple healthcare information systems (HIS), spreadsheets, small departmental databases and enterprise data warehouse information (p. 2). These sources will give the most accurate forecast. He suggest that data has to come "in their pure form" to make the forecast completely accurate. They also have to find a way to gather the information before it is purged from their system (he explains that most healthcare organizations purge data around the two year mark). Once the information is gathered it should be examined in a visual way either through trend, distribution or scatter graphs to see whether it is "clean data" or "to find anomalies" (p. 3). Once the information is gathered, a model is then build using either a "cause and effect, time series [or] judgment model," depending on the needs of the particular hea lthcare business (p. 3). According to the biographic information, Stark is VP of product management for an organization called MedeFinance. Although he works in finance the model he used seems to be left up to the individual organizations to interpret as to how to use it. Parts 3 and 4 of the model that have to do with building the model and evaluation of the model are difficult to understand for the lay person. If this was something that was being explained to employees other than financial people, it would be better written in laymens terms. Also, some financial managers may have difficult understanding the
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Book review for chinese whispers by Hsiao-Hung Pai Literature
Book for chinese whispers by Hsiao-Hung Pai - Literature review Example ntensity brought out the issues that the Chinese workers face each day, and how although there is a high awareness of the issues being faced by people working in the sweatshops in developing countries like India and China, however one thing which most people tend to overlook is the people who work at the local sweatshops even now operating within Britain. The author brings out in this book that there is a major issue that the Chinese migrant workers tend to face mainly due to high levels of exploitation and due to their own vulnerable nature as well. The author has very effectively explained the ill effects of globalization and has also brought out how the boom of the new Chinese economy is in a number of ways killing a number of people within the country itself. The author brings out that the strategic decisions being made by people to overcome and stop the sweatshops and child labor in other developing counties is not the only areas that need to be considered. The sweatshops within Britain are also following unruly manners of dealing with the people and to a great extent, are leaving the Chinese illegals to be living in inhumane conditions. This needs first attention and focus rather than focusing on other areas in other countries. Although the author does not express this as incorrect strategy, the author tries to explain the need to stop the Chinese exploitation in the UK. The Chinese are brought to the country illegally and are forced to work in different jobs with no breaks and made to live in inhumane conditions with no care from anyone. This the author explains is a major issue in the strategies of people trying to assist and cut down the ill – treatment of people. This is a sector of the society that needs assistance and needs to be focused upon to help the people and to ensure that the people are not exploited. The main errors here is that although the people have the work permits and are allowed to work, the policies in the United Kingdom government
Saturday, September 7, 2019
How can public transport systems be improved in the uk Essay
How can public transport systems be improved in the uk - Essay Example The UK toad transport system, for example, is faced by endless traffic jams and expensive parking spots (Paulley et al 2006). This has called for improvement of the UK transportation system. More than other areas, the public transportation system needs improvement in order to serve members of the public better. A good public transportation system is vital in building a good society, in addition to creating a strong economy. A good public transportation system for the UK should be fair for all users and be properly integrated to ensure the effective flow of door-to-door transport services. To achieve this, public transport stakeholders should work together with local authorities and transport operators to improve rail and public road transport (Paulley et al 2006). There should also be improved access to public transportation system through good cycle paths, roads, and sidewalks for pedestrians. Furthermore, the transport systems, especially roads should have traffic signs which go a long way in easing traffic flow, reducing accidents, and providing direction to members of the public. A good public transport will ensure that people do not use their personal cars every time they travel, which is important in reducing congestion on the roads (Litman et al 2008). Reduced use of personal cars will also help in reducing carbon emission and consequently contribute toward the achievement of a cleaner environment. Currently, trains are found far away from many people’s places of residence and are often congested (Wiltshire Council 2011). The current train and bus services cannot compete with personal cars in terms of cost, comfort, and convenience. Furthermore, many bus and train operators are offer low quality services, are expensive, and charge varying fares. Public transport services can be improved through the implementation of traffic management systems (Wiltshire Council 2011). This will help free buses from
The Play Medea Case Essay Example for Free
The Play Medea Case Essay In the play Medea, Euripides recognises the lack of gender equality of his time and comments on the patrichial nature of ancient Greek society. A feminist theme resonates in the play and has been developed through the characterisation of Medea and Jason. Medea, the female protagonist, is portrayed as powerful figure. Medea is spurned and aggrieved by a man but instead of accepting the situation submissively as she would have been expected to do, she asserts her own power. Furthermore, when King Creon decides to banish her, she doesnt hesitate to argue persuasively on her own behalf despite his position of power. She naturally assumes that she has the right to speak as a man might do. Medea recognizes the oppression of women in her society when she declares we women are the sorriest lot: first we must at great expenditure of money but a husband and even take on a master of our body. However, Medea herself denounces women by admitting that they were born useless for honest purposes suggesting that womans skills lie solely in the ability to exert their will by deceit and manipulation. Her deceptive nature is evident in the nature of the murder of Glauce by giving gifts laced with poison. Medea argues that although women have a deserved reputation for treachery, they only do so as the patriarchal society to which they belong deprives them of any other avenues of power. Yet Medeas response to masculine exploitation surpasses any reasonable measures by her horrific murder of her children. The audience is positioned to be shocked and unsympathetic towards her actions. Medeas actions are portrayed as hers alone not indicative of the natural behavior of women and Euripide s acknowledges that the social injustice experienced by Medea cannot absolve her personal accountability for her actions. In the play through his characterisation of Jason, Euripides mocks the mens supposed entitlement to authority and supremacy over women. Jason, the key male figure, from the onset of the play reveals himself to the audience to be a weak character, at odds with his reputation as a hero. His abandonment of his obedient wife, Medea, his greed-driven re-marriage and his inability to admit his own culpability in the drama that ensued, portrays him to the audience as vapid, vacuous man whose actions are fuelled almost entirely by self-interest. His constant emasculation of Jason by his depiction as a weak and flawed character makes him appear unsympathetic to the audience. Medea is a strong-willed and powerful individual whose personality traits would be stereotypically attributed to a male character whilst Jasons self-obsessed and treacherous ways would more often be linked to a female character. Through the depiction of Medea and Jason, Euripides makes the conjecture their characters are both highly flawed and so they should be condemned for their deeds rather than for the gender.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Outward and inward investment in Mexico and Brazil Essay Example for Free
Outward and inward investment in Mexico and Brazil Essay This paper compares Brazil and Mexico regarding outward and inward investment, labor costs in both countries and public policies; it also discusses dunning theory in regard to Brazil and Mexico, the comparison between the two countries in terms of investments in which case Brazil is viewed in outward investment while Mexico is viewed in terms of inward investment. The paper also highlights about North America free trade agreement and its relation and effects to both Brazil and Mexico. The J curve: A reduction in the value of a currency as compared to different monetary units varying from one country to the other is what is referred to devaluation. In relation to a country’s trade balance and in which case there is a devaluation this is what is referred to as the J curve. A country’s exchange rate may be lower therefore meaning that exports are much cheaper than the imports. If imports are more expensive it means that the local consumers will find it very hard to buy the imported goods due to their costly prices. Also when the exports are cheaper it means that the foreign consumers will enjoy the affordability of the prices and they will buy more of the exported products and services. In the case of a lower exchange rate it means that the prices of exports are very much lower than those of the imports. Exports sell fore very little foreign currency and hence the foreign consumers buy more due to the low prices. This means that the consumption of the exported goods is higher and hence there is an increase in the exports due to their affordability and also their competitive prices. On the contrary the local consumers cannot afford the imported products since their prices are costlier. It also means that the consumption of imported products by the domestic users will go down due to their being unaffordable though eventually the trade balance may get back to what it was initially. The only reason that may ensure that the imports and exports volumes remain as they were before e is the contracts in a case where there had been an agreement to supply certain products and at a certain price. It means that the both volume and also the reduction in the value of the currency will remain at the same level. However devaluation causes the increase in prices of the imported products, therefore increasing the overall expenses of the imports. It makes the total amount used in imports to increase. For a long period of time devaluation can ensure that the local consumer prefers to buy local products since they are more affordable to them thus keeping away from the imported goods which are much more expensive. Also the demand for exported goods and services goes up. Since the foreign consumers find them more affordable and they find their prices very competitive. Foreign consumers may continue buying the imported goods and keep away from their domestic products since the imported products and services are much cheaper and more affordable to them than their own domestically available products and services. Outward and inward Investment Brazil is an outward investor. Its outward investment has increased over the years although t has also been fluctuating. Brazil practiced foreign direct investment widely, even though it kept fluctuating and sometimes rising sharply. Brazil’s outward investment is directed towards other countries. There has also been a reduction in infrastructure investment, but due to its outward investment it has not affected its company’s labor force. Brazil’s service industries do not require very large investments of capital and still it has managed to provide remarkable services to its foreign clients. It also considers outward investments for financial gains more than anything else. This means that great emphasis is laid on financial transactions other than gains in other services. A large share of Brazils output is through exports. The biggest challenge they face in investing outwardly is inadequate information about markets as well as regulations and rules in those countries where they consider investing. They also face competition from products form other countries and international markets as well as imported products available in their market. In this case they are required to establish key markets of their interests and also create an asset base in order to increase potential for outward foreign direct investment. On the other hand Mexico is open to inward investment. A fall in foreign direct investment prompted Mexico to attract very little international and foreign investments. Domestic investment has also gone down; most of its foreign investment is in ventures held jointly with Mexican firms. Mexico is not as wealthy as Brazil due to its poorly performing public sector but it has been seen to multiply its growth in income. It also has a very authoritative system which was expected to produce high quality public policies with very positive effects. Its policy stability is enhanced by political continuity. Public policies Both Brazil and Mexico are said to be the most attractive in Latin America for foreign investment although Brazil is expected to replace Mexico thus becoming the most attractive while Mexico will fall in the second place. Brazil would like to solidify its position as an emerging country. All rounded in policy making. The country would like to come up with a strategy of development and high level of growth. They have put in place strategies of innovation. Enhanced by agricultural and other fields experts. However thy have faced challenges in trying to implement their innovations. Although their funding for the innovations as well as better legislation has enhanced an improvement achieving the innovations. Major challenges include the lack of clear government guidelines, poor coordination of innovation policies by the government. In Brazil domestic policies are not connected to its international agenda. It’s trying very hard to be domestically innovative which is not the case internationally. Labor costs In Brazil an equivalent job, warrants equal pay. Purchasing power parities determine that equal pay occurs when there is an equal purchasing power. This means that the price levels in different countries are eliminated by the currency conversion. In the year 2003 Mexico and Brazil manufacturing workers earned an hourly wage of $2. 48 and $2. 67 respectively. The cost of living in Mexico is much higher than that of Brazil. Mexico is however considered a middle income country. The North America Free Trade Agreement: The North America free trade agreement is not likely to improve the standards of living and employment in Mexico. Infact it is anticipated to hurt the rural employment in Mexico and prompting worker to migrate to the cities as well as to the united states of America. This is due to the fact that the North America free trade agreement focuses on profits other than wages. However its main focus is investments from the United States of America to Mexico. The investment in manufacturing will not address the issue of unemployment in Mexico since the main focus is not on the employees wages but on profits from the investments. This will cause and increase unemployment due to a reduction in the wages. Conclusion: From the above discussion Brazil is an outward investor. Meaning it participates in direct foreign investment. Its investment is directed to other countries, while Mexico is more open to inward investment, this refers to domestic investments and having shares in both retail and wholesale trade. Most of Mexico’s foreign investment is practiced as joint ventures with other Mexican firms. The cost of living in Mexico is much higher than in Brazil where as the labor costs in Mexico are much lower than those of Brazil. Brazil is the most attractive in foreign investment while Mexico is considered to be a middle income country. The North America free trade agreement favors Brazil since it is more economically liberated than Mexico. Since Mexico is not a rich country, though, it is an upwardly developing income country. Its political system is stable and can manage to come up with agreements to solve its social problems. The reason behind Mexico not being very wealthy or why it is not as economically stable as Brazil, is due to it’s under performing public sector. The political system is authoritarian and is favorable for a good economic growth. It has the approval of North America free trade agreement and has no trade barriers. On the other hand Brazil is seen as an emerging country. More developed than Mexico in terms of strategy of development and innovation. Brazil is all rounded in laying down strategies of development and modes of innovation and it has also been seen to implement its innovations and also it is supported by its government is implementing its innovation strategies. The challenges faced by Mexico is the lack of clear guidelines from its government on development and also a public sector which does not perform very well as well as having experienced a very slow economic growth. As for Brazil the major challenge is lack of information or inadequate information about markets and also the rules and regulations of the foreign countries where they intend to do foreign investment which has to be followed. Another major challenge is the competition faced from other products from other countries and also from the international markets. References: George Grayson (1993) The North American Free Trade Agreement, Foreign Policy Association press,U. S Global alliance (2007) brazil wage gap, retrieved on 11th november, 2008, available at http://74. 125. 113. 104/search? q=cache:UBYFdiNhlXYJ:www. jussemper. org/Resources/Labour%2520Resources/WGC/Resources/WagegapsBra2005. pdf+wage+rate+mexico+and+brazilhl=enct=clnkcd=1gl=ke John Sloan (1994) Public Policy in Latin America: A Comparative Survey, University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh Robert Gwynne (2005) industrialization and urbanization in Latin America, Routledge press, London Paul Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld (1997) International Economics: Theory and Policy, Addison Wesley publishers, New York. Peter Dickens (1992) Global Shift: The Internationalization of Economic Activity, McGraw Hill publishers, New York.
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