Wednesday, October 30, 2019
What are the effects of sleep deprivation on teenagers Research Paper
What are the effects of sleep deprivation on teenagers - Research Paper Example Teenagers, today indulge in a wide array of activities which may stretch well into the night for example, partying, playing games, online socialising and studying for exams etc. It is recommended that an average teenager needs about 9-9.5 hours of proper sleeps. However, today teenagers barely sleep for the recommended period of time which has negative consequences both on their body functioning and mental health. In fact long term deprivation of sleep may even have serious implications on the health. This has become a matter of concern for parent, educators and researchers who recommend that proper sleep is absolutely essential for both physical and mental growth. Sleep is the period in which the body rests and recovers from the stress it experienced during the day. The body and all its metabolic processes are accustomed to a particular biological clock which is affected severely by sleep deprivation. Several research studies have focused on the association between lack of sleep and hormonal release in the body. Hormones play an important role in the development of the teenagers; however owing to lack of sleep hormonal release is altered which has negative effects on the body mechanism. Researchers have pointed out that sleep restriction alters metabolic and endocrine systems. Hormones that regulate glucose metabolism have been shown to be influenced by changes in sleep patterns. Young adults who are deprived of sleep show increased glucose tolerance, reduction in insulin sensitivity, enhanced cortisol and ghrelin concentration in the evenings and a loss of appetite (Leprult and Cauter, 2010). The altered regulation in glucose metabolism has not only led to an increase in obesity among teenagers but has also led to an increase in Type II diabetes. Lack of sleep also affects immunity of developing teenagers. Sleep deprivation has been associated with increased lymphocyte activity and enhanced levels of Interleukin-1
Monday, October 28, 2019
Explain the new Features of the New Deal Essay Example for Free
Explain the new Features of the New Deal Essay In October 1929 the Wall Street stock market crashed in New York and panic selling of shares caused a wave of bankruptcies, destroying all confidence in businesses and investors. The great Depression led to 13 million people being unemployed. President Hoover, the government did nothing at all to help the Americans, he didn’t even think of helping them rebuild the American economy. In 1932 president Roosevelt came into power in the presidential elections. He had many concerns and considerations for the Americans and the economy. The first stage of the act of the New Deal to put the US back to work and create jobs in 1933 he introduced the first Acts during the hundred days, which involved the creation of Alphabet Agencies to deal with the economic problems. By 1935, the Supreme Court thought some of the New Deal laws as interfering too much. , so then Roosevelts response was to introduce the second stage of reform- The second New Deal. The 3 aims of the New Deal were: Relief; Recovery and Reform. Which were introduced by Roosevelt- the three ‘R’s’. Relief was measures to help relieve the suffering of the unemployed. Recovery was to try to rebuild the depression-shattered economy and Reform was aimed to give workers better working conditions and fairer wages. The aim of the relief was achieved by the: Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC); Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA); public works Administration (PWA); Home owners Loans Corporation (HOLC) and the works Progress Administration (WPA). The Civilian Conservation Act was set up to provide work for unemployed men under 25 years by encouraging them to work on projects in the countryside such as fish farming, planting trees and strengthening river banks. They also organised the army. The PWA stood for Public Works Administration, their aim was to use Unemployed unskilled workers to work on a large scale of public construction such as roads and bridges. The main part of the act was to set up public construction for the large scale building work, to build schools, hospitals and city halls. The FERA was set up to stop the threat of starvation that existed by making grants to local and state governments to help them give relief to the unemployed. Roosevelt thought that the right way to help the unemployed was to put them back to work after the threat of starvation was over instead of just giving them money. The HOLC stood for Home Owners Loans Corporation, the aim of this act was to ensure that people could continue to repay their mortgages. The government gave low interest rates to home owners to allow them to continue paying their mortgages until they were unemployed. The WPA stood for Works Progress Administration. Their aim was to find emergency short-term employment for unskilled workers in construction projects. The Acts that were part of the New Deal and helped with Recovery were: The Emergency Banking Act; the Securities Act; the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA); the National Recovery Administration (NRA) and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). The Emergency Banking Act aimed to solve the financial crisis after the Wall Street Crash by forcing all banks to remain close for 4 days. This actually worked and saved all the banks. The Securities Act was about providing full information about the companies issuing new shares, to the public. This established with a Securities and Exchange Commission in 1934 which was giving powers to control the activities of the stock market. It was the AAA’s duty to solve agriculture’s most serious problem which was over-production. Prices were low and farmers were unable to make a decent living. Roosevelt paid farmers to stop producing. The AAA gave the government power to destroy surplus food and give farmers compensation. The NRA stood for National Recovery Administration; they tried to create partnership between government and Industry to get rid of Child Labour, Long hours and Low pay. Each industry would agree an employment code with a government. The code was to guarantee workers fairer working conditions and wages. The TVA stood for Tennessee Valley Authority. The main parts of the act was to help encourage industry come to the hard hit valley and to build damn to use hydroelectric power of the river. Finally, there were parts of the New Deal that helped to reform the USA. They were: Collecting Bargaining; the Wagner Act and the social securities Act. Collective bargaining was where workers had the right to collective bargaining of wages. This gave an enormous boost to the trade unions. The Wagner act (1935) was the given right for workers to join the trade union which restored protection for the workers also. The Social Securities Act was introduced in 1935. This provided old age pensions, unemployment benefits and financial support for the handicapped. It was funded by contributions paid by workers, employers and the government. In Conclusion, when Roosevelt came into power he aimed to achieve relief, recovery and reform. The CCC, FERA, WPA and the HOLC. The emergency banking act, the Securities Act, NRA, AAA and the WPA achieved recovery. Collective Bargaining, Wagner Act and the Social Securities Act achieved reform. These Acts were all produced to help America by these 3 aims.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Beloved and Numerology Essay -- essays papers
Beloved and Numerology In literature, numbers are used to communicate important messages to the reader. The author uses references to numbers to strengthen the important ideas of the novel. In many cultures numbers carry an important or significant meaning to them. These numbers can carry a meaning more efficiently than using only words. In Beloved, Toni Morrison uses references to numbers to emphasize the significant ideas of the novel. Morrison uses these numbers to represent the persistence of slavery brought upon in Sethe’s life, her children’s life, Paul D.’s life, and Baby Suggs life, after slavery has ended. These references to numbers are important because they show how these characters are affected after it has ended. Through physical means, through the actions of these characters, and through psychological means of these characters, Morrison shows the haunting continuation and aftereffects of slavery. In many novels the first sentence is the most important sentence in the novel. The first sentence can set the way for the remainder of the novel. In Beloved the first sentence, and first word of the entire novel uses numbers. Because numbers are used first, before any words, I find that the references to numbers are very important. 124 is in the first sentence on the first page. The sentence states, â€Å"124 WAS SPITEFUL†(Morrison 3). This sentence is in all capital letters and also bold print. This shows an importance that this reference to numbers has on the novel. This number used on the page sets up the haunting story of slavery in one particular black household. The number refers to the house number in which the main characters live in. This house, 124, is haunted by the ghost of the baby of the main ch... ...acters, through physical aspects and through psychological aspects. 124 and the two different representations of Beloved is the physical aspect of enslavement. The different actions of the characters that live in 124 represent the replay of roles of slavery. And the trinity represents a psychological aspect to show these characters still think, mentally, that they are slaves. The references to numbers also let the characters realize that they should not feel enslaved anymore. Because of the numbers that Morrison it both ties the characters directly back to act and think as a slave, and the numbers let the characters know that they should not be enslaved any longer. Morrison uses the references to numbers to strengthen the idea that the haunting continuation of slavery persisted even after slavery ended. Works Cited Morrison, Toni. Beloved. New York: Plume, 1988
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Carbon Market and Energy Efficiency Targets in the EU
Power Prospect 9.9MW Rice-Husk Power Plant: ( 2neodymiumIssue ) CERs Issued:25,978tCO2vitamin E Verification Period: 1 Sep 2010 – 31 Dec 2011 The biomass works uses rice chaff ( which is godforsaken merchandise from rice Millss ) as a fuel to bring forth electricity. The works displaces fossil fuel to bring forth electricity, thereby helps to cut down to GHG emanation. The capacity of the works is 9.9MW, whereas big proportion of the electricity sold to Provincial Electricity Authority ( PEA ) under Very Small Power Producer Program, staying power used in-house ingestion and supply neighbouring Nakron Laung Rice Mill ( NLRM ) . In order to accomplish the consistence in energy supply to PEA the Power Prospect Company Ltd ( PPCL ) plans to secure 60 % of the rice chaff from the neighbouring NLRM factory and 40 % of the chaff from other Millss nearby. The works has a possible to provide 70,246 MWh of PEA and 35,348tCO2e one-year over one-year norm over the crediting period of estimated GHG emanation decrease. Further, undertaking has certain advantages such as GHG emanation decrease potency, since it displaces fossil fuel for power coevals, helps to run into turning demand for power in Thailand and better in support for local population by making occupations. Lopburi Solar Power works Undertaking: ( 1stissue ) CER Issue:122,828tCO2vitamin E Verification Period: 1 Jan 2012 – 31 December 2013 The Lopburi Solar Power works is a Greenfield Project of Natural Energy Development Co. , Ltd. ( NED ) , Lopburi state Thailand. The works considered as a one of the largest solar PV power workss in the universe and first large-scale undertaking solar PV in Thailand. The works uses the sunshine as energy beginning for bring forthing C impersonal electricity. NED plans to raise the thin-films PV panels at the undertaking works with the sum installed capacity 73.16MW-DC gross. Harmonizing to the undertaking program, the net measure of electricity coevals sold to the national power grid-Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand ( EGAT ) , via provincial Electricity Authority ( PEA ) transmittal lines under a 5-year automatically renewable power purchase understanding ( PPA ) in the Small Power Producer ( SPP ) Program. The undertaking expected to cut down GHG about 65,214 metric tons of tCO2e per twelvemonth. Furthermore, the undertaking has a potency of bring forthing 105,512 MWh of net electricity to the grid per annum, which is tantamount to 63,096tCO2 GHG emanations extenuation decrease potency per twelvemonth. The undertaking fulfills the sustainable development standards by diminishing the dependence on fossil fuel, run intoing turning demand in Thailand, provides short and long-run employment for the local community and increasing in local content by transportation of Know-how, developing related to plan, operation and care from Sharp corporation, Japan to NED staffs. Carbon Markets Analysis EUA monetary values in the European conformity market made better public presentation this month. The first three hebdomads December 2014 hereafters traded in a scope of ˆ5.19–5.75/t and topographic point contracts traded in a scope of ˆ5.15- 5.70/t. On the other manus low volume of trading in 3rd hebdomad influenced diminution in trade by 21 per centum in comparing to last month. Though, lessening in volume of trading due to EU backloading program halved the volume of licenses and public vacation in Germany, nevertheless the monetary values have shown better public presentation. The betterment in monetary values were due to the undermentioned grounds i ) during early phase of the hebdomad C monetary values made strong addition, anticipating high demand from public-service corporation companies, two ) the C permits made good additions based on the intelligence of Germany’s plans to reform the EU-ETS by 2017 and iii ) speculative over German public-service corporation companies like RWE, E.ON and Vatternfall influenced monetary values motions. Meanwhile, CER monetary values in the UN-backed CDM improved this month after a downswing in last month. The December 2014 contract traded in the scope of ˆ0.09 – 0.15 cents/t, and the topographic point market monetary values for CERs traded in a scope of ˆ0.10 – 0.17 cents/t. December 2014 contract performed good after making all-time last monetary value of 0.08 cents/t last month due to diminish in the demand. It is expected that the demands for CERs are low until 2020 as they are waiting new UNFCCC trade. CCAs monetary values in California market shown better public presentation this month as December 2014 CCAs traded in a scope of $ 11.75 –11.85/t. The demand for C allowances are low in secondary market due to widespread belief that there are more pollution licenses in the market than needed. Meanwhile the North East’s Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative ( RGGI ) December 2014 RGAs traded in a scope of $ 4.95 – 5/t. The strong glade monetary value and high command resulted due to US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) release of intelligence on new C bounds on power workss. As a consequence, the auction on first hebdomad sold 18 million allowances deserving of $ 90.67 million by 43 bidders. This shows purchasers involvement in clean energy and other consumer benefit plans. EU proposal on adhering Energy Efficiency ( EE ) mark for 2030 The on-going Russia-Ukraine crises made EU to concentrate on cut down dependence on fossil fuel. In this context, Curates from energy and environment of seven European states requested EU committee to include EE in energy and clime bundle for 2030. As per joint missive signed by group curates from Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg and Portugal says that energy efficiency must at the nucleus of the EU clime and energy policy up to 2030. Since, EE is the most robust and cost-efficient manner to cut down GHG emanations and it has a important sum of economic potency for EE betterments. At present EU-Emissions Trade Scheme ( ETS ) provides incentives merely for public-service corporation companies. Whereas, sectors such as services, private families, conveyance, trade and edifices are non covered under in EU-ETS. Hence, EE policy and mark plays a cardinal function in mitigate GHG emanations. Harmonizing to this proposal foremost, EU mark of 20 percent energy- economy should run into by 2020, so, reexamine advancement of 2020 EE mark and should show a proposal for adhering mark for EE in 2030. The proposal consists of mold of the scenarios of committee ‘s impact on appraisal attach toing 2030 bundle and European parliament proposal for an EE mark. Hence, it leads to necessary foundation for EU EE policy for 2030. This mark helps transmutation in long-run to make 80 to 95 per centum decrease of GHG gas emanation by 2050. However, harmonizing to environmental and energy curates the proposal should stress on impact appraisal of EU ‘s 2030 energy and environmental end and energy efficiency mark. The impact assessment lineation increases Europe ‘s EE by 30-35 per centum, but parliament proposed to cut GHG emanations by 40 per centum as one of three adhering mark for 2030 and increase in the portion of renewable energy portion by 27 per centum from 20 per centum undertaking in 2020. The EE end will non harm ETS, as ETS reforms have possible to prolong dazes from addition in EE. In this context Britain raised its concern over EU ‘s EE 2030 end as individual end is sufficient to cut the emanations mark that would let states to cut down C emanations in a cost-efficient mode. In contrast, a group of seven ministries argued that a separate EE is mark required save energy of sectors that are non regulated under ETS. Further, it besides said that, though EE might hold high upfront cost, but this will be offset as returns worth 1-2 trillion euros during 2020-2030 in the signifier of energy nest eggs. All in all, EU proposal on EE mark for 2030 is important for accomplishing decreases in GHG emanation in cost-efficient mode. EU Carbon Market Reform by 2017 EU- ETS has suffered from planetary fiscal crisis, where C monetary values fell drastically below ˆ5/t due to flood of C licenses since 2008. Therefore, European committee proposed a program to puting up alleged market stableness fund/reserve to fudge against future economic hazards. The committee wanted to force C monetary values towards ˆ20/t for pulling more investors to put in low-carbon engineerings. Whereas, at present EU-ETS screens 12000 power workss, mills and air hoses. But, some of largest emitters such as Germany, England and France wanted this reforms to implement by 2017 ( 4 old ages of in front of committee ‘s proposal to implement ) . At present state of affairs EU modesty proposal agreed by the bulk of member provinces ; nevertheless it will confront strong disapproval from industry and coal dependent eastern provinces. However, Germany interested to cut 900 million C licenses for good, which is temporarily being held because of EU ‘s backloading program. If committee agrees for Germany ‘s program so recovery of monetary values will be quicker and travel towards stable monetary values because backloading program will non return. Harmonizing to point C, if reforms implemented by 2017 the monetary values will increase by 40 per centum over a period 2014-2020 than committee ‘s start day of the month of 2021. In drumhead, committee ‘s modesty program will be good to the market in short-run, since it will force C monetary values higher around 40 per centum on an mean during 2014-20. What a monetary value to ‘rescue CER’ ? In recent past the monetary values of beginnings generated under CDM undertakings are rather low. Consequently, such low monetary values have made investors to retreat from undertakings and contracts. Recently, one of the largest C hearers SGS announced to step back from C confirmation of CDM undertakings. This is attributed to Continuing contraction in CDM market and associated concerns with regard to costs and hazards among CDM undertakings. The weakening of CDM substructure has led market atomization, higher extenuation costs and chances of edifice comprehensive and efficient planetary C market. Therefore, there is important call to halt farther impairment of the planetary C market substructure. States like Norway, Sweden and the UK that have voluntary domestic marks and launched financess to buy CERs from developing states under dedicated vehicle. For illustration, Norway is willing to buy 30 million CERs under Norse C procurance installation. Therefore, what monetary value it should pay for buying C beginning and whether exposure and cost effectivity of the undertaking can accomplish at the same clip. Since, exposure and cost effectivity varies from one undertaking to another for illustration, efficient cook ranges and compact florescent lamps ( CFL ) ; C finance plays a important function to prolong the undertaking. Whereas, undertakings related to windmill C finance generates excess income, but impact no sustainability of the undertaking. All in all, there is no individual monetary value, if exposure defined as a minimal C monetary value to maintain undertaking alive. Undertakings with lone CERs as gross are decidedly vulnerable and the exposure depends on engineering and geographics, but non vulnerability itself.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
PR and HER professional
How to evaluated and chose several selection devices such as interview or ability tests to reject or accept applicants. To evaluated and chose whether or not to utilize integrity testing and drug jesting. Introduction The human resources department will go through a number of steps of selection of candidates for the new office. There will be important process and procedure for recruitment and selection by the help of interviews and other techniques.In any business process the steps for formal selection and recruitment are based on the important motive. It ensures that the candidates are put in the right place for particular roles and responsibilities in an organization. Legal Aspects Here are the following laws legislation impacting the recruitment and election process that are to be taken care before a person can be recruited for the new facility.Equal Pay Act 1970 Sex Discrimination Act 1975 Race Relations Act 1976/Amendment Act 2000 Parental Leave Regulations 1 999 The Disability Discrimination Act 1 996, 2005, 2006 EX. Directive 1000/78/SEC on Equal Treatment in Employment Equal Act 2006 work and Families Act 2006 The general philosophy of equality legislation is that individuals are treated right and not judged on the basis of their external characteristics such as age, gender but on individual merit; that is the general rule and violation of it institutes discrimination.Equality legislation does not prevent selection on the basis of merit (Purcell, 2003). Preliminary screening This step will be carried out in three stages because the preliminary screening should only filter out the candidates who cannot become part of the company even after the required training and mentoring because they lack the basic aptitude level required to imbibe the functional expertise along with the organizational behavior of the company.These candidates whose career and personal goals are not in line with the organizational goals need to be laminated at this stage (Purcell, 200 3). Resume shortening The first step pertains to the resume shortening which will be done to see if the candidate has any inclination towards the products offerings of the company and is dynamic enough to become part of the company. It depends on the functional expertise and the job description whether the candidate fulfills the required prerequisites like education, extracurricular, professional courses etc.This stage is crucial as it will enlist the qualify set of the prospective candidates (sermon, 2007). Written test The next step is to conduct the written test which will be designed to test the candidate basic knowledge regarding the recent trends in the technological products. This will be aimed at eliminating the students who look good on paper but lack the practical knowledge about the industry. This stage would enlist the consideration set of candidates that are to be considered for the later stage.Group discussion This stage will aim at weeding out the candidates who do no t have group communication skills which is required for inter-functional interactions and negotiations. This company is a geographically diverse organization; the products are a result Of the massive inter-functional conflicts and resolutions. Any individual who become a part of the company should have the ability to put across his or her thoughts effectively and clearly to avoid confusions.This stage will make sure that the candidate can work in a dynamic work environment to go to the next stage because they will be able to manage the inter-personal conflicts arising out the difference in the expertise and functional aspects of an individual (Purcell, 2003). Group interview Candidates who go through group interview process will be pitted against each other to bring out the best in them and see how they perform in peer pressure situations.This will make them bring out all the knowledge which can be further used to judge if they have enough technical knowledge. This stage will bring out the best in an individual and make the recruiter understand the inner skills of the candidate and the ability to perform under extreme completive forces in and outside the company (Keeps and Delver, 2007). Persona interview This stage of the selection process is the most crucial as this will understand the innermost drives and ambitions of the candidate.This will determine if the candidate fits well with the goals of the organizational culture of the company. This stage is the most crucial of all stages as this will let the recruiter know the goals, aspirations, abilities and the manner that is not possible with any other methods. The interview should be both functional, which will judge the technical expertise required to carry out the roles and responsibilities of the candidate and HER interview will judge the overall resonantly of the candidates (Armstrong 2008). Functional The first personal intent. IEEE is aimed at understanding the technical knowledge in depth and cross qu estioning in order to make sure if the candidate is theoretically driven and understand the concepts as well. This round will be more rigorous for product development, logistics, operations, R and D less for sales and marketing, PR and HER professional. The interview should be unstructured in order to provide maximum control to the candidate because this is not an elimination round but a selection round. This will ensure that anxiety is reduced and the candidate performs at his or her best (Allen and White 2007).HER This round of interview will play a deciding role in the hiring of the candidate as it will decide further if the candidate fits well in the job description. This round can be considered as a formality for some candidate as they fit to the requirement of the company as judged in the previous rounds. It is essential to finally ask the perspective employees about their long term goals and short term goals and how they are going to fulfill them by working for the organizati on (Allen and White 2007). References Allen, M. R. ND White, p. (2007) Strategic management and HARM, in Oxford Handbook of Human Resources Management, deed Peter Boxful, John Purcell and Patrick Wright, Oxford University Press, Oxford Armstrong, M. (2008). Strategic Human Resources Management: A Guide to Action Fourth edition, United Kingdom, Kananga Page Limited Keeps, S. , & Delver,J. E. (2007). HARM systems and the problem of internal fit. In p. Boxful, J. Purcell & P. M. Wright (DES. ), the handbook of human resources management (up. 385-404). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Employment Acceptance
Why do I want to be a supervisor at the Pasco CSO. My family moved to Pasco, Washington in March 1967. We moved as seasonal migrant workers to the Green Giant Camp to work cutting asperagus from April to June. My father decided to stay and work as a Mantience supervisor for the Green Giant Trailer Camp. My family continues to live in Pasco for several more years and I worked in the summers in agriculture seasonal employment until I married in 1979. I graduated from Pasco High School and went on to attend several classes at Columbia Basin College until my Husbend was called for work in Ferndale, Washington. While in Ferndale I started volunteering for nonprofit organzation helping with information on housing, employment, and other information needed. I then moved back to Pasco, Washinton and offered Employment with the City of Pasco in the Senior Center as a Case Manager. Since then I have worked with various ethnic groups providing help with information, housing, benefits, and other services as needed. What Skills will I bring to the position: I have worked in human services for 20 years, and have build my skills in case management, coordiating, and worked with various ethnic groups.... Free Essays on Employment Acceptance Free Essays on Employment Acceptance Why do I want to be a supervisor at the Pasco CSO. My family moved to Pasco, Washington in March 1967. We moved as seasonal migrant workers to the Green Giant Camp to work cutting asperagus from April to June. My father decided to stay and work as a Mantience supervisor for the Green Giant Trailer Camp. My family continues to live in Pasco for several more years and I worked in the summers in agriculture seasonal employment until I married in 1979. I graduated from Pasco High School and went on to attend several classes at Columbia Basin College until my Husbend was called for work in Ferndale, Washington. While in Ferndale I started volunteering for nonprofit organzation helping with information on housing, employment, and other information needed. I then moved back to Pasco, Washinton and offered Employment with the City of Pasco in the Senior Center as a Case Manager. Since then I have worked with various ethnic groups providing help with information, housing, benefits, and other services as needed. What Skills will I bring to the position: I have worked in human services for 20 years, and have build my skills in case management, coordiating, and worked with various ethnic groups....
Monday, October 21, 2019
televison sending the wrong message part two essays
televison sending the wrong message part two essays From what I've experienced from hours in front of this controlling box, I have learned very little compared to real life experiences. But what else could be easier than to relax on a nice soft couch, and push a button? The television business has gotten attention from us all. From the classroom, the home and the workplace, the television industry has us right where they want us. We pay the high prices monthly. Television watching is a necessity in most people's live. Available to all, a cable network for the people. Why do people sit around and watch this? Not all television shows are "bad". Educational shows are found daily on many channels at my house. The issue to many is appropriate television for the children. Once a child has been to a friend's house, he or she has most likely played outside, played with toys, colored a picture, and watched TV. Cable TV, with its wide variety of channel topics, has changed the way children and adults live their lives. Where as before, years ago, television was not available to all like it is today. Americans would read books and newspapers and listen to the radio. Living in a new millenium, people of this country are spoiled with technology. The television is the leading piece that Americans own. There are seven televisions in my home currently. There are five people living in my house. I don't know what to say. An older brother coming home with little sisters watching his show creates no other feelings but perhaps disappointment and disgust. The television is hardly regulated; thus many influences began to pour upon society and fuse into the slow process of change which resulted in the characteristics of our present day society. The television took America from an organized and uniform nation, transforming it into a somewhat disarray of mixed thoughts, different attitudes and new understandings. The statistics on television in the average Americans' lif ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Avert eyes, Divert attention
Avert eyes, Divert attention Avert eyes, Divert attention Avert eyes, Divert attention By Maeve Maddox A dog trainer gives the following advice: If you pass a barking dog or other distraction, keep moving forward. If your dog averts its attention to the distraction, give a tug on the lead to avert the attention back to the walk at hand. The uses of the word avert in this passage strike me as odd because, although avert has the sense of turning, avert suggests a turning away from something, not towards it. avert: 1 : to turn away or aside (ones face, eyes, thoughts) especially in order to escape something dangerous, unpleasant, or disconcerting Merriam-Webster The dog trainer may have been reaching for the word divert: divert: 1. trans. To turn aside (a thing, as a stream, etc.) from its (proper) direction or course; to deflect (the course of something); to turn from one destination or object to another. OED The word avert suggests a turning away in the sense of moving one’s body: She averted her face from the stranger. or preventing something bad from happening: With courage and skill the pilot averted a fatal crash. Traffic is diverted. Disaster is averted. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Comparative Forms of AdjectivesTime Words: Era, Epoch, and EonWriting a Thank You Note
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Veteran Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Veteran Rights - Essay Example Investigations in concern with the civil rights provided to veterans and military service members can appear to be intricate for the reason that there are a number of considerable constraints to take in to account prior an efficient response. The most significant rights are granted to the veteran members who meet the valid statutory descriptions of a veteran. An eligible employee is the one who performs service in the uniformed services and has not been sued by a disrespectful or bad conduct demeanor release. Moreover, an eligible employee is separated under all conditions but the honorable, and is terminated by a sentence of a general court martial or by transition of sentence to confinement (Fact Sheet [3], 2003). The federal Legislation seeks for employees to endow reemployment rights to the employees who have served in the military dating back to the World War II. As a consequence, the security as well as coverage for veterans and reservists has branched out substantially. The veterans obtain their rights from several federal as well as New York State authorities which are inclusive of municipal civil service regulations (Report, 2008). Furthermore, a veteran can appear to be an eligible present or former work-person, and not all veterans or military service members are given the right to avail alike benefits. Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 or USERRA is a federal law which intends to make sure that the members who have served in the Armed Forces, Resources, National Guard or other associated services are not drawn back in their civilian vocations because of their services. Moreover, the act also ensure that they are punctually reemployed in their civilian careers upon their resume from duty, and are not told apart against in the vocation which is based on past, present as well as future military service (Article, 2009). USERRA secures the job rights of civilians and advantages for veterans as well as members of Reserve constituents. It also generates key improvisations in the defense of the service member rights as well as advantages by means of elucidation of the law, perk up enforcement apparatus, and augments Federal Government personnel to those work-persons who are already entitled to take delivery of the Department of Labor assistance in dispens ation assertions (Fact Sheet [1], 2009). Moreover, USERRA develops the increasing length of the period which an individual may tend to be not present from the job for some military obligation and keep hold of the reemployment rights to five years (Fact Sheet [1], 2009). There are quite significant exemptions to the five-year constraint which is inclusive of the early-on recruitments
Perfecting a Doctoral Business Problem Statement Assignment
Perfecting a Doctoral Business Problem Statement - Assignment Example Still, IPTV and Satellite TV continue to grow exponentially as Cable TV begins to stagnate. The main problem for Cable TV has been that, while convergent and interactive applications have been used by in the OTT and IPTV environments as the main differentiators to gain competitive advantage, this has been a difficult thing to do in the traditional cable network environment (Carter, 2012). So as not to lag behind with regards to demand from the market for TV services, cable operators like Comcast, therefore, seem to have no option but to integrate interactivity applications to their clients alongside their digital signals (Cooper, 2013). However, even with this knowledge and it being more clear about the kinds of services that cable operators must make available so as to gain increased market share and regain a competitive advantage, the best path for them to attain such an objective is not clear cut. At present, cable operators are being faced with the issue of network upgrading using interactive TV. This form of TV includes social TV, time shift TV, recordings, multi-screen features, enhanced EPG, VOD content, as well as social and internet TV features. Such functionalities can be attained using various approaches for the cable TV networks. For instance, Gershon (2010) posits that cable providers could conduct an upgrade of their DOCSIS data network, which could del iver adequate and effective bandwidth to their clients, allowing for more inclusion of interactive content. In addition, such an upgrade could also enable cable providers to create an FTTx access network that would enable them to regain their competitive advantage over their major competitors (Gershon, 2010). Another approach that Eastman et al (2012) propose for cable networks to improve competitive advantage is the use of DOCSIS data path, which would be
Friday, October 18, 2019
CASE STUDY - AMAZON Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
- AMAZON - Case Study Example The featured organization remained engaged in selling DVDs, CDs, VHS cassettes and a lot of electronics before it can actually became capable of developing and commercializing Kindle Fire tablet. The introduction of Kindle acted like a lucky charm for the retailer and things initiated to look improved ever since the product was launched in the year of 2011 whereas, its predecessor Kindle e-book Reader was launched in 2007. The improved version of the formerly mentioned product was released in 2012 (History & Timeline, 2014). The company produces products by outsourcing their manufacturing to countries that can produce them cheaply. The apparels are made in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. The technological products are either made in China or US. The products are distributed through chain of warehouses, fulfillment centers and third party distributors (Kucera, 2014). Jeff Bezos had incorporated as an organization in July 1994 and the website was made available for customer use in 1995 after intensive tests and beta version releases. However, the concept worked and worked great indeed. The initial name of the company was Cadabra and it was replaced with Amazon after getting inspired with the title of Amazon River which is one of the most spacious water masses located on the face of the Earth. The Amazons is a term that was used to refer to great nation of female warriors known to exist in the traditional Greek mythology. Amazon managed to vend its subsidiary websites to England, America, France, Canada, Italy, Germany, Spain, Australia, Brazil, Japan, China, India and last but not the least Mexico. In 2011, the company was in plans to launch its websites in Poland, Netherlands and Sweden. Jeff Bezos did not engage in internet business in the period of early development of the industry but he made up for his misgivings in this regard an d introduced Amazon in 1994. Amazon as a
How similar are the experiences of minority ethnic groups in the UK Essay
How similar are the experiences of minority ethnic groups in the UK labour market Give evidence for your answer - Essay Example Whites always had good percentage of people having better jobs as compared to non-whites. To be more specific, the major professional and managerial based jobs were mainly held by the whites. Non-whites found to have been struggling in the labour markets of UK and thus majority of non-whites either remained unemployed or self-employed. However, in the last decade, the dynamics of UK labour market has experienced significant improvements. These improvements have emerged as a result of increasing employment rates of minority ethnic groups especially Black Africans, Bangladeshis and Pakistanis over a period of around 30 years (Cohen and Kennedy, 2007, p.16). The major reason behind this is the improvement in educational credentials and professional skills of these minority ethnic groups. Despite having such improvements, still the majority of jobs, attainments and occupational trainings are mainly provided to white British population and the other minority ethnic groups are found to hav e been obtaining jobs quite narrowly especially at managerial and professional level. With the increasing racial and discriminating practices prevailing in UK labour market, the gap between the whites and non-whites in labour market still exists effectively. Undoubtedly, tremendous amount of growth can be experienced in terms of non-white men getting closer to their white counterparts in getting jobs. However, this situation is quite disappointing in case of non-white women getting employed as compared to white women. For Pakistani and Bangladeshi women, the scenario of getting employment among women is worse than expected such that their employment rate is even blow 30%. Even though there are more bright prospects available for the minority ethnic groups in terms of achieving better jobs than before due to their higher educational professional background, yet their living conditions are unable to portray these bright prospects. As a result, the minority ethnic groups preferred to g et self employed rather than going after the managerial positions as the future prospects for the whites are readily available for them as compared to minority ethnic groups, most of them are Chinese and Indians. The other minority group comprising Pakistanis and Bangladeshis remained stick to their original preference of self employment such that they are mainly working under specific sectors which include small retail business, fast food restaurants and taxi driving occupations. The way these minority ethnic groups are viewed and perceived among UK social classes, is the major reason behind such discrimination that occurs with the minority ethnic groups in the labour market. Having non-British origin has created immense difficulties for those minority ethnic groups, due to which they are unable to reach at the higher executive level positions even though they are well equipped in terms of their educational background (Macionos and Plummer, 2008, p.22). Ethnicity itself has become a greater hurdle for the graduates belonging to minority ethnic groups to avail employment opportunities and getting higher positions in their jobs. Their efforts are declined even though they have tried to mitigate the impact of their ethnic background by acquire high quality education and training. Similarly, in terms of receiving salaries and earnings, minority ethnic g
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Ovarian Cancer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ovarian Cancer - Essay Example This paper will offer a detailed pathophysiology, etiology, epidemiology and prognosis of ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer stands solely as the number one death cause (Yabro, 2011). According to Gale (2009), current statistics indicates that, out of every 70 women, 1 of them is at the risk of developing ovarian cancer. Needless to say, women above the age of 65 account for more than 48% of ovarian cancer incidences (Yabro, 2011). As age advances, so do the chances of developing ovarian cancer. Sadly most ovarian cancer incidences are usually diagnosed at an advanced stage when the intra-abdominal extent of the spread is way too high. This does not work in the patient’s best interest seeing as they may be subjected to a harsher less physical friendly diagnosis as they are at an advanced stage. The most common pathophysiological theories of ovarian cancer engross the conception that it starts with the dedifferentiation of cells covering the ovary. In the course of ovulation, these cells are absorbed to the ovary, where they multiply (Gale, 2009). Ovarian cancer extends to the omentum and peritoneal surfaces. It extends through lymphatic invasion, intraperitoneal implantation, hematogenous dissemination and local extension. Intraperitoneal implantation is the most common way through which ovarian cancer cells spread. Malevolent cells can embed on anyplace in the peritoneal cavity. The most common ovarian cancer is the epithelial ovarian cancer. Hall (2010) denotes that it emerges from epithelium overlying the ovaries. The exact cause of ovarian cancer is unidentified (Gale, 2009). However, numerous contributing and risk factors have been discovered. These include the reproductive and genetic factors. In reference to Gale (2009), the risk of epithelial ovarian cancer is high in women who have not given birth and those with late menopause. Women who are mothers or have been pregnant at one point have a reduced risk of
The Increase in the Frequency of Involvement of Ex-Mental Patients in Case Study
The Increase in the Frequency of Involvement of Ex-Mental Patients in the Criminal Justice System - Case Study Example The objective of this study is to determine the effect of deinstitutionalization on the frequency of involvement of ex-mental patients in the criminal justice system through an analysis or review of available data and information on private and public mental hospital capacities, and crime rates in purposively selected U.S. inner-cities. In the advent of deinstitutionalization, several former mental patients have turned out to be considerably involved with the criminal justice system, which is an area they are especially unprepared to deal with. Researchers and observers alike, depending on their specific concern in the issue, have thus far predisposed to examine this outcome of the process of deinstitutionalization in one of two ways (LaFond & Durham, 1992). First, the mainstream media have took hold of particular offenses involving the abrupt and dramatic murder of unsuspecting victims by sadistic murderers, whom they readily recognized as ‘escaped lunatics’ or ‘psychos on a rampage’ (LaFond & Durham, 1992, 33); labels that intricately connects the suspected murderer to mental disorder. Second, mental health practitioners have been swift to reveal what they see as the prejudice and pointless imprisonment of mentally ill people for minor offences, which the experts typify as the unnecessary interference of the criminal justice system into the area of mental health (ibid). Both interpretations of reality have a generally central point of view that deinstitutionalization is at the core of the predicament; furthermore, both perspectives sensibly give rise to a claim for rehospitalization of people with mental disorder, either for the reason that they are incapable of living in civilized society or quite weak to survive a narrow-minded intolerance and mistreatment of society (LaFond & Durham, 1992). The root is identical, the solution is identical, and the only thing that has been inadequate is empirical research of what we all believe to be obvious: ‘that deinstitutionalized mental patients either are criminals or are treated like criminals’ (Bean, 2003, 141).Â
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Ovarian Cancer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ovarian Cancer - Essay Example This paper will offer a detailed pathophysiology, etiology, epidemiology and prognosis of ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer stands solely as the number one death cause (Yabro, 2011). According to Gale (2009), current statistics indicates that, out of every 70 women, 1 of them is at the risk of developing ovarian cancer. Needless to say, women above the age of 65 account for more than 48% of ovarian cancer incidences (Yabro, 2011). As age advances, so do the chances of developing ovarian cancer. Sadly most ovarian cancer incidences are usually diagnosed at an advanced stage when the intra-abdominal extent of the spread is way too high. This does not work in the patient’s best interest seeing as they may be subjected to a harsher less physical friendly diagnosis as they are at an advanced stage. The most common pathophysiological theories of ovarian cancer engross the conception that it starts with the dedifferentiation of cells covering the ovary. In the course of ovulation, these cells are absorbed to the ovary, where they multiply (Gale, 2009). Ovarian cancer extends to the omentum and peritoneal surfaces. It extends through lymphatic invasion, intraperitoneal implantation, hematogenous dissemination and local extension. Intraperitoneal implantation is the most common way through which ovarian cancer cells spread. Malevolent cells can embed on anyplace in the peritoneal cavity. The most common ovarian cancer is the epithelial ovarian cancer. Hall (2010) denotes that it emerges from epithelium overlying the ovaries. The exact cause of ovarian cancer is unidentified (Gale, 2009). However, numerous contributing and risk factors have been discovered. These include the reproductive and genetic factors. In reference to Gale (2009), the risk of epithelial ovarian cancer is high in women who have not given birth and those with late menopause. Women who are mothers or have been pregnant at one point have a reduced risk of
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Nursing research study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Nursing research study - Essay Example It is also essential to point out that the violence in the adults only with intellectual disabilities has been stretched here with prominence. Numerous researchers have laid the area of their work on the violence in care of adult with learning disability (Bonner, et al. 2002; Coyne, 2002; Duxbury, and Whittington, 2005; Hegney, et al. 2003). This is because there is a rising demand in the in-depth study of the violence behavior in the adults in the care centre. The present topic holds a clear title and refers in a very straightforward manner of presence to the topic, which is essentially in demand. We would say that the lock and key arrangement of the topic with the text has been exhibited in the present paper. Strand (2004) and experts in the paper begin their essential focus of interest in the topic by providing a short background and literature review as relevant to the topic. They mention that violence holds its presence in the form of physical, psychological, financial, and sexual abuse. They also held their emphasis that the problem of violence in adults with intellectual disability is quite often underreported. The objective for the present study as presented by Strand and colleagues was to study the present picture with more relevance to the caregivers. The focus was held on the Swedish adult persons with intellectual disability and their caregivers' in-group dwellings. ... It is important to mention that the best research finds its most authentic roof place in a good selection and application of design. In the present research, a total population based survey was carried out. For the purpose of data collection, a questionnaire was forwarded to 164 staff members. The staff members had their belonging from 17 care settings for adults with intellectual disability. The response rate as observed in the research study was 74%. Thus, it should be noted that reliability and validity features of the data to be collected was addressed. Collection of data from 17 different care settings does really reveal that the variation in the results due to change in the location has been kept under crucial consideration. However, we still recommend that a larger sample size of the staff members could have resulted in adding more confidence in the results obtained from the present research study. Questionnaire as a method of data collection presents certain advantages and the important one of them is that it is less expensive and less time consuming (Bassett, 20 00; Bishop, and Freshwater, 2004; Cormack, 2000). Considering the amount of work pressure as faced by the staff members in the care of adult with learning disability, it thus proved to be a better option. In addition, since more than 100 participants were included for the purpose of study, interview as a means of data collection was not a feasible option. The technical skill as required for conducting interview holds its absence in the case of questionnaire (Hendrick, 2000; Ogier, 1998; Parahoo, 1997; Silverman, 1997). Thus, once the questionnaire is constructed skillfully the investigator
Monday, October 14, 2019
Future of Nuclear Power in Sustainable Development Essay Example for Free
Future of Nuclear Power in Sustainable Development Essay With the population increase and economic growth, energy is becoming an essential part for development. To some extent, in any development process, reliable access to modern energy services is needed. However, the world is facing the energy imbalance: that of energy generation have consequences for the environment so meeting this growth in demand while safeguarding the environment poses a growing challenge. To date, the use of nuclear power has been concentrated in industrialized countries, which might play in filling the growing gap between what the world wants to consume in terms of energy and what the environment tells us we can sustain is considered. 1〠Development of Neural Power In the last few years, the nuclear power is mainly used in the industrialized countries. More and more countries pay their attention to the introduction of nuclear power programs, such as Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, etc, not limited to Asia. Also, other countries such as Argentina, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, and South Africa are working to expand their works. As is shown by statistics, of the worlds 439 currently operating nuclear power reactors, 403 (or 91%) are in either OECD countries or countries with economics in transition [1]. In terms of electrical generating capacity, 349 GWCe) out of 368 GWCe) , or 95% of nuclear generating capacity is installed in these countries. At present, nuclear power is a proven technology which has provided more than 16% of world electricity supply [2]. In the future of nuclear power, many different views are raised on its sustainable development, particularly to innovative reactors and fuel cycles [3]. There are a number of significant environmental benefits arising from the use of nuclear power, but it does raise its own environmental issues. During the operation, some radioactivity is released at a very low level into the environment either via filtered emissions to the atmosphere or in liquid form in the cooling water discharged to sea. Thus, on one hand, nuclear power is a hazardous energy and should be phased out. On the other hand, the nuclear power can be sustainably used. Comparing with the fossil-based energy, nuclear power does not emit CO2 and other hazardous emissions, which the impact of the nuclear power chains on the health and environment is less negative than those for fossil-based energy. Currently, Europe, North America and some countries in Asia have been enjoying the advantages of nuclear power. 2〠Status of Neural Power To date, the use of nuclear power is increasing. In terms of new construction, however , the pattern is different, 16 of the 30 reactors now being built are in developing countries and most of the recent expansion has been centered in Asia China, for example, currently has four reactors under construction, and plans a more than five- fold expansion in its nuclear generating capacity over the next 15 years. India has seven reactors under construction, and plans roughly a seven-fold increase in capacity by 2022. Japan, Pakistan and the Republic of Korea also have plans to expand their nuclear power capacity [4,5]. In the near future, additional countries in the Asia-Pacific region will choose the nuclear power option. Vietnam intends to begin construction of its first nuclear power plant in 2015. Indonesia plans to build two 1000 MW reactors in central Javaa. Recently, the Energy Generating Authority of Thailand announced plans to build two large nuclear plants, with construction to be gin in 2015. In Malaysia, a comprehensive energy policy study – including consideration of nuclear power- is to be completed by 2010 [6]. The resurgence of interest in nuclear power [7-9] is not limited to Asia. Other countries such as Jordan and Turkey are seriously considering or planning for the introduction of nuclear power programs. And many others, such as Aragentina, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan and South Africa, are working to expand existing programs. In the USA, where no new reactors has been ordered in 28 years, these trends, plus excellent performance of the existing nuclear fleet and financial incentives in the Energy Policy Act of 2005, have led to a race to develop new nuclear power plants. Twenty countries now have new plants either under construction or under development with well over half of these new nuclear plants likely to be built over the next two decades in five countries- China, India, South Korea, Japan and USA. Also, in the USA, several dozen reactors are in various stages of proposal development, while international nuclear vendors and service providers are forming new alliances. Finally, rising uranium prices have led to development of new mines. 3〠Rising Interest of Neural Power Any negative impact on the population health and environment is unacceptable. Once it happens, it will be phased out. The negative consequences for nuclear power would be the same. If it is not possible or too expensive to improve sufficiently their safety, we must insist on their closing. The international conventions for nuclear safety were carried out, which legally enhance nuclear safety. Also, the IAEA updated the safety standards for reflecting the best industry practices [10]. Importantly, both the IAEA and the world Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) , created international networks to conduct peer reviews and exchange operating information to improve safety performance. Another important factor is the strong performance of nuclear power that drives the renewed interest in nuclear power. Up to date, with more than half a century of operating experience, nuclear power is becoming a mature technology. In the past two decades, more and more significant improvements are made in nuclear power plant reliability, as well as lower operating costs and a progressively improved safety record. 4〠Problems of Nuclear Power a) Management of radwaste Annually, the spent nuclear fuel produced is about 10,000 tons, which is small when compared with the nearly 28 billion tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) waste from fossil fuels [11, 12]. In addition, the radwaste is most concerned point in public. Based on the expert experiences, the reasonable geological disposal of high level radioactive waste is safe and feasible. But for public, it is likely remain skeptical, which the nuclear waste disposal will likely remain controversial. The emphasis in the problem of radwastes should be in obtaining the support of people. On one hand, we should provide true information on comparative assessment of different energy sources. We should provide a clear report that there is no risk for the population health and environment from radwaste repositories. On the other hand, as soon as possible the countries with suitable places for repositories should license them and start the disposal process. Moreover, cooperation will be effective to share the burden of the waste disposal cost for countries with small nuclear power programs. b) Technological innovation If we want to develop the new reactor or fuel cycle technologies, technological innovation is needed. Currently, the nuclear Research and Development (RD) projects are focused on enhancing nuclear safety, reducing proliferation risks, minimizing waste generation and improving economic performance [13]. In particularly, many developing countries, such as some countries in Asia, have been devoted to develop small and medium size reactor designs. These designs allow a more incremental investment than is required for a large reactor, and provide a better match to grid capacity in many developing countries. To some extent, these reactors are more adapted in applications [14]. c) Nuclear non- proliferation With the increasing expectations for nuclear power, there are concerns regarding the spread of nuclear weapons and sensitive nuclear technology. However, at the same time, the nuclear proliferation should be prevented. Now, a safeguard system has been established to guarantee the peaceful application of nuclear technology. An integrated system of safeguards can and should permit effective control of non-proliferation by a combination of technical measures and the extension of institutional measures [15]. It would occur in two steps. The first step would create a mechanism for the assurance of supply of nuclear fuel, possibly including fuel bank to be managed by the IAEA. For countries that use nuclear fuel for electricity generation, this mechanism would severe as a supplier of last resort, thereby removing the risk of having their fuel supply interrupted for non- commercial reasons. The second step would seek to bring any new operations for uranium enrichment and plutonium separation under multinational control. These multinational controls should also be extended to facilities that already exist- to ensure that all countries are treated equally in terms of their nuclear capabilities. d) Economic cost Although cost is perhaps not a major factor affecting plans for nuclear power in most areas of the world, in the United States, which has the worlds largest nuclear program and sufficient growth in electricity demand to support substantial growth in generating capacity, the cost of electricity has been the dominant factor in determining what type of capacity gets built [16]. As the United States has moved to reduce the economic regulation of electricity generation, cost has become a competitive focus, and â€Å"capital cost is the single most important factor determining the economic competitiveness of nuclear energy†(University of Chicago, 2004, p. xi). In 2009 the U.S. National Academies published a large study of energy technologies. After reviewing many previous studies, the authors noted that â€Å"cost estimates in the open literature have varied by more than a factor of two. Recent estimates have ranged from $2400/kW to as much as $6000/kW†(Committee on Americas Energy Future, 2009, p. 526). These are cost estimates for the United States. High costs are seen in the much-delayed new Finnish reactor, discussed further below. Until new plants are built in the United States, costs will remain a major uncertainty and an obstacle to growth of the industry. e) Public opinion Dana Mead, chairman of the MIT governing body, commented that â€Å"Nuclear power generates the most varied public opinion of any power generation type. According to MIT studies, 39% of those polled feel it should be reduced, 35% feel in should be increased and 11% dont believe it should be used at all  the highest fraction of people who are opposed to any type of generation†(remarks at the American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting, as quoted in Power Engineering, August 2007). In addition to proliferation and economic cost, the main controversies regarding nuclear power are whether the public will accept new nuclear plants, whether sites can be found where the public will accept a geological repository for their spent fuel, and whether future development should be based on the once-through or the closed fuel cycle [17]. Bringing the public into decision processes early will substantially improve the climate for nuclear power to go forward. (In the United States, the la w requires that the federal agencies make the final decisions.) 5〠Future of Nuclear Power While there are still uncertainties ahead, it seems quite likely at this point that, in the near-term, new nuclear power plants will be built, both in countries that already have substantial nuclear programs and in new countries. Thus, the number of countries with nuclear power plants will increase, and since some of these countries have small grids and limited infrastructures, it is likely that smaller reactors will be used to meet some of these needs [18, 19]. In the near-term, nuclear power growth will likely be met by existing technologies and those technologies for which substantial development has already occurred. Nuclear power development will not be the only source of power to meet growing energy demands and growing concerns about global warming. The near term is also likely to see the development and deployment of more renewable power of current or evolutionary design, and possibly of clean coal technology. Other options, such as increased conservation and the deployment of more energy efficient end-use technologies, will also be exploited. In the longer term, more advanced nuclear power plants, such as the Generation IV power plants, will likely be deployed. These will be able to meet a more diverse range of energy needs than the current generation of large, centralized electricity-generating power plants can meet. Possible applications include process heat for industrial applications, the generation of fuels such as hydrogen for transportation, and a variety of possible off-grid applications [20-23]. Likewise, other energy-generating technologies will continue to develop and will be deployed as appropriate. In the much longer term, these could potentially include fusion power. If that is successful, it could ultimately replace some of the technologies of today, including perhaps nuclear fission power. 6〠Conclusion Nuclear energy alone is not a solution, but it is likely in the near Future to have an increasing role as part of the global energy mix. Through the analysis and investigation, it is clear that nuclear power can bring significant long term benefits in terms of increased access to energy and security of energy supply. Nuclear power at present does possess proven technologies that ensure adequate safety level and safe radwaste disposal. Non-proliferation of nuclear materials is effectively supported by the system of IAEA safeguards. This structure is sound and it provides the basis for the further development of nuclear energy. However, the nuclear industry needs to work on new, innovative technologies in order: on one hand, to reduce the costs and thus answer the strong challenge of competing energy generation technologies, on the other hand, to facilitate the dialogue between the nuclear industry and the public by providing more transparent, convincing solutions and designs A success ful development of innovative nuclear technologies addressing these two key challenges would permit a large-scale development of nuclear energy in the next century. Thus, in the foreseeable future, the need for the development and deployment of more advanced versions of today’s energy production technologies will continue, and all promising technologies should be pursued. It is likely that different technologies could be favored in different circumstances. These circumstances could be based on a variety of factors, including national policy, regulatory and other mechanisms in different countries, and geopolitical situations (remoteness, availability of particular resources, etc.). Globally, it appears that the world is likely to need substantial new contributions from all sources, particularly those capable of supplying significant amounts of clean, low-carbon energy. Nuclear power is one of the most promising of these sources. References [1] International Automatic Energy Agency , Nuclear Technology Review, August 2006, IAEA, Vienna , Austria. [2] Energy, Electricity and Nuclear Power Estimates for the period up to 2020, Reference Data series No. 1, July 2002, IAEA, Vienna , Austria. [3] International Automatic Energy Agency IAEA Bulletin, volume 49/1. September 2007, IAEA, Vienna, Austria. [4] Global Nuclear Energy Partnership, . [5] IAEA, 2008b.Nuclear Power Reactors in theWorld. IAEA Reference Data Series no. 2. Vienna. [6] IAEA, 2009. Energy, Electricity and Nuclear Power Estimates for the Period up to 2030. IEAE Reference Data Series no. 1. Vienna. [7] Jones, J.M., 2010. U.S. support for nuclear power climbs to new high of 62%., March 30. 2010. [8] Sustainable Development in a Dynamic world, world Development Report- 2005, World Bank. [9] Bharadwaj, A., Krishnan, L.V., Rajgopal, S., 2008. Nuclear Power in India: The Road Ahead. Center for Study of Science. Technology Policy, Bangalore (September). [10] Bilboa y Leon, S., 2009. Development of advanced nuclear reactors worldwide. Nucl.Plant J. September October. 27 (5), 36–42. [11] Rashad S.M. , Hammad , F.H.; Nuclear Power and the Environment ;Compartative Assessment of Environmental and Health Impacts of Eelectricity Generating Systems, Applied Energy 65 (2000) 211-229. [12] Rashad S.M. , Nuclear Power and the Environment Prospects and Challenges, Proceeding of Energy for Sustainable Development and Science for the Future of the Islamic World and Humanity Conference , Organized in Kuching / Sarawak , Malaysia 29 Sept-2 Oct. 2003 Islamic World Academy of Sciences, Amman , Jordan, 2006. [13] Innovative Technologies for Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Nuclear Power , Proceedings of International Conference held in Vienna, 23-26 Hune 2003 organized by IAEA et a1 , Vienna, Austria, 2004. [14] International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycle, . [15] Nuclear Power and Proliferation Resistance: Securing Benefits, Limiting Risk. American Physical Society, College Park, MD (May). [16] Chicago, University of., 2004. The Economic Future of Nuclear Power: Study Conducted at the University of Chicago. 2004(August). Cirincione, J., 2009. Chain reaction. Foreign Policy (May 7). [17] Nuclear Energy Study Group, American Physical Society Panel on Public Affairs, 2005. [18] MIT, 2003. The Future of Nuclear Energy: An Interdisciplinary MIT Study. . [19] Deutch, J.M., Forsberg, C.W., Kadak, A.C., Kazimi, M.S., Moniz, E.J., Parsons, J.E., 2009.Update of the MIT 2003 Future of Nuclear Power Cambridge, MA. [20] InterAcademy Council, 2007. Lighting the Way Toward a Sustainable Energy Future. Amsterdam. (October). [21] MacFarlane, A., Asselstine, J., Ahearne, J., 2008. The future of nuclear energy: policy recommendations . Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (December 11). [22] MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), 2003. The Future of Nuclear Power: An Interdisciplinary MIT Study. Cambridge, MA. [23] Nuclear Energy Agency (France), 2008. Uranium Resources Sufficient to Meet Projected Nuclear Energy Requirements Long into the Future. Paris (June 3).
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Horror of The Tell-Tale Heart Essay -- Tell-Tale Heart Essays
The Horror of The Tell-Tale Heart  Writers can use many tricks to make a story seem more interesting to the reader. From the words they pick to the setting to the time of the day... the possibilities are endless. In the story "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe, the use of light and darkness, the description of the mans eye and the time frame make the story more scary than anything else. Poe also uses suspense at the end to make the readers heart beat faster. The speaker starts the story out by explaining that he doe not hate the old man that he is about to kill. In fact he even says that he loves him and that he has always been nice to him. The reason he must kill him however is because of what he calls his evil eye. When he describes it one can only have the feel of disgust just imaging it. "One of his eyes resembled that of a vulture-a pale blue eye, with a film over it" (Poe, 1). In the way that the reader describes the eye one gets the impression that the eyes looks as if it dead, maybe making the speaker feel that he has the right to kill the man. The next trick that Poe uses and probably the most interesting is the use of lightness and darkness. Every time the speaker goes into the room to look at the man he always describes the room as being pitch black. Even he takes extra precautions so as not to give off any light into the room. When he goes into the room, he takes a lantern with him but keeps it covered. The only time the lantern gets to shine is when the speaker wants to look at the mans face. Even with this he only shines "...a single thin ray...upon the vulture eye" (Poe, 2). It seems interesting that all of the reader's deeds must be performed in the dark almost as if he is ashamed of what he ... ...r night and just watch the man. Not only does the waiting let the reader know about the killer's seriousness but it also questions his sanity. From the begging of the story the speaker is trying to convince the reader that he has justification in wanting this man to die because of his dead eye. The way that he waits up night after night and watches this man reflects that of a stalker. And at the end when he pulls the boards from the floor to reveal the old man's hacked body, he says he did it because the old mans heart kept on beating and the sound was getting to him. One cannot help but think is this the story of a killer or a mad man? This reading leaves many unanswered questions about the speaker and what his real intentions behind killing the old man might have been. However, what it does not leave to the imagination is much room for any more horror.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
El Teatro Contra Las Peliculas :: essays research papers
El teatro contra las peliculas      Aunque la pelicula surgio del teatro, hay diferencias distintas que los separan. La pelicula se ha convertido en una clase de entretenimiento con propositos para entretener a la gran cantidad de gente. Se enfrentan las necesidades del publico de salir del teatro satisfechos y felices. Al contrario, el teatro sigue apelando a un publico educado que esta buscando una experiencia que empiece el pensamiento. Por eso, el drama La muerte y la doncella y la consiguiente pelicula, Death and the Maiden, contienen finales tan distintos.      La muerte y la doncella es una drama escrita acerca de una mujer llamada Paulina que fue torturada por un doctor durante la dictadura de su pais. Una noche su esposo, Gerardo, llega tarde por causa de un neumatico ponchado. Un doctor Roberto es el buen samaritano porque lleva a Gerardo a su casa. Paulina sospecha que Roberto es el doctor que fue su torturador. Entonces, cuando Roberto esta durmiendo en su casa, Paulina lo detiene como regen con una pistola, y ella dice que no lo va a librar a menos que Roberto confiese ser el torturador.      En el drama escrito por Ariel Dorfman, el final deja al publico pensativo. Algunas cosas quedan ambiguas. Por ejemplo, el doctor Roberto nunca confesea al crimen contra Paulina. Tampoco sabemos si Paulina lo mato. El dialago entre Roberto y Paulina cerca del final termina con Paulina enojada y aputando a el la pistola. La escena final ocurre en una sala de conciertos, y cuando entra Roberto, el esta iluminado, Paulina lo vio y no hizo nada. La interpretacion del espectador determina el final de la obra.      En cambio, la trama de la pelicula dirigida por Roman Polaski tiene un final que deja al publico satisfecho con una obra completa. A pesar de unos detalles casi irrelevantes, las dos obras son casi identicas hasta el final. En el final, Roberto niega a Paulina la confesion hasta que Paulina le lleva al acantilado y le dice que le va a tirar al barranco. Con tono sincero le confiesa a Paulina todo lo que le hizo a ella durante la dictadura. Despues de la confesion, Paulina no lo puede matar, y queda vivo. Cuando ellos se ven en la sala de concierto, el publico no esta confundido por la presencia iluminada de Roberto porque saben que todavia esta vivo.      Estas diferencias entre el drama y la pelicula existen por la diferencia entre el publico de una obra de teatro y el publico de una pelicula. Las obras de teatro de hoy
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Formulation of Accounting Standards
The Corporations Law which came into effect in January 1991, has made substantial changes to the way business is conducted in Australia. Previously some illegal practices are now legal, and some legal practices are now deemed to be illegal. Under the Corporations Law finical statements have to be made out in accordance to the various accounting standards. AASB 1024 and AASB 1013 are two such standards. Both these standards have been through a reform process over the last few years, and changes that have been made to them, have determined the level of compliance to the Corporations Law. The formulation of accounting standards is based on the premise that financial information should be available to users of these statements to enable them to make decisions about the allocation of scarce resources and in the evaluation of such decisions. The ASC is the sole administering body of the Corporations Law, and it is directly accountable to the Commonwealth Attorney-General and the Commonwealth Parliament. Prior to the changes of the Corporations Law in 1991, compliance with applicable Accounting Standards as not necessary, provided that the financial statements gave a true and fair view. Yet after 1991 changes, the compliance with the applicable Accounting Standards increased. Section 298(1) of the Corporations Law requires that ‘a companies directors shall ensure that the company†s financial statements for a financial year are made out in accordance with applicable accounting standards. †By the interaction of section 298(1) and 299(1), â€Å"where the accounts are made out in accordance with applicable accounting standards but do not otherwise give a true and fair view of the matters †¦ the directors must add such information and explanations as will give a true and fair view of those matters. †Under section 224 of the Australian Securities Commission Act 1989, saw the establishment of the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB). The AASB supports an accounting regulatory system whereby legislation provides a â€Å"framework under which accounting regulation can be developed and implemented by a thorough due process†AASB 1024 Consolidated Accounts is one such standard. AASB 1024 requires â€Å"the consolidation of companies which are controlled even if there is less than majority ownership. The effects of most intra-group transactions will then be eliminated a part of the consolidation process†(Henderson & Peirson 1994). A company is required to present consolidated accounts only when it is the parent entity of an economic entity which is a reporting entity. The consolidated accounts are comprised of a consolidated profit and loss account and a consolidated balance sheet. This balance sheet includes all the entities controlled by the reporting entity at the end of the financial year. Compliance with AASB 1024 became mandatory for financial statements published on and after December 31, 1991. In 1991 changes were also made to definitions in the wording of AASB 1024. To remove the option to deconsolidate one or more subsidies of the reporting entity, The definition of ‘group accounts†was replaced by ‘consolidated accounts†. The Corporations Law also broadened the base of the ‘economic entity†to which consolidated accounting applies , no longer allowing other forms of ‘group accounting†reporting. In the Editorial of the Australian Financial Review on August 5, 1991, appeared the following paragraph: â€Å"The recently introduced standard on consolidations (AASB 1024) aims at producing a clear picture of the financial health of reporting companies. It will certainly catch a lot of off-balance sheet devices†The functions of consolidation or group accounting is not universally accepted. AASB 1024 and the relevant sections of the Corporations Law presume that the functions is to depict the affairs of an economic entity or group of companies. One would expect consolidated accounts to contain the data in separate accounts, but not including data which are not sourced nor excluding data which are. There is concern as to the utility of the consolidated financial statements. One such event, the $2. billion bail out of the State Bank of South Australia, confirmed the presence of doubt regarding the accounting data about groups. â€Å"The recent introduction of AASB 1024 ‘Consolidated Financial Statements†and the consequential amendments to the Corporations Law may play a significant role in determining off balance sheet financing, but these reforms have been long overdue and there still remains doubt as to their effectiveness†Prior to the changes, where the operations of a subsidiary were totally different from those of its parent company it was argued that it would be misleading to consolidate the accounts of the companies. One immediate way of establishing the impact of AASB 1024 on companies reporting practices would be, if investments, which formerly were not reported as subsidiaries, were reported as such after December 31, 1991. If compliance with AASB 1024 has had any impact on company reporting practices it could be expected that former associates as well as former subsidiaries for which separate sets of accounts were prepared, would now be included in the consolidated accounts. After AASB 1024 became effective, referencing was no longer made to parent and subsidiary companies, but rather to controlling entities. By this change in definition, resulting from the consolidation of an investment was taken as evidence that introduction of AASB 1024 has ‘influenced management†s choice of accounting policy. Consolidated accounts now give an accurate picture as to the profit and loss and provide more meaningful information for users of the accounts, however it would appear that there is substantial compliance with the consolidated accounts standard, yet little influence on the financial statements. The second standard to be examined is AASB 1013 ‘Accounting for Goodwill†. Goodwill probably is the most â€Å"intangible of intangibles because it is difficult to determine just exactly what it is†. In practice it has evolved to include everything contributing to an existing business†s advantages over a new one or anything that enhances a company†s earning potential. Goodwill defined is as an entity†s unidentifiable intangible assets. These assets that are unidentifiable include â€Å"loyal and efficient employees, an established clientele, suppliers †¦ and a good name and reputation. †(Henderson & Peirson 1994). Goodwill is measured as the difference between the price paid for an entity and the fair value of the identifiable net asset acquired. Fair value is defined as the ‘amount for which an assets could be exchanged between a knowledgeable, willing buyer and a knowledgeable, willing seller in an arm†s length transaction†. A distinction is drawn between internally generated goodwill and purchased goodwill. Both internally generated goodwill and purchased goodwill give rise to probable future economic benefits. However only the latter â€Å"is to be recognised as an assets because ‘internally generated goodwill is not usually capable of reliable measurement†â€Å". .†(Henderson & Peirson 1994). AASB 1013 was approved on April 18, 1988 and the purpose of this was in ‘regard to the acquisition of an entity, is to specify the manner of accounting for goodwill and discount on acquisition †¦ †. Prior to the dates before the goodwill standards were introduced, most preparers and their auditors â€Å"chose to ignore their professional responsibility to ensure compliance with the accounting standards. Prior to the introduction of the standard, little attempt was made to establish that the amount attributed to goodwill actually reflected unidentifiable assets. This meant the goodwill amounts was inflated by omission of valuable intangible assets. With the omission of these valuable intangible assets from the balance sheet therefore understates the net worth of the reporting entity. The introduction of an accounting standard regarding goodwill had the purpose of appropriate determination and achieving the proper recording of other acquired assets. Since the introduction of the standard, the recognition in the financial reports has reached ‘plague proportion†11 with accounting for intangibles reveals an increase in the numbers of companies recognising and amortising goodwill. It is now common place to see the recording of ††¦ brand names, software, patents and licences and even assets of a more nature like intellectual or sporting property†11. AASB 1013 also served to minor service which was to reminder the reporting entity that the intangible assets, once recognised, attracted the same obligations as that of non-current assets, including depreciation and amortisation. Accounting for goodwill has always attracted interest, and all those involved with it have their own view on how it should be reported in the financial statements. â€Å"The failure of the community to accept readily a single concept of goodwill and to adopt the consequential accounting treatment can only be explained by the nature of the product we are considering – its†intangibility11 . Both AASB 1024 and AASB 1013 have received their criticism in the past, yet both of them have many positive aspects. Both these standard have changed management practices in the two fields. There is enough evidence for both standards to suggest that there is compliance with section 298(1) of the Corporations Law, yet in some cases this compliance is limited to the situation and the reporting entity. AASB 1013 has proven to be (prior to its introduction) a relatively large unknown quantity, now having all but changed, and with regard to AASB 1024, a more informed and detailed reports of corporate groups provide more meaningful information.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Out of School Youths Essay
Out of school youth means having a vulnerable people who have needs. Nobody can deny the hard fact that education is an extremely important factor for bringing change in the lives of individuals. It has universally been recognized as the most powerful instrument and pre-requisite for gearing up the socio-economic development of a nation. In fact, it can be said that it is a pre-condition for the overall up-lift and welfare of a nation. This is why investment in education is considered to be so vital for human resource development and the enhancement of the quality of manpower. The history of humankind, in general, and that of developed nations of the worked, in particular, is replete with the precedents, which establish the fact that a certain level of literacy in population is an essential pre-requisite for precipitating the process of development in a country. The segment of society that plays the most active part in the socio-economic development of any country/region consists of the adolescents. It is clear that the composition and characteristics of this most crucial part of population goes a long way in expediting the process of national development and influencing the policy makers and planners in their planning and decision making for the future. In this way, the adolescents act as a sort of a â€Å"pressure group†that exerts a far-reaching impact on the process of educational planning as well as on the other developmental activities of the country.
Internet security Essay
Our instructor gave us an assignment and I had to look for some information from the online library. I dashed to the public library nearby and at the entrance I was greeted by a sign with the words â€Å"Internet security enforced†So the internet services offered by the library had at last been secured! In the current world the term internet is very common. As Curtin admits in his essay on Introduction to network security â€Å"This is a word that I have heard way too often in the last few years. Movies, books, newspapers, magazines, television programs, and practically every other sort of media imaginable have dealt with the internet recently. Internet is a term used to refer to a ‘network of other networks’ (Curtin, par 21-22). Internet has a history in itself. It was created mainly to improve the interactions among different researchers sponsored by the government. The internet grew rapidly in the years of 1980s in educational institutions, business organizations, government agencies and international institutions. By the years of 1990s, internet usage had phenomenally grown and the networking had increased at a very fast rate compared to any network that had ever been used before like telephone use for networking. When a look is made into the present, millions and millions of internet users are connected with majority being those in business (NIST, par 7). The internet technology works magic in this advanced society. However, one is at risk of attacks sneaking through the front door if the internet site is insecure and the computer system is not ready to handle such cases of insecurity. It is thus important to have internet security. What then is internet security? Internet Security Concept To get a better insight of the positive and the negative side of internet security as part of technology, it is important to understand the concept ‘Internet security’. Security seems to be an ambiguous term. Everyone argues differently of what this is and furthermore the acceptable risk levels. Internet security entails the protection of the network against threats. Security is an issue for not only everyone but also everything. Even the internet needs to be secured from threats such as viruses (Curtin, par 104-105). Viruses are the source of computer system insecurity. Virus is software that clings to host software. It uses the host’s ability to replicate itself. When the host program is executed, the host also executes its duty. It also attaches itself to other programs. Viruses erase programs, steal personal information or declare their presence blocking important information. They pose great dangers to computer system. Therefore computer systems need to be secured (MacForensicsLab, par 17-28). Benefits of Internet Security The benefits that accrue from a secure internet are far reaching and wide. Furthermore, it takes less to prevent than to cure. The main purpose of internet security is to give protection against viruses. Viruses are the greatest evil doers when it comes to the information technology (NIST, par7-10). Just like any other virus that cause diseases, computer viruses are on the increase all of which have their origin from the widely used internet. They can be so dangerous to a computer system and can lead to its destruction. Such infections can lead to loss of important data. Internet security programs such as antivirus ensure that all data obtained from the internet is scanned to remove all the unwanted programs and viruses. Antivirus is a strong antibiotic that strongly fights the computer viruses. This ensures that the incoming information is clean and safe for use in a computer system (Kapsersky, par 6-9). Internet security keeps one’s information confidential. The world of technology has greatly expanded. Internet technology can however be applied wrongly. For instance, if a system is not secure, other person can get access to the system via the internet. Some unwanted programs can be launched into the computer’s memory. However, the security put as a guard warns users of such dangerous processes and prevents harmful changes that may be done on the file system. Internet security also protects the computer from spyware; confidential information such as bank account numbers, passwords and details from credit cards is secured from being viewed by intruders (Kapsersky, par 13). Internet security protects a computer system from hackers. Technology have gone too far such that it is possible to scan another computer’s ports through the network. Such hackers are malicious and are done to attack the network. What the internet security does is to block any further communication with that computer that attempting to attack (Kapsersky, par 16). Furthermore, some internet security programs allow users to only access secure intranet or internet. The firewall determines the limits of the rules. More so a computer can be prevented from visibility by other computers online. Once a certain mode such as stealth mode has been switched on, the computer becomes invisible from other networks. All other network activities ceases apart from the specified. Therefore any plans to invade the systems are altered. Internet security can therefore guard the whole system from attacks by viruses such as the Trojan horse and prevents a computers data access by any unauthorized personnel (Kapsersky, par 18-19). Most of the internet security focus on the physical infrastructures; the network itself. However, there are others that provide total solution as far as internet security is concerned. That is, the network, applications as well as platforms. Examples of these include, Microsoft NT (R) as well as UNIX (R). A protection that is over all is the best for a total security of the computer from the internet ‘evils’. Internet Security provides protection services to enable various organizations in the implementation of a secure access to data as well as assets through the World Wide Web (Business Wire, par 2-3). Damages Caused By Internet If a computer system is not protected, threats may end up ruining the overall system. Computer software and other accessories are exposed to harms from the internet and hence their functioning. There is therefore need to ensure that the system is safeguarded before accessing the internet. Security is ensured by various programs such as antivirus. They detect presence of a virus into a system and repair the situation through a command. Unsecured sites are open to any intruder (NIST, par 9-12). However ‘evil’ internet security has also emerged. ‘Evil’ technology has also continued to evolve currently. There are some stronger viruses that have been made by criminals that the antivirus is unable to detect such as the Trojan Horse. Trojan Horse make defense almost impossible. It exploits the weakness in the user to find some entry into the secured system. The malware pretends to be of importance to the user. The user will be attracted and execute the malware in disguise (MacForensicsLab par 17-28). The virus in it is hidden in the payload and when in the system performs the desired function by its author. The malware can steal information as well as property from a ‘secure’ system. Personal information is stolen to assist in theft from a person’s bank account, credit card and other important areas. The same knowledge that was used to make the internet secure has made it more insecure. Stronger virus programs have also come up through technology to counter the antivirus. Through pretence to give the system security, the viruses find their way (MacForensicsLab par 17-28). Some antivirus has as a result become weak and cannot detect the strong viruses such as the Trojan horse and Autorun viruses. Just like in the Trojan data access, data will also be ruined even in the presence of antivirus (NIST, par 9-12). Conclusion Technology is advanced day in and day out to make better man’s world. Some many discoveries on technology have been made such as the internet. It has been widely adopted in all spheres of human live. Despite the interne technology benefits, it has been misused. Through technology dangerous programs have been made and they are a great threat to internet users such as viruses. More technology has come up with programs to secure the internet. In spite of this security stronger viruses find their way into the system such as the Trojan horse. Something needs to be done to fight the stronger viruses. Work Cited Business Wire. Internet Security Advantages, Inc Offers Secure Centralized Access & Control Consulting Services for Web-Based Business Applications. BNET, 1 July 1998 Web. 5 June, 2010, . Curtin, Matt. Introduction to Network Security. Kent Information Services. nd March 1997. Web. 5 June 2010 . Kapspersky. Kaspersky Internet Security. Kapserspersky. com. nd Web. 5 June, 2010, . MacForensicsLab. Malware on mac os x-virues, Trojans, and worms. MacForensicsLab. 2010. Web. 5 June 2010 . NIST. An introduction to computer security. Web. 5 June, 2010, http://www. rxn. com/services/faq/internet/ISPTG-1. html
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Right is left and left is right Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Right is left and left is right - Research Paper Example Schools, in particular private schools, have practiced uniforms or conformation to dress codes for their students for many years to help maintain order. In the wake of increasing school-based violence and gang activity in recent years, a rethinking on the implementation of school uniform policies and more stringent dress codes has been found necessary by public schools as well. However, until now no state legislation mandates the use of student uniforms or specific dress codes. Many large public school systems have schools with either voluntary or mandatory uniform policies, mostly in elementary and middle schools (ECS, Education Commission of the States, 2009). According to Morris and Wells (2000), the argument of school officials, parents and researchers favoring the use of school uniforms is that â€Å"they enhance the ability of the school to achieve its basic academic purpose, diminish the differences among socio-economic levels, promote self-confidence and school spirit, and improve student behavior.†The Manual on School Uniforms published by the U.S. Department of Education (1996) identified several potential benefits for school uniforms including decreasing violence and theft, preventing gang members from wearing gang clothing at school, instilling discipline among students, helping resist peer pressure, helping students concentrate on academics, and aiding school officials recognize intruders. In Long Beach, California, education officials believe the pilot school uniform program implemented in 11 schools serving 8,000 students caused school-related crime to decline by 76 percent while significantly increasing attendance. H owever, the correlation between uniforms and positive results is yet to be proved (Morris and Wells, 2000). Parents and students have consistently opposed uniforms on several counts such as: they infringe upon the First Amendment rights of students; they
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