Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Sigmund Freud - The Father of Psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud - The Father of Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud is best known as the creator of the therapeutic technique known as psychoanalysis. The Austrian-born psychiatrist greatly contributed to the understanding of human psychology in areas such as the unconscious mind, sexuality, and dream interpretation. Freud was also among the first to recognize the significance of emotional events that occur in childhood. Although many of his theories have since fallen out of favor, Freud profoundly influenced psychiatric practice in the twentieth century. Dates: May 6, 1856 September 23, 1939 Also Known As: Sigismund Schlomo Freud (born as); Father of Psychoanalysis Famous Quote: The ego is not master in its own house. Childhood in Austria-Hungary Sigismund Freud (later know as Sigmund) was born on May 6, 1856, in the town of Frieberg in the Austro-Hungarian Empire (present-day Czech Republic). He was the first child of Jacob and Amalia Freud and would be followed by two brothers and four sisters. It was the second marriage for Jacob, who had two adult sons from a previous wife. Jacob set up business as a wool merchant but struggled to earn enough money to take care of his growing family. Jacob and Amalia raised their family as culturally Jewish, but were not especially religious in practice. The family moved to Vienna in 1859, taking up residence in the only place they could afford the Leopoldstadt slum. Jacob and Amalia, however, had reason to hope for a better future for their children. Reforms enacted by Emperor Franz Joseph in 1849 had officially abolished discrimination against Jews, lifting restrictions previously placed upon them. Although anti-Semitism still existed, Jews were, by law, free to enjoy the privileges of full citizenship, such as opening a business, entering a profession, and owning real estate. Unfortunately, Jacob was not a successful businessman and the Freuds were forced to live in a shabby, one-room apartment for several years. Young Freud began school at the age of nine and quickly rose to the head of the class. He became a voracious reader and mastered several languages. Freud began to record his dreams in a notebook as an adolescent, displaying a fascination for what would later become a key element of his theories. Following graduation from high school, Freud enrolled at the University of Vienna in 1873 to study zoology. Between his coursework and lab research, he would remain at the university for nine years. Attending University and Finding Love As his mothers undisputed favorite, Freud enjoyed privileges that his siblings did not. He was given his own room at home (they now lived in a larger apartment), while the others shared bedrooms. The younger children had to maintain quiet in the house so that Sigi (as his mother called him) could concentrate on his studies. Freud changed his first name to Sigmund in 1878. Early in his college years, Freud decided to pursue medicine, although he didnt envision himself caring for patients in a traditional sense. He was fascinated by bacteriology, the new branch of science whose focus was the study of organisms and the diseases they caused. Freud became a lab assistant to one of his professors, performing research on the nervous systems of lower animals such as fish and eels. After completing his medical degree in 1881, Freud began a three-year internship at a Vienna hospital, while continuing to work at the university on research projects. While Freud gained satisfaction from his painstaking work with the microscope, he realized that there was little money in research. He knew he must find a well-paying job and soon found himself more motivated than ever to do so. In 1882, Freud met Martha Bernays, a friend of his sister. The two were immediately attracted to one another and became engaged within months of meeting. The engagement lasted four years, as Freud (still living in his parents home) worked to make enough money to be able to marry and support Martha. Freud the Researcher Intrigued by the theories on brain function that were emerging during the late 19th century, Freud opted to specialize in neurology. Many neurologists of that era sought to find an anatomical cause for mental illness within the brain. Freud also sought that proof in his research, which involved the dissection and study of brains. He became knowledgeable enough to give lectures on brain anatomy to other physicians. Freud eventually found a position at a private childrens hospital in Vienna. In addition to studying childhood diseases, he developed a special interest in patients with mental and emotional disorders. Freud was disturbed by the current methods used to treat the mentally ill, such as long-term incarceration, hydrotherapy (spraying patients with a hose), and the dangerous (and poorly-understood) application of electric shock. He aspired to find a better, more humane method. One of Freuds early experiments did little to help his professional reputation. In 1884, Freud published a paper detailing his experimentation with cocaine as a remedy for mental and physical ailments. He sang the praises of the drug, which he administered to himself as a cure for headaches and anxiety. Freud shelved the study after numerous cases of addiction were reported by those using the drug medicinally. Hysteria and Hypnosis In 1885, Freud traveled to Paris, having received a grant to study with pioneering neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot. The French physician had recently resurrected the use of hypnosis, made popular a century earlier by Dr. Franz Mesmer. Charcot specialized in the treatment of patients with hysteria, the catch-all name for an ailment with various symptoms, ranging from depression to seizures and paralysis, which mainly affected women. Charcot believed that most cases of hysteria originated in the patients mind and should be treated as such. He held public demonstrations, during which he would hypnotize patients (placing them into a trance) and induce their symptoms, one at a time, then remove them by suggestion. Although some observers (especially those in the medical community) viewed it with suspicion, hypnosis did seem to work on some patients. Freud was greatly influenced by Charcots method, which illustrated the powerful role that words could play in the treatment of mental illness. He also came to adopt the belief that some physical ailments might originate in the mind, rather than in the body alone. Private Practice and Anna O Returning to Vienna in February 1886, Freud opened a private practice as a specialist in the treatment of nervous diseases. As his practice grew, he finally earned enough money to marry Martha Bernays in September 1886. The couple moved into an apartment in a middle-class neighborhood in the heart of Vienna. Their first child, Mathilde, was born in 1887, followed by three sons and two daughters over the next eight years. Freud began to receive referrals from other physicians to treat their most challenging patients hysterics who did not improve with treatment. Freud used hypnosis with these patients and encouraged them to talk about past events in their lives. He dutifully wrote down all that he learned from them traumatic memories, as well as their dreams and fantasies. One of Freuds most important mentors during this time was Viennese physician Josef Breuer. Through Breuer, Freud learned about a patient whose case had an enormous influence upon Freud and the development of his theories. Anna O (real name Bertha Pappenheim) was the pseudonym of one of Breuers hysteria patients who had proved especially difficult to treat. She suffered from numerous physical complaints, including arm paralysis, dizziness, and temporary deafness. Breuer treated Anna by using what the patient herself called the talking cure. She and Breuer were able to trace a particular symptom back to an actual event in her life that might have triggered it. In talking about the experience, Anna found that she felt a sense of relief, leading to a diminishment or even the disappearance of a symptom. Thus, Anna O became the first patient to have undergone psychoanalysis, a term coined by Freud himself. The Unconscious Inspired by the case of Anna O, Freud incorporated the talking cure into his own practice. Before long, he did away with the hypnosis aspect, focusing instead upon listening to his patients and asking them questions. Later, he asked fewer questions, allowing his patients to talk about whatever came to mind, a method known as free association. As always, Freud kept meticulous notes on everything his patients said, referring to such documentation as a case study. He considered this his scientific data. As Freud gained experience as a psychoanalyst, he developed a concept of the human mind as an iceberg, noting that a major portion of the mind the part that lacked awareness existed under the surface of the water. He referred to this as the â€Å"unconscious.†Other early psychologists of the day held a similar belief, but Freud was the first to attempt to systematically study the unconscious in a scientific way. Freuds theory that humans are not aware of all of their own thoughts, and might often act upon unconscious motives was considered a radical one in its time. His ideas were not well-received by other physicians because he could not unequivocally prove them. In an effort to explain his theories, Freud co-authored Studies in Hysteria with Breuer in 1895. The book did not sell well, but Freud was undeterred. He was certain that he had uncovered a great secret about the human mind. (Many people now commonly use the term Freudian slip to refer to a verbal mistake that potentially reveals an unconscious thought or belief.) The Analysts Couch Freud conducted his hour-long psychoanalytic sessions in a separate apartment located in his familys apartment building at Berggasse 19 (now a museum). It was his office for nearly half a century. The cluttered room was filled with books, paintings, and small sculptures. At its center was a horsehair sofa, upon which Freuds patients reclined while they talked to the doctor, who sat in a chair, out of view. (Freud believed that his patients would speak more freely if they were not looking directly at him.) He maintained a neutrality, never passing judgment or offering suggestions. The main goal of therapy, Freud believed, was to bring the patients repressed thoughts and memories to a conscious level, where they could be acknowledged and addressed. For many of his patients, the treatment was a success; thus inspiring them to refer their friends to Freud. As his reputation grew by word of mouth, Freud was able to charge more for his sessions. He worked up to 16 hours a day as his list of clientele expanded. Self-Analysis and the Oedipus Complex After the 1896 death of his 80-year-old father, Freud felt compelled to learn more about his own psyche. He decided to psychoanalyze himself, setting aside a portion of each day to examine his own memories and dreams, beginning with his early childhood. During these sessions, Freud developed his theory of the Oedipal complex (named for the Greek tragedy), in which he proposed that all young boys are attracted to their mothers and view their fathers as rivals. As a normal child matured, he would grow away from his mother. Freud described a similar scenario for fathers and daughters, calling it the Electra complex (also from Greek mythology). Freud also came up with the controversial concept of penis envy, in which he touted the male gender as the ideal. He believed that every girl harbored a deep wish to be a male. Only when a girl renounced her wish to be a male (and her attraction to her father) could she identify with the female gender. Many subsequent psychoanalysts rejected that notion. The Interpretation of Dreams Freuds fascination with dreams was also stimulated during his self-analysis. Convinced that dreams shed light upon unconscious feelings and desires, Freud began an analysis of his own dreams and those of his family and patients. He determined that dreams were an expression of repressed wishes and thus could be analyzed in terms of their symbolism. Freud published the groundbreaking study The Interpretation of Dreams in 1900. Although he received some favorable reviews, Freud was disappointed by sluggish sales and the overall tepid response to the book. However, as Freud became better known, several more editions had to be printed to keep up with popular demand. Freud soon gained a small following of students of psychology, which included Carl Jung, among others who later became prominent. The group of men met weekly for discussions at Freuds apartment. As they grew in number and influence, the men came to call themselves the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. The Society held the first international psychoanalytic conference in 1908. Over the years, Freud, who had a tendency to be unyielding and combative, eventually broke off communication with nearly all of the men. Freud and Jung Freud maintained a close relationship with Carl Jung, a Swiss psychologist who embraced many of Freuds theories. When Freud was invited to speak at Clark University in Massachusetts in 1909, he asked Jung to accompany him. Unfortunately, their relationship suffered from the stresses of the trip. Freud did not acclimate well to being in an unfamiliar environment and became moody and difficult. Nonetheless, Freuds speech at Clark was quite successful. He impressed several prominent American physicians, convincing them of the merits of psychoanalysis. Freuds thorough, well-written case studies, with compelling titles such as The Rat Boy, also received praise. Freuds fame grew exponentially following his trip to the United States. At 53, he felt that his work was finally receiving the attention it deserved. Freuds methods, once considered highly unconventional, were now deemed accepted practice. Carl Jung, however, increasingly questioned Freuds ideas. Jung didnt agree that all mental illness originated in childhood trauma, nor did he believe that a mother was an object of her sons desire. Yet Freud resisted any suggestion that he might be wrong. By 1913, Jung and Freud had severed all ties with one another. Jung developed his own theories and became a highly influential psychologist in his own right. Id, Ego, and Superego Following the assassination of Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, thus drawing several other nations into the conflict which became World War I. Although the war had effectively put an end to the further development of psychoanalytic theory, Freud managed to stay busy and productive. He revised his previous concept of the structure of the human mind. Freud now proposed that the mind comprised three parts: the Id (the unconscious, impulsive portion that deals with urges and instinct), the Ego (the practical and rational decision-maker), and the Superego (an internal voice that determined right from wrong, a conscience of sorts). During the war, Freud actually used this three-part theory to examine entire countries. At the end of World War I, Freuds psychoanalytic theory unexpectedly gained a wider following. Many veterans returned from battle with emotional problems. Initially termed shell shock, the condition resulted from psychological trauma experienced on the battlefield. Desperate to help these men, doctors employed Freuds talk therapy, encouraging the soldiers to describe their experiences. The therapy seemed to help in many instances, creating a renewed respect for Sigmund Freud. Later Years By the 1920s, Freud had become internationally known as an influential scholar and practitioner. He was proud of his youngest daughter, Anna, his greatest disciple, who distinguished herself as the founder of child psychoanalysis. In 1923, Freud was diagnosed with oral cancer, the consequence of decades of smoking cigars. He endured more than 30 surgeries, including the removal of part of his jaw. Although he suffered a great deal of pain, Freud refused to take painkillers, fearing that they might cloud his thinking. He continued to write, focusing more on his own philosophies and musings rather than the topic of psychology. As Adolf Hitler gained control throughout Europe in the mid-1930s, those Jews who were able to get out began to leave. Freuds friends tried to convince him to leave Vienna, but he resisted even when the Nazis occupied Austria. When the Gestapo briefly took Anna into custody, Freud finally realized it was no longer safe to stay. He was able to obtain exit visas for himself and his immediate family, and they fled to London in 1938. Sadly, four of Freuds sisters died in Nazi concentration camps. Freud lived only a year and a half after moving to London. As cancer advanced into his face, Freud could no longer tolerate the pain. With the help of a physician friend, Freud was given an intentional overdose of morphine and died on September 23, 1939 at the age of 83.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Looking At The Human Growth And Development Theory Social Work Essays
Looking At The Human Growth And Development Theory Social Work Essays Looking At The Human Growth And Development Theory Social Work Essay Looking At The Human Growth And Development Theory Social Work Essay Social work pattern has shown that understanding different psychological, sociological and biological theories can assist in working efficaciously with households traveling through troubles ( Adams, Dominelli and Payne, 2009 ) . This assignment will discourse relevant theories that would enable a societal worker to better understand and buttocks this household s fortunes and behavior. A brief history of Sam provinces that he was antecedently adopted by the household when he was 4 old ages old. One of the theories to see within this instance survey is the Attachment theory. It has become more relevant in societal work, particularly when using to acceptance and fosterage. Walker ( 2008 ) has highlighted the relevancy of fond regard theory to child protection in societal work. Social work now understands the importance to measure the capacity of carers that would replace the old that would supply a unafraid base. Bowlby ( 1988 ) states that kids would so develop and turn if they have this secure base. A possible job would be that Sam has already entered the attention system. He may hold already experienced important loss or injury. This would impact his relationships with others. Children who have experienced important loss or injury will necessitate aid from their replacement carers to pull off their feelings, which could be excessively strong for the kid to pull of f entirely. Therefore their carers need to hold resolved any issues similar to the kid s in order to be fond and cognitively cognizant when the kid remembers their experiences. ( Walker, 2008 ) Attachment was originally used to depict affective bonds between kids and their chief attention givers. The term has now been expanded to include other periods of development like maturity. ( Adams et al, 2009 ) The primary map of the fond regard relationship is to guarantee intimacy to the health professional for nutrient and safety. ( Brodzinsky and Schechter, 1990 ) A big sum of research has found that fond regard at babyhood has a immense consequence on the kid s psychological operation. Researchers Hazen and Durrett ( 1982 ) found that yearlings more firmly attached as babies are more willing to research their environment, than those who were more uneasily attached to their health professionals. Other research workers have found that there is a continued nexus between behavior from childhood when affecting footings of fond regard. ( Brodzinsky et Al, 1990 ) As Sam was adopted at a ulterior developmental phase this would hold an consequence on his fond regard. The surrogate place or arrangements before acceptance is critical in that he needs support from the carers both psychologically and emotionally if he has experienced injuries or disregard. Children can hold legion fond regards but harmonizing to Brodzinsky et Al ( 1990 ) if they have suffered maltreatment or disregard in early babyhood so this may impact their degree of basic trust. Bowlby described the fond regard system merely. If the kid perceived its attachment figure as accessible it will hold confident behavior. However if the kid does nt believe this they will exhibit anxiousness. This behavior may hold been produced by Sam up until he gave up . Sam may non believe his affiliated figure is still accessible as she s caring for a newborn. Bowlby believed that after this clip he may see depression and desperation. Work by Tizzard ( 1977 ) found that kids adopted from age s two to four showed that on norm demonstrated no more jobs that those kids populating with their household. They were nevertheless more likely to be over friendly and have attending seeking behavior. ( Berryman, Smythe, Taylor, Lamont and Joiner, 2002 ) Some research workers have found that there is an complete dependance on utilizing the fond regard theory in acceptance instances. Barth, Crea, John, Thoburn and Quinton ( 2005 ) found that the scientific base of attachment theory is limited when underpinning theory for future intercessions. Barth ( 2005 ) did province that societal workers needed to understand what works when utilizing the fond regard theory in acceptance instances but to utilize what works and develop an intercession that has a more appropriate grounds based attack. Using Attachment theory to pattern involves looking at the kid s present relationships, relationship history and the context of their life and reasoning which peculiar emphasiss may impact their behavior the most. In this instance looking into Sam s school life and fiscal jobs the household may be holding. Social workers work with households to supply support and psychotherapeutics. In this instance they should assist supply support in acquiring the household aid sing emotional support and fiscal. Harmonizing to Payne ( 2005 ) understanding how attachment experiences can associate to troubles they are presently confronting is one of the curative undertakings Bowlby highlighted. A unfavorable judgment highlighted by some psychologists is that the theory uses thoughts from different theories. Bowlby did nt put exact thoughts of how to pattern this theory, although Payne ( 2005 ) does recognize that the theory does hold a good footing for explicating childhood jobs. When practising this theory societal workers must understand the importance of associating it to other theories as they support farther work for illustration the cognitive behavioral supports the thought of utilizing therapy as a larning tool much like what the Attachment theory describes. Sam has shown a alteration in behavior since his babe brother was born. He s been ill-mannered to instructors, argues at place, he s non eating decently and is withdrawn from his household. This alteration in behavior may be because of a figure of grounds nevertheless it is of import to foreground that even though he exposing avoidant behavior now he can still be firmly attached. Avoidant behavior means he is more likely to be withdrawn although still firmly attached. However some of his behavior shows marks of stronger turning away. Sam is contending at school, one illustration of avoidant of behavior is strong-arming and concentrating on those weaker than him, he has showed marks of this towards his babe brother which is a cause of concern. ( Walker, 2008 ) Social workers should be cognizant of this alteration in behavior. Children who have experienced disregard or injury will show disputing behaviors to their attention givers, these carers so necessitate to be more understanding as this behavior may be due to past experiences and high degrees of anxiousness. ( Berryman et al 2002 ) ( Walker, 2008 ) When working with Sam at assessment degree its indispensable that the societal workers use anti discriminatory pattern they need to be non judgemental. It may be that they have seen instances like this several times, but to understand that each instance is different and measuring Sam with no premises and handling him as an person is an of import attitude that the societal workers would necessitate to hold. The history given has shown that the parenting manners may hold changed late, as Sam has been more riotous his parents have been firmer, directing him to his room. This autocratic parenting manner produces kids that are dying, aggressive and have low ego regard, all behaviour manners that Sam has presented. ( Baumrind, 1966 ) This may non be the best manner to cover with his behavior, particularly as he has become more recluse from the household and non eating. This may foreground an underlying job for illustration an eating upset or ADHD. Research by Harris ( 1998 ) a major critic of the fond regard theory found that Nature is an premise. Society assumes that parents who are sort and honest will hold sort and honorable kids. Harris believes that equals may hold more of an consequence on the kid s personality. Using the illustration of indistinguishable twins, she highlights that when populating in different places they will more probably have the same wonts. She besides highlights that kids who live in high offense countries will be more susceptible to perpetrating offense themselves. Personality besides comes from cistrons, as shown in detached twin surveies. In this instance it s of import to look into Sam s friends at school and besides his maternal female parent to happen out what could be act uponing Sam s behavior. Once more societal workers when working with Sam would necessitate to understand that although society can do premises societal workers can non. When working with Sam it s besides deserving observing that the societal workers must hold controlled emotional engagement. Sam may explicate state of affairss which could be really emotional the societal workers would necessitate to hold the capacity to be sensitive when working with him. An extra theory that societal workers should see when measuring Sam is the Social Readjustment evaluation graduated table. Invented by Homes and Rahe ( 1967 ) the higher the figure you have when numbering the figure of life events you have faced the more likely it is that you will hold an unwellness. The graduated table denotes that if you have a mark higher than 150 so you have faced mild life emphasis. Using the graduated table Sam s societal evaluation graduated table was 153. This graduated table is utile when sing the life events that Sam has faced in a comparatively little infinite of clip. However Lazarus and Folkman ( 1984 ) found that this attack is narrow and has the ability to disregard difference between persons when sing their exposure to these life events. Lazarus et Al besides found that the Social readjustment evaluation graduated table ignores chronic stressors which may straiten persons greatly over a length of clip. An attack to understanding emphasis was produced by Lazarus, DeLongis, Folman and Gruen ( 1985 ) they consider stimulus and response, get bying manner and defense mechanism mechanisms. Called the Model of Adoption accommodation it focuses on two types of header, job focused and emotion focused. The emotion focused schemes can affect efforts to cut down the persons emphasis with behavior such as turning away, distancing or selective attending. These alterations in behavior aid in reappraising the life event and redefining it as less intimidating than the single antecedently thought. This type of cognitive assessment procedure and get bying scheme Lazarus et al argues can be influenced by environment. Using this attack can assist look into other factors. This cognitive assessment procedure provides the bases of foregrounding differences between persons and what their psychological emphasis reactions are in response. ( Lazarus et al, 1985 ) As Sam has faced so many life events it s of import for societal workers to understand how much they can impact his psychological well being and behaviors and to understand the importance of recovery in these really traumatic state of affairss. This attack can assist spread out the societal workers understanding of how much these events could be portion of the cause of his alteration in behavior. Knocking different facets of these similar theories can set up how utile it would be to persons and how otherwise each single responds to certain stressors. Using the Model of Adoption accommodation theory to pattern would affect look intoing Sam s relationships and past history of emotional events to derive a better penetration into how good he has used emotion focused or job focused schemes and what his psychological reactions have been in response to the events he has faced. Bronfenbrenners Ecological theory is another theory the societal workers should see when measuring this instance survey. This theory takes into history the relationship between the household, immediate environment and besides the larger environment. It understands a construction of five beds. These beds involve different systems which would all impact Sam otherwise. The microsystem contains direct relationships and interactions of the kid, the constructions in the microsystem can be the household and school. Bronfenbrenner believed that the relationships between this system impact off and toward the kid. For illustration the kid affects the behavior of the parent and the parent affects their behavior onto the kid. The mesosystem includes the kid s connexions between the microsystem s constructions, e.g. Between Sam s parents and their community vicinity. The exosystem identifies the kid s larger societal system, although Sam will non straight map with it. For illustration Sam may non be straight involved with his male parent s work hours but may be affected by its interaction within his system. The 4th bed, the macrosystem involves the wider society. ( Payne, 2005 ) ( Adams et al, 2009 ) The ecological theory focal points on the alone influences of the service user and the relevancy of the immediate environment every bit good as larger society. It focuses on the service user as the Centre of the procedure. Appraisals use an ecological model as a footing although in pattern Francis et Al ( 2006 ) argue that comprehensive appraisal tools may impact crisis intercession appraisals because this appraisal is really clip devouring. This theory provides a footing on which societal workers can work from to see the impact that these beds would hold on Sam s relationship and behavior. In this instance it would be reasonable to see this theory. Sam has faced multiple life events each could impact his behavior. This attack recognises that multiple factors could be impacting Sam s behavior. It provides a holistic model to understand these factors, so analyses them and finds solutions. A major unfavorable judgment affecting societal work utilizing this attack is that as the appraisal is so drawn-out and needs a batch of administration to bring forth a solution. Many societal workers have shown a hapless record of good quality appraisals. ( Petch, 2002 ) Some societal workers seem to concentrate on the immediate hereafter of the kid instead than long term solutions. The GSCC ( 2004 ) have produced purposes because of this to foreground that it is of import that practicians understand that it s a cardinal portion of their nucleus rules. It s of import to observe the usage of Anti discriminatory pattern within the usage of appraisals utilizing an ecological attack. Under standing that persons all have different civilizations, behaviors and history is indispensable particularly when Sam is vulnerable both as a kid and as a old service user who may hold experienced past disregard or injury. Jan ( female parent ) A brief history of Jan explained that she has antecedently used IVF intervention a figure of times with no successful gestation. After gaining the emotional and fiscal troubles that may follow if they decided to transport on seeking they applied for acceptance. They were matched to Sam, who was four at the clip and despite initial reserves he seemed like the model kid . Jan so gave up work to care for him. At 24 hebdomads she found out she was pregnant which she was told by physicians would be virtually impossible. Jan has found motherhood a battle and has stated she feels useless. Her Rearing manner towards Sam has changed as she has been stricter because of his behavior alteration. She is besides worried about the wellness of her babe. Attachment is besides an of import theory to see for this person. Research on Attachment in adults focal points on the premise that the same bonds between parents and kids are responsible for the bonds between grownups in personal relationships. ( Bowlby, 1988 ) If this were the instance so the relationship between these persons should reflect how they attached when they were younger ; younger kids may hold secure fond regards. Therefore when they grew up have every bit unafraid romantic fond regards. However if they had less stable fond regards when they were younger they may hold less unafraid relationships when they reach maturity. Similarly kids who have unafraid fond regards but have had inconsistent secure fond regards as they grow up may good hold a alteration in their fond regard form. Jan and her hubby Tony seem to hold some relationship jobs. Tony is nt able to supply the degree of emotional support that she needs because of the increased hours he has to work. Jan may be somewhat insecure about her relationship with Tony it s of import to research this relationship at both an single degree and together to work out solutions together. To supply support and work out what each person needs both emotionally and psychologically, particularly as Jan seems to be going more disquieted about her state of affairs and because she does nt look to hold anyone to turn to for aid. Jan s relationship with her female parent seems debatable. First she seems over dependant on her female parent, who she expected to assist with the babe. The relationship she has with her female parent may hold effects on how she attaches to future persons impacting both her fond regard with her hubby, the fond regard she has with her babe and with Sam. As Jan did nt gain she was pregnant until she was 24 hebdomads pregnant she did nt hold every bit much clip to go emotionally and psychologically ready to fix to hold her babe. A paper by Bernstein, Lewis and Seibel ( 1994 ) found that adult females who were antecedently infertile have trouble transitioning to parenthood some adult females may demo high degrees of anxiousness, avoidance behavior and jobs with fixing for a newborn. They found that guidelines need to be developed to run into the demands of these adult females who have become pregnant after sterility. Not merely could the fond regard between her spouse and female parent be debatable but as these documents suggest the fond regard between her and the neonate may be the most affected because of her sterility the effects it has on her emotionally, psychologically and biologically. Making farther degrees of anxiousness and bring forthing negative behavior. Social workers measuring and working with Jan who have been involved in IVF or have experienced it themselves may be excessively embroiled in the state of affairs as the societal workers may accidentally direct Jan into doing determinations. It would be more antiphonal as a societal worker to understand this and travel off from this instance. The Spoilt individuality theory is an of import sociological theory to see when understanding Jan s behavior. Goffman s ( 1990 ) spoilt individuality theory or societal stigma explores behaviors and how certain behavior or properties can be socially black. The Collins dictionary describes stigma as separating grade or societal shame. Goffman ( 1990 ) refers to stigma as an property that is discrediting. This theory is important to this instance as Jan has had to cover with a figure of life events particularly one that is socially discrediting. Stigma theory predicts that childless adult females deviate from ordinary and normal life classs and are profoundly discredited by society. Jan had outlooks before she got married that she would hold kids by birth and became progressively obsessed with holding a kid because of the sum of IVF intervention she used. A recent paper by Whiteford and Gonzalez ( 1995 ) posed the inquiry Why make some adult females become consumed to give birth to a kid, even to the hurt of their ain wellness, matrimony and fiscal position? They found that society was the chief cause that pressures adult females into holding kids. That the adult females used within their research suffered because they had internalised the norms within society and because of this described their egos as faulty. Equally good as society it is besides the mediatisation of intercession that has besides affected adult females infertile. Media is invariably foregrounding how many sterile adult females are now with kid because of medical intercessions what this does psychologically to the adult females still non able to go pregnant is even harder to grok. When sterility does impact you the person is so non populating one s life via the societal norms . It affects adult females otherwise compared to other stigmas as sterility stigma is non a physical one like a hitch. Looking at a adult female who is infertile would non state you that she is, it s their ain cognition that has such a profound consequence on their psychological well-being. It can make emphasis and crisis to both the person and household, impacting them financially, emotionally and physically. Jan and her hubby have both been affected through this injury and it may profit both of them if they have reding together, even though they have now become pregnant and had a kid it is still impacting their relationship. The hubby has to work long hours to be able to afford life costs because of the cost of intervention for the IVF. Post natal depression may besides be impacting Jan. Since she has had her babe she has become emotional and found maternity a battle feeling useless and low. Biologically talking station natal depression is a signifier of depression. Depression normally develops within three or four hebdomads after childbearing it has the same symptoms is depressive upset these include increased sleeping, lassitude and affected appetite. New female parents would besides be dying about the babe and hold ideas about her failure as a female parent which Jan has showed marks of. Jan has faced a figure of life events which may increase the hazard of station natal depression. Fortunately there are a batch of different types of diagnosing for station natal depression. The Edinburgh station natal depression graduated table and the Hamilton evaluation graduated table for depression which uses a point system to measure their degree of depression. There is a broad scope of interventions for station natal depression the type the patient demands would be dependent upon the badness of their depression. Firstly support and advice is offered to give the household an apprehension of how they can retrieve. Independent advice is given sing any societal jobs that may be impacting their relationships. Antidepressants may be prescribed, these would so let the organic structure to work more usually. Although there are several types of side effects which may do farther jobs. Reding and psychological interventions may be the best signifier of intervention as they look at the single entirely and what within their lives could be impacting their depression. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps indentify idea forms which could do the patient more down. It achieves alterations in the manner people think. Interpersonal therapy may besides be utile to see in this instance as this therapy identifies jobs within relationships and relates it to the person s depression. There will ever be positives and negatives of utilizing these different interventions station natal adult females may happen it difficult to perpetrate to psychological therapy because of the clip committednesss and may happen it easier to merely utilize prescribed medicine. The chief unfavorable judgment with this intervention is that it does nt look at the patient s jobs holistically if there are jobs within the relationships confronting them now and happening solutions instead than seting them off w ould be more good in the long tally. Harmonizing to research by Dennis ( 2005 ) the most promising intercession is intensive professional station natal support. Whilst working with Jan and her household it s indispensable that the societal workers give purposeful look of feeling, giving them the opportunity to state what they want from the societal workers and what they truly need and experience about everything that s impacting their relationships and what they want their ends to be. Sing each type of theory for this instance survey so set uping how they all correlate to one another is the best manner to understand how to happen solutions for these persons. Understanding biological, sociological and psychological theories and human growing and development dramas an indispensable portion in measuring and step ining in a positive manner. The International Federation of Social Workers guideline provinces that The societal work profession draws upon theories of human development and behavior and societal systems to analyze complex state of affairss and to ease single, organizational, societal and cultural alterations. ( 2000 ) Sing each type of theory gives a broader apprehension of single s experiences and how societal workers can happen solutions when they are needed. Social workers need a wide cognition base of professional experiences, grounds based research and service users experiences to derive the best apprehension of that state of affairs.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Technology Transfer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words
Technology Transfer - Essay Example Technology transfer or what is commonly known as 'licensing' usually works in the manner that would afford permission to someone who intends to generate further profits and revenues by using the licensed technology and rights and who is willing to share said profits and revenues with the owner. Here, the owner of some rights or the 'licenser' would be the one to give the permission for the exploitation of his- or her own intellectual property creation. This permission or 'license' in its most widely used terminology, is granted to the licensee is given or conferred to someone, who is usually called the 'licensee'. Before the technology is transferred through licensing, it is a standard procedure for the parties to enter into a technology transfer or license agreement. This license agreement is generally codified in a document signed and executed by both parties. The issue of initial entitlement to an intellectual property right arises from the creation of the invention onwards. The party or parties entitled to such ownership of intellectual property may deal with their rights, disposing of them by assignment or allowing third parties to act within the scope of the monopoly, by granting them license to do so. In order to set up a management of successful collaborative research agreement, it is necessary to know the aims and objectives of each party. Industry and universities have varying aims and objectives. It is therefore imperative that all the parties should specify and indicate their precise aims and objectives in connection to the proposed collaboration or partnership and to create an outline or rough draft of the framework which gives rise to them. The parties should attempt to foresee and anticipate what each would like to do with the probable results and outcomes and any related advantages and benefits from the said collaboration or partnership. It is suggested that the parties should undertake to arrive at a compromise or agreement as regards the degree and extent to which some or all of the intellectual property results should remain private and confidential. They should also agree with respect to the issue of who would own any intellectual property generated in the course of the research. Most universities establish their policy or regime on intellectual property by stating therein the philosophy behind its ownership giving emphasis on the institution's objective and purpose in recognizing, cultivating and commercially exploiting scientific discoveries and creations of their faculty member. This is to make clear that the accomplishment and development of research is for the advantage and benefit of the public in general, the university, the inventor or researcher and the research sponsor. As regards the relationship between the university and the faculty member-inventor, the property ownership regime with respect to the research made or the invention lies on the agreement between them. However, it is essential
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Authentication of Individuals in E-exams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Authentication of Individuals in E-exams - Essay Example Fingerprint recognition systems are considered to be the most commonly deployed biometric systems, due to their precision, ease and performance [10]. Arista Knowledge Systems(TM) and DigitalPersona(TM) claim to develop the first e-Learning management system to verify students by their fingerprints [14]. Arges et al proposed a hybrid approach in which an electronic token or e-card was used along with the fingerprint verification to increase the authentication performance of the e-exam security system [11]. The system involved a process of enrolment- to capture the user’s fingerprint for the database and generate a specific e-token for the user. Authenticated users were provided access by verifying their fingerprints and e-tokens with the stored database.            Hand geometry recognition systems require a small sized data to uniquely identify a user from its stored database or templates [12]. A system is proposed by Jain et al. [13] in which there exist processes of image acquisition, enrolment and verification. One commendable approach in this system to enhance the accuracy of the acquired hand geometry image is that two samples are taken from the user. Average is taken for these samples so that an accurate image can then be compared with stored database of enrolled users. This system can easily be deployed for e-learning environments because of its ease and accuracy. ProAccess FaceOK developed a system for the recognition of human face image [15]. They claim it to be the first system with the face learning capability.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
International Relation East-Asian Essay Example for Free
International Relation East-Asian Essay In the past century, substantial changes have taken place in the international arena especially when it comes to the relation among state. The end of the Cold War had given way for the United States of America to achieve supreme power and authority as compared with other states in the world when it comes to its influence over international relation. In line with this, it cannot be prevented that the authority and influence of the United States have a large impact on other countries, especially Asian states. Being the case, it is essential that international relation is given due consideration and importance, especially in terms of the relation of the United States with Asian countries. The work of Ikenberry and Kang discusses international relation in terms of the respective power of the United States and Asian countries and the way by which power affects relations among states. Ikenberry argued that in studying international relations it is necessary that power, in the form of material capabilities is given importance. He asserted that the power disparities among states are one of the causes that generate security and insecurity, which also has an influence â€Å"on what states want and what they can get†(Ikenberry, 2003, p. 24). The main concern of the article written by Ikenberry is the issue concerning the way by which unipolar international order varies from a bipolar or multipolar order in terms of characteristics and functions. Specifically, he studied the shift from the bipolar system during the Cold War to the present day American-centered unipolar system. Moreover, Ikenberry also identifies the changes that characterized the behavior of states as well as international rule and order (2003). Ikenberry concluded that the unipolarity of the international system is attributed to the power of the United States, especially in terms of material capabilities. The United States has a large influence in the foreign policy and international outcomes that affects other states, especially those in Asia. As such, Ikenberry suggested that the patterns of foreign policy and events in the international arena can be better discerned if unipolarity will give way to bipolarity or multipolarity. In another view, Asia is seen as one of the most important continent in the international community. Thus, it is important for the international community to have good relations with different kinds of states in Asia most especially with China. Provided that China is the largest country in Asia, its power and influence is undeniably strong. More so, there is a need for the United States to have strong relations with China. In the article provided by David Kang, he pronounces that the Chinese power is the most important authority in Asia. He stated that â€Å"Chinese weakness had led to the chaos in Asia. When China is strong and stable, order has been preserved. The picture of Asia that emerges is one in which China, by virtue of geography and power as the central player in Asia (Kang, 2003, p. 182). †Therefore, the hierarchy of China is a vital issue with the relationship of the west with Asia. It is also mentioned that the course of development of China shall be the progress of whole continent. Thus, it is the leader for development among any other states in the region. In addition to this, it is pointed by Kang that there is a huge importance with the hierarchic position with the Asian super power. Through the relationship of different entities and the possible hierarchy of China, there is a great possibility that changes will be present in the whole international community. In the discussion of Kang, he strongly mentioned that the changes are not necessarily positive for the whole international community. More so, the influence and power of China will result to much negative results. On the other hand, it is given attention that there is a worry with the progress of Asia. Provided that the past European continent was conflictual it is also assumed that China together with other Asian countries shall have the similar experience as Europe. However, in the perspective of Kang, as China and Asia are leaning to a much peaceful community, peace shall also be attained. In conclusion, the context of hierarchy is important in the international community. Both authors have the different perspectives regarding hierarchy. More so, Ikenberry presents that international order is reliant to the hierarchy present in the international community. On the other hand, Kang states that the influence of China is important with the order of the international community. Through the order of China and Asia in general, there will be peace in the relationship of the whole global community. Therefore, the authors have laid various kinds of arguments that revolve with the importance of hierarchy in the global community.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Docter Faustus Essay -- essays research papers
The truth that ambition and desire for material objects does not always satisfy the soul is a major theme depicted in Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus. The poem on page 93, lines 96-113 is the essence of this theme. It describes Faustus meeting, what he believes, is the icon of perfection. This perfection is a mere human women, yet, to Faustus, she is worth his life. Marlowe’s use of syntax and diction, allusions and references, and other literary devices throughout this monologue give support to the theme while adding rich symbolic images. The first example of diction in the monologue is the use of the saying, "the face that launched a thousand ships" (l. 96). This is a commonly applied expression when speaking about Helen of Troy. Throughout the play, Faustus fluctuates between the use of advanced and lesser vocabulary. Here, he is so shocked by Helen’s beauty that he knows nothing else but this typical phrase. This implies that Faustus is in a state of hypnosis. He is taken over by Helen’s beauty, and in the process, loses his soul. Another illustration of the trance Faustus is in, is by the use of alliteration in the first two lines of the poem. This device causes the reader to read the lines more slowly. The pronunciation of words in a moderate fashion suggests this trance, and makes the rest of the passage more comprehensible. In contrast to the first two lines, the rest of the section can be read more easily and therefore, faster. Few caesuras are utilized in this part, making the para graph flow better. The quick pace of the these lines indicate excitement on Faustus’ part. If this is the case, it is understandable how he loses his soul without resistance. The last line is brought back to a slower pace. The word "paramour" lends itself to a laggard pronunciation, which enforces Faustus’ realization that his soul has been taken. This is all due to Marlowe’s choice of words and sentence structure. Because the reader can experience Faustus’ state of mind through the writing, they can relate to the upcoming circumstances. Faustus’ excitement of the need for the material aspects of life, lead to his downfall. Allusions and references also add to the comprehension and depth of this piece. Many references are made to familiar Greek mythology characters, including Paris, Menelaus, Achilles, Jupiter, ... ...ted at as being a demon, their kiss makes him cursed. In the Catholic church, relations with a demon is unpardonable, and in turn kills any chance of Faustus being redeemed by G-d. Because he wanted Helen for her material beauty, he had to sacrifice his soul. When he finally does sacrifice his life to Helen he gives a brief cry for help. He underestimates the damage he has done and screams, "Her lips suck forth my soul. See where it flies" (l. 99)! He returns to her asking her to kiss him again, soon forgetting the damage he has done. This example of a litotie is contrasted with Faustus’ hyperbole of Helen’s magnificence. The juxtaposition of these concepts against each other prove that Faustus cared little for his spiritual body, and more for Helen – the material body. Marlowe’s use of strong literary devices in lines 96-113 on page 93 greatly supported the theme that only striving for material objects will only lead to harm. Faustus exemplified this theme in his Helen of Troy monologue, where he asked for her in return for his soul. In the end, Helen took Faustus’ soul, leaving him with neither, the material pleasures, nor a spiritually complete life.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Choral Speaking Script
Choral Speaking Script! (official) L : LEFT, R: RIGHT. first row : number 1, second row: number 2 and third row: number 3. L&R2,3: Guys, the choral speaking competition is next week! L&R1: Oh My God, what are we going to talk about?! R123 :Hmm.. Let’s talk about FOOD! Mmm yum yum yum L123: No No No! Let’s talk about†¦. BOO! GHOSTS? *Yeah* Uuuuu†¦ Lydia: No guys, let’s talk about something we ALL have in common! L&R 123: What, our parents’ nagging?! Lydia: No, I’m talking about music! L1,2,3: Music?! R1,2,3:Music?! ALL: Mu~sic!Even the word is music to our ears! ALL: A very good morning to the honorable judges, teachers and friends. Today, whether you want to hear it or not, we’re going to tell you all about music! L1,2,3: So, sit back, and relax R1,2,3: But don’t fall asleep ALL: And†¦. Enjoy the show! ALL: As teens, music plays a HUGE part in our everyday lives! I bet most of us can't live without music! We all have iPo ds, MP3s and even our handphones have music! All around us there’s musicâ€â€on the radio, television and even our surroundings! L;R2,3:The ticking of the clock..L;R1: Tick tock, tick tock L;R2,3: The tweeting of the birds†¦ L;R1: Tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet! ALL: EVERYTHING has its own natural rhythm and beat that forms its own music! Now, let us bring you b~ack in time†¦ To see how music has evolved! ALL: In the seventies, pop dominated the airwaves! Can you imagine Our grandparents grooved to Stevie Wonder and the Beatlesâ€â€(I wanna hold your hand~) L1,2,3: Who?! R1,2,3: WE don’t have a clue! ALL: ‘Pop music’ actually came from the word ‘popular music’. Over time, it made its own genre as we know today.Its basis covers several different genres of music: jazz, rock, soul, r;b Creating a fusion of sound that evolves into pop music as we know it! Over time, pop music’s popularity increased by the rise of MTV, whi ch popularized artists such as Michael Jackson,Madonna and Prince. ALL: T~hen, in the eighties, a new genre of music was born! Disco, babeyh! The â€Å"disco sound†is so unique it defies description! It draws on many influences: Jazz, Latin, popâ€â€all that produces a feet-tapping melody. It mostly consists of dance beats that makes you want to L2,3:–Bust a move! R2,3: And break out your groove!L;R1:Okay, that’s enough. ALL:With disco music came the fashion that most of us today would cringe at. L;R3: Bell bottoms L;R2:Puffy hair L;R1:Poodle skirts ALL: And even six inch platforms! ALL: Boy, Aren’t we glad we’re in the 21st century! ALL: In the nineties Farah Natasha: WOHOO! ROCK AND ROLLL!!! (everyone looks) err, sorry. ALL:As we were s~aying, nineties brought rock music to a whole new level! Rock took a new definition. From the 80es beat, society practiced freedom of expression by rock music. From classic rock, sub-g enres quickly developed: pop-rock, blues-rock and glam rock.L1,2,3:And so, our trip down memory lane ends. R1,2,3:But the 21st century music begins! ALL: Pop. Techno. Rap. Rock. RNB. Soul. Metal. Hiphop. You name it! Even foreign music like Jrock and Kpop! Nadirah: â€Å"Sorry sorry sorry sorry†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ALL:With so many genres of music, no wonder life is a symphony! ALL: Music influences teenagers in s~o many ways. L1,2,3: Hearing your favourite song on the radio can turn your day 360 degrees! R1,2,3: It’s the most effective medium that teens use to break out of the funk. ALL: There is just so much meaning behind music nowadays!Music can also tell an artist’s life story, things they have been through, and even their opinion on certain views. L;R2,3: Songs about the environment, L;R1:[earth song! ] If they say, Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature Why, why, does he do it that way L;R2,3: about love and friendship, L;R1:[falling for you! ] L;R2,3: and about li fe’s experiences all give a positive impact to the listeners. ALL: It’s the universal medium that everyone understands, even through the language barrier! From America to France, Germany to Zimbabwe, music is abundant and constant.Through the mass media, music from all walks of life are heard and enjoyed. ALL: We all need music in our lives. The steady beat of music calms the mind, heart and soul. Young or old, white or black, Caucasian or Asian, ev~eryone is united by this freedom of self-expression. As life goes on, new beats are discovered, new rhythms are explored and self expression begins again! No one can get bored or tired of music because it is ever-changing. ALL: In short, life without music would be†¦ (someone) : Devastating! (someone) : Boring! [cricket sound] ALL: It just simply wouldnt be life! Thank you!
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Internal and External Analysis of Tesla Essay
Tesla motors is able to differentiate itself from its rivals by offering a product that has yet to be matched. No other automotive company has been able to produce a car that is all electric and can travel 250 miles on a single charge. In addition, no other company has a network of charge stations allowing Tesla owners to drive across the country if desired. Finally, Tesla motors has created a brand of elite cars, it has been said that Tesla owners may be more of a cult than that of Mac owners. The Tesla Model S is equipped with nothing but the best. From its 24 inch LCD screen, to its leather seats. The 90 kWH battery allows the Model S to travel 300 miles without being charged. This allows the Model S to be very light weight and travel 0 to 60 mph in 3.9 seconds. In addition, some intangible strengths of Tesla are its leadership, drive for innovation, and customer service. Tesla is run by Elon Musk, a man driven for success, and also has capital to support the company. Tesla is the first car of its kind, and hopes to continue to deliver quality products. Tesla hopes to be among the first to offer an auto-pilot car. Soon they will be launching their Model X, an SUV of equal quality to the Model S. In the near future Tesla is looking to launch a pick-up truck as well. Tesla offers quality customer service, if ever there is problem Tesla representatives will quickly arrive to pick up your car and leave you edition of the Model S, while yours is quickly repaired. Tesla plans to deliver the best cars in the world, and so far they are succeeding. Tesla processes are highly automated, allowing them the advantage to save on labor costs. Most of the manufacturing is done using 10 ft. tall robots. These robots are able to weld, rivet bond and install different components. Eight robots work on a single car, and are able to produce 83 cars a day. These robots can also be programmed to develop the Model X as well. One area which a Tesla receives a bit of grief for, is not allowing other dealerships to sell Tesla vehicles. While this may cause some bad press it allows Tesla to keep full proceeds, and ensure that all who are interested in investing in a Tesla receive the full experience and learn from an expert. This also comes into play when selling used vehicles; it allows for greater salvage value and allows the Tesla Model S to retain value for a longer period of time. Lastly Tesla, spends no money on advertising, and does not plan to. Tesla has a small in-house marketing team and an internal team to help run the Tesla website. â€Å"Right now, the stores are our advertising. â€Å"We’re very confident we can sell 20,000-plus cars a year without paid advertising . . . It may be something we’ll do years down the road. But it’s certainly not something we feel is crucial for sales right now,†said spokesperson Alexis Georgeson.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Fascism in Italy essays
Fascism in Italy essays There is nothing more powerful than an idea that has come into its own This generalization reflects the concept of fascism. The idea of fascism spread like wildfire in European countries. Benito Mussolini was able to have full control of country with the use of this powerful idea. The idea of fascism exploded around the time of post-World War One, in Italy with Mussolini and a decade later in Germany with Hitler. How could such a horrible dictatorship spread so quickly and prominently through countries? Italy was in a state of distress when Fascism came into power. The country was dissatisfied with the Treaty of Versailles that resulted of World War I. The Treaty of Versailles had awarded Istria and Northern Dalmatia, territories along the Adriatic Coast to the new Yugoslav state. The post-war crisis in Italy only strengthened the idea of Fascism. The country was in a weak political state of Liberals, Socialists, and the Catholic Popular party. With a weak economic system resulting from World War I, many troops joined the unemployment market, and inflation began to soar. Italy met all the qualifications for a country to be overthrown by fascism. Discontent, hate, instability, greed were all fueled into forming Fascism. Benito Mussaloni formed the Fascio di Combattimento (League of Combat) in 1919. In 1920 many landowners and businessmen turned against the government because they were upset because there were no jobs for all these troops and peasants. The government imposed a progressive tax on income of wealthy citizens. So both the middle class and upper class were angry with the Liberal government. The fascists won over both classes, because they were fearful of social disorder, socialism and communism. Benito and his fascist followers threatened to run rampant threw the streets of Rome if power was not given to the Fascists. King Victor Emmanuel, who fled Italy f ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Jingle Shell Description and Profile
Jingle Shell Description and Profile If you find a thin, shiny shell while walking on the beach, it might be a jingle shell. Jingle shells are shiny mollusks that got their name because they produce a bell-like sound when several shells are shaken together. These shells are also called Mermaids toenails, Neptunes toenails, toenail shells, gold shells and saddle oysters. They may wash up in large numbers on beaches after storms.  Description Jingle shells (Anomia simplex) are an organism that attaches to something hard, like wood, a shell, a rock or a boat. They are sometimes mistaken for slipper shells, which also attach to a hard substrate. However, slipper shells have only one shell (also called a valve), while jingle shells have two. This makes them bivalves, which means they are related to other two-shelled animals such as mussels, clams, and scallops. The shells of this organism are very thin, almost translucent. However, they are very strong. Like mussels, jingle shells attach using byssal threads. These threads are secreted by a gland located near the jingle shells foot. They then protrude through a hole in the bottom shell and attach to the hard substrate.  The shell of these organisms takes on the shape of the substrate upon which they attach (for example, a jingle shell attached to a bay scallop will have ridged shells also). Jingle shells are relatively small - their shells can grow to about 2-3 across. They can be a variety of colors, including white, orange, yellow, silver and black. The shells have a rounded edge but are generally irregular in shape. Classification Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: MolluscaClass: BivalviaSubclass: PteriomorphiaOrder: PectinoidaFamily: AnomiidaeGenus: AnomiaSpecies: simplex Habitat, Distribution, and Feeding Jingle shells are found along the eastern coast of North America, from Nova Scotia, Canada south to Mexico, Bermuda, and Brazil. They live in relatively shallow water less than 30 feet deep. Jingle shells are filter feeders. They eat plankton by filtering water through their gills, where cilia remove the prey. Reproduction Jingle shells reproduce sexually through spawning. There are usually male and female jingle shells, but occasionally individuals are hermaphroditic. They release gametes into the water column, appearing to spawn in the summertime. Fertilization occurs within the mantle cavity. The young hatch as planktonic larvae that live in the water column before settling to the ocean bottom. Conservation and Human Uses The meat of jingle shells is very bitter, so they are not harvested for food. They are considered common and have not been evaluated for conservation action. Jingle shells are often collected by beachgoers. They can be made into wind chimes, jewelry, and other items. References and Further Information Bouchet, P.; Huber, M.; Rosenberg, G. 2014. Anomia simplex dOrbigny, 1853. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species, December 21, 2014.Brousseau, D.J. 1984. Reproductive cycle of Anomia simplex (Pelecypoda, Anomiidae) from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Veliger 26(4): 299-304.Coulombe, D. A. 1992. Seaside Naturalist: A Guide to Study at the Seashore. Simon Schuster. 246 pp.Martinez, A. J. 2003. Marine Life of the North Atlantic. AquaQuest Publications, Inc.: New York.The University of Rhode Island. Jingle Shell (Anomia simplex). Accessed December 19, 2014.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Bibliography on The Last Samurai Annotated Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
On The Last Samurai - Annotated Bibliography Example The book on The Last Samurai written by Ravina, an expert in Japanese History and an Associate Professor of History at Emory University, centers on the life and the battles fought by Saigo Takamori. The book describes the entire phase from the moderate origins of Saigo and his development to the stage of a deprived samurai. Then his eventual rise to powerful position as a national leader. Finally it shows how events unfold to bring on his death as a leader who died in rebellion. This book has been the base for the movie centering on Tom Cruise and Ken Watanabe. Saigo’s significance has been revealed here especially in the context of the Meiji rule. He was the first to overthrow the feudal dominion and build the Meiji base in Japan. His battle was a fight to preserve the honor of a samurai and his consequent loyalty and service to the society. Hence he was against the idea of centralized country. The book gives an elaborate account of his deeds and his contribution, which turne d him into a folk hero, and gradually compelled the government to raise him to the position of national martyrdom. The spirit of the samurai captured here has given the inspiration to the movie and hence becomes useful to the paper.The book written by Turnbull, a historian specializing in the history of the samurai gives a clear account of the Satsuma rebellion with respect to the honor of the sword of the samurai. The author’s knowledge in military history has helped him frame the revolt with a cause to support it. He did not agree to the reforms led by the government and revolted with his army to preserve the pride of the samurai. The book contains quotes and opinions of experts and historians apart from reporters. The leader carried out several organizations and built schools in euphemistic style named as â€Å"Private Schools†the academics were rendered in military style training such that a private army could be formed. The students had to take an oath in blood t o be loyal to the purpose and this alarmed the Meiji government. These movements and tactics of the plan are interesting to note and compare to the movie with respect to its adherence to the facts. 3. Logan, John, Herskovitz, Marshall, Zwick, Edward and David James. The Last Samurai. Time Inc Home Entertainment, 2003 The book contains some parts of the script on which the Last Samurai is based and the making of the movie in general including some stills and comments form the acting team and director. The contributors to the book are all a part of the moviemakers’
Friday, November 1, 2019
Colin Crouch and Corporate Social Responsibility Essay
Colin Crouch and Corporate Social Responsibility - Essay Example This is either in respect to the global level or within different parts of the world at which different national as well as other political arrangements are very weak and also local social arrangements are unable to cope up with the large western corporations. In this context, this institutional weakness is extended to markets themselves that are frequently greatly imperfect. The organisational hierarchy in regard to the firms is sometimes regarded as the only basis of their governance. This has not only been internally accepted, but also externally considered. Various literatures on corporate social responsibility (CSR), have argued that corporate citizenship as well as similar terms comprises of the effort to provide different frameworks for that concerned governance. It is thus considered as a characteristic literature. A part of this literature is consisted of boldness of their different social achievements by different firms or business organisations across the globe and also th e academic supporters of these researchers. Another important part is consisted of appeals which are addressed to these firms around the world to behave with great responsibility. However, some researchers have realised a requirement for the learning of these different phenomena which are to be included within the general scientific literature in the context of these firms around the globe in respect to the environment. Consecutively, in the process of trying to come up to wide ranges of terms with the notion of CSR in this path assists in the process of the general development of the multidisciplinary approach in order to the learn the firm in respect to its wider context (Crouch, 2006, p.1). Corporate social responsibility Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has began life as the strategy which has been adopted by specific large corporations in countries across the globe to obtain good reputations, and/or avoid the bad ones, (Crouch, 2011, p.7) for the purpose of their behavior outside the severe orb of market operations of themselves, in regard to their different relations with the local communities, and/or the society and the environment or the surroundings in general (Crouch, 2011, p.8). Per se, there has always been a room for discuss whether it has been serious or just like an element of the different corporate public relations. In modern times it has been increasingly being regarded as the potential form of different economic governance; however, not just the corporate governance, although it has provided implications for that too, but also the governance of the concerned economy as well as of the society at large (Crouch, 2011, p.9). For considering CSR in this context makes it overtly political (Maclean and Crouch, 2011, p.1). CSR as a ‘Corporate Externality Recognition’: There exists discontent even among the CSR specialists with regard to the strong normative implications of the phrase called ‘corporate social responsibilityâ⠂¬â„¢ (CSR). Also there exist recurrent searches for different alternatives. The core idea in this context may be best resolved to the social science theory with the help of defining it as the behaviour by firms which voluntarily incorporates the externalities that is produced by the market behaviour of these firms. Also the externalities are, in this regard, defined as the outcomes of various market transactions which are not themselves personified in such market transaction
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