Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Multicultural Issues in the Workplace
Needs, values, priorities of employees and employers have changed dramatically over the last decade. On all levels of the corporate ladder, men and women are seeking new ways to manage the time they spend working so they can spend more time living. In the boardrooms, executives are seeking ways to attract – and retain – the best employees so they can continue to survive and thrive in a highly competitive global economy. As companies are becoming more and more diverse it is becoming more and more important for companies to understand and manage diversity.The people of different background, races, religion creates diverse workforce. There is an importance of having diverse workforce to provide better performance. There are perspectives of managing the diverse workforce, which require organization leaders and managers of being responsible of attaining better diverse workforce. Diversity means differences, difference of age, sex, race, religion and culture etc. People with different demographic differences working in the organization makes diverse workforce. And it is becoming more important for the organizations to know about these differences and how to manage it.Diversity is also the common issue in the workforce environment, in some companies employees often get discriminated or misunderstood because of the diverse features. So it is important for the companies to manage the diversity workforce to value best performance. As differences have often been associated with discrimination, bias, unfair treatment and conflicts, managing diversity in workforce is an important task for managers today. Managing diversity in the workplace refers to the ways of managers used in ensuring employees in the organizations who come from different group do not suffer discrimination.Management can mobilize the differences and similarities in each and every one of the employees for the benefits of both the individuals and organizations. Ensuring fairness and equality i n a diverse workplace is more than just doing a good deed, it is imperative in today’s fast moving and sophisticated business world. Diversity is increasing everyday in every organization: in America 1 in 4 Americans belongs to a minority or is foreign-born. Women, who currently make up less than half the work force, are expected to fill 65 percent of the jobs created during this decade. Whether you are a business owner, executive, salesperson or customer- service professional, your success will increasingly depend on your ability to function in a culturally diverse marketplace,†(Profiting in America’s Multicultural Marketplace’ Lexington Books). Why should companies concern themselves with diversity? Many managers answered this question with the statement that discrimination is wrong, both legally and morally. But today managers are voicing a second notion as well. A more diverse workforce, they say, will increase organizational effectiveness.It will lif t morale, bring greater access to new segments of the marketplace, and enhance productivity. In short, they claim, diversity will be good for business. Research stated that the Canadian companies leading the way in the area of diversity management have discovered that by embracing the elements of ethnic and cultural diversity in their workforce they have enhanced their ability to understand and tap new markets, both within Canada and abroad. Managing diversity There is no doubt that the American workforce has changed in dramatic ways.Twenty years ago the American workforce was predominantly white and male: in the 70’s, non-Hispanic white males represented about 68% of the workforce while in 2006 represented less than 40% of the workforce. (Ivancevich,p54). One of the reasons white males no longer dominate the workforce is that women have entered the workforce in record numbers. It is estimated that at the end of the decade, more than 60% percent of adult American workforce, o r almost half of the American work force will be female(Ivancevich. 2007).Organizations have to follow the many guidelines to get diversity stick: they have to focus on getting the best talent out of the person regardless of different age, sex and other demographic differences; they have to develop career plans for all employees of the organization including the minorities; they have to promote minorities to responsible positions in the workplace; they have to make managers responsible to obtain diversity goals by managing their employees well. Managers also have to communicate well with all the employees and listen to their problems that are of different background or cultures.Also organizations should build diversity into senior management. Improved understanding of diversity seems to be an obvious need, yet most firms fail to invest time and resources to become â€Å"diversity-friendly. †Even though there is a long way until diversity in the work force will be fully integ rated, there are a few success stories about diversity management that could serve as an example. For example United Airlines experienced an increase in Spanish-speaking travelers when it installed a Spanish-speaking telephone reservation line.Avon Products had significant revenue growth after it hired African American, Hispanic American, and Asian American sales and marketing personnel. Another example that we can use is Pillsbury Company and Kraft General Foods who both recorded access to more of the African American and Hispanic American markets after increasing the number of sales and advertising professionals from these ethnic-racial groups. Lookism Lookism is the ugly prejudice that judges people on their physical beauty instead of their ability.This happens everywhere: in the office, on the street, in the media and in virtually every aspect of our lives. The media fully perpetuates this myth that beauty is more important than anything else, that skinny women are more beautifu l than overweight women, and that beautiful skin, hair and teeth make a person better than the one that is considered plain. If you’re unattractive in face or body, you probably learned early on that you pay a price. In school, you were excluded from the â€Å"in†group. When you wanted to date, few people were interested.On the street, people look not at you but past you. We all know that, after all, looks does matter. And it matters in the workplace too. As we can read in the article â€Å"Your appearance, good or bad, can affect size of your paycheck†, a â€Å"growing body of research supports what many suspect: in the workplace, an employee's physical appearance is a powerful symbol that affects job success. Reading more we discover that , â€Å"Looking good on the job is an intangible asset that can be important, just as sharp technology skills or the ability to be a team player can give certain workers an edge†.We have to admit that there are indus tries that solely judge people by their looks such as the entertainment industry and modeling. In those industries, a person's looks is his/her commodity because the public want to see attractive gods and goddesses, not average-looking people. As a conclusion I can say that even though people are protesting the fact that lookism is deemed as discrimination, there is a slim chance that the concept of judging people based upon looks will change overnight.In order for this to change, we all have to change. We, as people, we need to stop judging by the look. We should judge by the qualities that a person has. Organizational Culture An organization's culture varies as widely as the nature of work itself. Oftentimes a unique different mix of values and norms govern the cultural environment of an organization. In today's fast changing business environment, the cultural make-up of an organizations plays a critical role in the success of the firm to achieve its strategic objectives.Culture i s not an easily defined concept, but generally it is the values, beliefs, and norms expressed in work practices and behavior. An organization's culture is not necessarily an articulated list of values found in an appendix in an annual report. Rather, culture is created by the organization itself. Many corporations have recognized that diversity contributes to the bottom line by making it easier to retain good employees, lowering costs by developing skill in-house and developing a reputation that helps attract new employees.As Swanson states in the article â€Å"Diversity: Creating an Environment of inclusiveness†, â€Å"It has been suggested that one of the keys to integrating diversity is developing the ability to hold multiple perspectives without judgment. A statement easier written than accomplished! Although this is a challenge, there are several strategies that we can use to develop this skill: staying in the present, working to increase our comfort level with ambiguit y, striving to decrease distortion, and choosing actions that support our desired outcomes. †We can see that organizations have created specific recruiting programs that target traditional minority universities and trade schools. They have also tied the recruiting programs into a reporting relationship with the diversity council and other leadership initiatives. In tandem with recruiting programs, retention programs have been formed to address existing employees. Almost all organizations have started diversity programs. As a result high quality minority candidates are being recruited by other companies. This has created a highly competitive market for the very best minority employees.Gender In early societies, women bore children, cared for the home, and helped maintain the family's economic production. Men hunted, made war, and, in settled societies, assumed primary responsibility for field crop production. Women's status is a complex issue and a hard-to-define subject. Aroun d the world, women's status in each society and culture varies in different ways. In some societies, women's status improved gradually, while in other, it declined or remained unchanged. As it is mentioned in the article â€Å"Why Aren’t We There Yet? An Equal Pay Day 2009 Primer on the Wage Gap. , â€Å"Unfair pay is not simply the result of women choosing the wrong college major or career. Women attend similar kinds of colleges as men, outperform men academically, and are more likely to earn a professional license or certificate. Yet women earn less than men even within majors. These wage gaps start upon entering the workforce; just one year after college, female graduates working full time earn only about 80 percent as much as male graduates earn. Ten years after graduation, women fall farther behind, earning only 69 percent as much as men earn.And college educated women still earn less than their male peers when controlling for hours, occupation, parenthood, and other f actors normally associated with pay. †However, women have made positively progress towards equality and their role in the society has been changed dramatically since the last century. The number of working women with children has more than doubled in the past 50 years. As my own opinion, I can say that even with all the changes that happen around the world regarding women’s place in the workforce, the stereotypical role of housewife is still present.Even when women break out from this role, they still not had given an equal opportunity. Men tend to hold administrative positions, while women usually have the positions that support the administrator. Religion The business world has gone global, and our diverse workplace could be the key to connecting with potential customers here and abroad. In my opinion, encouraging dialog and sharing of religious and cultural norms in the working place, not only will help decrease misunderstanding and misinformation among the employee s, but interaction with clients and vendors from other cultures and religions will become second nature.Knowing when (or when not to) shake hands, share a meal, or offer a glass of wine can give your company a good advantage in today’s global market. Based on this problem, a paragraph from the article â€Å"Religious groups and employers try a new approach to faith at work. †got my attention: â€Å"The idea of addressing religion in the secular business world often causes even seasoned human resources executives to pause and see how it complements their people-management strategies.At Texas Instruments, worldwide diversity director Terry Howard remembers his reaction when approached by 10 Christian employees about forming a company-sanctioned religious group. â€Å"The questions that I raised were: What does this mean to TI? How would recognizing you as a group help TI meet its business objectives and targets? How is it going to make TI serve customers better? How i s it going to make TI a good place to work for everyone and be inclusive? †he says.They made it quite clear that they saw themselves as being in the position to help us recruit and retain people of faith-based backgrounds. †In my opinion, having companies that respect employees religious background (allowing employees to take days off based on their religious beliefs), can attract top candidates for the company. In my opinion, each feels honored and respected and it is a win-win for the company and for the employee as well. By showing employees that you respect their beliefs and customs, you will be building a strong relation and in the same time creates employee loyalty.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Interview With A Human Resource Middle Manager Essay
Employee performance appraisals are no longer novel practices in the human resource management field. According to Arthur Sherman, George Bohlander and Scott Snell, employee performance appraisals have been around since the nineteenth century and were routinely administered to federal employees in the United States (303). The activity gained considerable commendation enough to make it increasingly popular both among small and large, and public and private organizations. It was not until after World War II, however, that performance appraisal became widespread and became accepted as a regular part of organization check-up and maintenance (Bohlander). Longenecker and Goff, on the other hand, summarized the oft-cited purposes of performance appraisals in literature. As stated by them, performance appraisals are used to motivate employees, provide a basis for salary or wage dispensation, facilitate discussion regarding employee concerns, provide data for human resource decision and serve as communication tool of managers towards their employees. Performance appraisals are response to the ever more competitive pressures in the nature of employment (Murphy and Marguiles 2). There are various other functions of performance appraisals explained in literatures, yet overall, they generally refer to the fulfilment of administrative as well as development purposes. I was able to get an interview from the Middle Manager of a firm and I was able to get her opinion regarding their policies in the company and how she treats her people. She explained furthermore that she employs performance appraisal as a logical part of running their organization, and a means of appraising, developing and maximizing the knowledge and abilities of employeesâ€â€the organization’s greatest wealth. It is a basic part of managing human resource in that most practitioners consider it an indispensable part of maintaining or improving organizational effectiveness. Emily McGregor, a Human Resource Deputy Manager of the _____________ stated that the main objective of their performance appraisals is to provide logical judgments so that they can back-up salary increases, promotions, transfers, and terminations. She also mentioned that performance appraisals are tools of informing a subordinated about the quality of his work and how he can improve in the areas that need change. Lastly, she emphasized that performance appraisals are venues where coaching or counselling sessions between a boss and a subordinate can take place. Those were great words, I guess, and I was awed at the keen intellect this woman possesses. During the course of the interview I was able to record the exact words she said such that I got to listen to it again and looked at how her comments were person-centered or position-centered. When one shifts from talking about the topic to talking about the person, then she is engaging in person-centered comments. These comments are more often than not, negative ones. Also, the shift can result from a most reasonable discussion into a bitter argument. Most of these focus on the word â€Å"You. †I also got to look at how she engaged in position-centered communication which emphasized rules and norms that apply regardless of whether or how others are affected by the behavior. The manager told me that she has slowly developed specific communication strategies that help in conflict management and resolution. Her early learning experiences seem to establish the more generalizable patterns she has used in later years. She states, â€Å"As I watch and hear my parents manage their own interpersonal and intrapersonal, I have slowly learned through imitation. Moreover, my conflicts are inevitable in any management methods used in these conflicts set patterns for later development. In the course of coping with these conflicts, I have reinforced certain coping styles, often on a partial reinforcement schedule. Thus, I am reinforced for compliance while others are reinforced for defiance, some for cooperation and some for the expression of hostility, some for disengagement. †Thus, she continued by saying that she confronted one of her supervisors who was not doing well with her job even after several confrontations. I told her, ‘When we hired you for this job, I was emphatic in letting you know that we are a struggling small company. If you are not successful in bringing in cash, we night as well not be able to make payroll and our other expenses. †Thus, after some time, I found out that there was no more motivated collection person than an employee who was convinced that every non-paying debtor is keeping food out of the mouths of her babies. Certainly, hiring someone to manage receivables and make sure people got paid was a fabulous way to improve cash flow. But other tricks can be used over the past years which have also achieved substantial success. For example, Ms. McGregor can be ruthless about cash management. All expenditures must be justified and â€Å"smart. †All large purchases must include some measure of bargaining or looking for the best deal. †She tells me that she would tell her people about simply denying credit. She said that as a practice they just simply deny credit on smaller orders. They were willing to lose some customers to make sure that they were fully paid. Looking closely at this interview, one is able to pinpoint the person-centered comments which she used. She comments again when she said that â€Å"If you are not successful in bringing in cash, we night as well not be able to make payroll and our other expenses. †She was actually stating a fact, but this seemed emphatic and too direct as if the person to whom she was saying it to was to blame for the small cash collections. Her other comments though, were a little bit more position-centered as he told the employee in an objective way that, â€Å"All expenditures must be justified and â€Å"smart. †All large purchases must include some measure of bargaining or looking for the best deal. †REFERENCES Longenecker, Clinton and Nick Nykodym. â€Å"Public Sector Performance Appraisal Effectiveness:A Case Study. †Public Personnel Management. 25(1996) Longenecker, Clinton and Stephen Goff. â€Å"Performance Appraisal Effectiveness: A Matter of Perspective. †Management Journal. 57(1992) Murphy, Terrence and Joyce Margulies. â€Å"Performance Appraisals. †ABA Employment law Section. Proc. Of Equal Employment Opportunity Committee Mid-Winter Meeting. 24-27 Mar 2004.
Behavioral Science Theory Essay
Theory X In this theory, management assumes employees are inherently lazy and will avoid work if they can. Because of this, workers need to be closely supervised and comprehensive systems of controls developed. According to this theory, employees will show little ambition without an enticing incentive program and will avoid responsibility whenever they can. The Theory X manager tends to believe that everything must end in blaming someone. Furthermore, Theory X supervisors cannot trust any employee, and they reveal this to their support staff via their communications constantly. Theory X managers naturally adopt a more authoritarian style based on the threat of punishment. One major flaw of this management style is it is much more likely to cause Diseconomies of Scale in large businesses.  Theory Y In this theory, management assumes employees may be ambitious, self-motivated, and anxious to accept greater responsibility, and exercise self-control, self-direction, autonomy, and empowerment. It is believed that employees enjoy their mental and physical work duties. It is also believed that if given the chance employees have the desire to be creative and forward thinking in the workplace. There is a chance for greater productivity by giving employees the freedom to perform at the best of their abilities without being bogged down by rules. A Theory Y manager believes that, given the right conditions, most people will want to do well at work and that there is a pool of unused creativity in the workforce. Application of theory X and Y in the US Navy Almost every organization, adopts either theory X or Y in managing their employees or workforce. The application of any one of these theories depends on the culture of the organization, the attitude of managers towards their employees and vise-versa and the personalities of both employers and employees. The US Navy is not an exception to these management practices and applications. When the Navy recruits individuals, they usually apply Theory X. At this stage, they adopt a more authoritarian style based on the threat of punishment. The supervisors’ believe that the recruits are inherently lazy and will train if they can. They should be closely supervised and comprehensive systems of controls should be put in place in their training camps. At this stage, it is believed that the recruits will try to avoid responsibility whenever they can. The supervisors cannot trust the recruits and they reveal this to them through their communication constantly. Theory X continues to be applied in the Navy even after the recruits have passed and have been incorporated in the navy. They continue receiving orders from their commanders and supervisors. Theory Y is applied in the US navy once an individual climbs the ladder and becomes the commander or supervisor. At this stage, it is assumed that the commanders/supervisors are ambitious, self-motivated, and anxious to accept greater responsibility, exercise self-control, self-direction, and autonomy and are empowered. At this stage, the supervisors enjoy their mental and physical work duties. They have the desire to be creative and move forward. Given the right conditions, they will always want to do well at work and use their creativity in bettering the Navy operations. Even though these approaches are, what are commonly used, the US Navy should try to apply theory Z. This theory is good, since it welcomes a more human and more effective way of managing people. It offers a long term, often lifetime employment, with a high value placed on mutual loyalty. Promotion in this case is relatively slow and specialized career paths for individuals and the development of specific skills is encouraged. This approach emphasizes decision by consensus and insists on individual responsibility. It is also preferred since it places attention to the welfare of subordinates as well as encourage informal relationships among individuals. How do your two scores relate to your experience at work? In theory x is visible in most organizations. We find employees not ready to work unsupervised thus need for supervisors to monitor their activities. Managers on the other hand do not trust their employees and they usually carry out check up on them. In theory y we find employees when left alone to work they are likely to be more productive. What motivates individuals to put forth effort on the job? Motivation is reasons for engaging in a particular behavior, especially human behavior. These reasons may include basic needs such as food or a desired object, hobbies, goal, state of being, or ideal. The motivation for a behavior may also be attributed to less-apparent reasons such as altruism or morality. What motivates people include things like money, praise, rewards, and opportunities to make decisions and be creative. Content theories include: How are people motivated on the job? People can be motivated by; positive reinforcement or high expectations, effective discipline and punishment, treating people fairly, satisfying employees needs, setting work related goals, restructuring jobs, base rewards on job performance.  REFERENCES Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: Psychology – The Search for Understanding by Janet A. Simons, Donald B. Irwin, and Beverly A. Drinnien.West Publishing Company, New York, 1987. Colman, Andrew M. Behavioral Science. Oxford University Press, 2001. Foulks Lynch. ACCA Paper 1.3 Managing People. Ashford Press Ltd, 2005. Â
Monday, July 29, 2019
Grade Inflation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 119
Grade Inflation - Essay Example In relation to how people learn, Uva (n.d) asserts that grade inflation contributes to an asymmetrical positioning of students in class and also in the workplaces. In essence, student placement in classrooms ought to be based on performance. If the wrong picture is painted in regard to the performance of a student, then he or she may be placed in a class handling subjects he or she is not competent in. In so doing, students are exposed to more hardships in learning and thus are more likely to receive even lower grades. Grade inflation also gives the wrong impression to employers on the competency of individuals and therefore contributing to absorption of poorly skilled individuals in the job market. One of the assumptions that trigger the caveats surrounding grade inflation is that the work of educators is to rate students in order to boost expediency for the employers during the hiring process (Kohn, 2002). Therefore, less skilled individuals are absorbed into the job market whereas the more competent group is discarded unjustly. As an example of my personal experience, my disinterest in Sciences during the later years of my high school was largely contributed by grade inflation. As a junior in high school, my science teacher used to over-rate our exams and a result, I developed an undeserved interest in sciences. Subsequently, I joined more profound science courses. The hurdles I encountered in comprehending these advanced courses relating to sciences lowered my grades significantly and hence ended up lowering my motivation and interest in learning. This shows that grade inflation can lead to unearned or unjustified placement of students in the classroom and the job market as well. Grade inflation makes it impossible
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Ammianus Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ammianus - Assignment Example Gestae 31.4 the preferable perspective is that the battle was roman induced against Gothic since they were not settled and suffered hardships in the process of getting used to the Roman system. In support of this perspective, Ammianus’ Res Gestae 31.4 argues that the battle began in 376 after the death of Christ; the Goths after being displaced decided to get refuge in the Roman Empire. This is in the hope that they would get used to farming and become soldiers. On reaching the empire, the Gothic began revolts led by Lupinicus and Maximus since they were undergoing hardships in the hands of the Romans. As a result of these attacks by Gothic, the Roman emperor in 378 after death of Christ decided to retaliate with reinforcement from his allies and the Gothic claimed for some Roman territory in order to stop the battle. This made the emperor furious and combined the army into seven legions composed of war veterans. They aimed at capturing and enslaving the Gothic and to take over the lost territories (Ammianus’ Res Gestae 31.4) Ammianus’ Res Gestae 31.4 describes this perspective as preferable since there is evidence that the Gothic tried to take over the Roman Empire as a result of the hardships they went through. This came in a bid to stop the harshness that they were receiving from the Romans who were supposed to offer homage to the
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Conference Moderator Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Conference Moderator - Essay Example People do everything in both cases-people stock the shelves, prepare the food, serve the food, help customers, man the cash registers and sweep the floor in 2003 just like they did in 1950. It's the same on any construction site. In 1950, guys with circular saws and hammers built houses. Today it is guys with circular saws and nail guns. No big difference. An airport in 1950 and an airport today are nearly identical. People take your tickets, handle the baggage, maintain the planes, and pilot them in both cases. Coney Island in 1950 looks like any amusement park today, with people operating the rides, selling the concessions and keeping the park clean. The point of the above passage is that certain industries will likely never be replaced by robots or technology alone. Despite all of the technological innovations that have taken place in the latter half of the past century, there are still a lot of jobs that are largely unaffected by automation. These are often called people-powered industries. Perhaps the most astonishing part is that these types of jobs make up over one-half of the jobs in America (Brain, Robots in 2015, 2008).
Friday, July 26, 2019
Discuss the relevant issues which surround Directors' Remuneration Essay
Discuss the relevant issues which surround Directors' Remuneration Packages and actions which have been taken to solve these issues of contention - Essay Example ty has been demanding for institutional investors to support an autonomous call for companies to either reconsider the payment of top level management or face harsh actions on the corporate governance policy by the government. Thus, the definition of directors’ remuneration has emerged as a major issue of academic interest which is the objective of the study (Prasanna, 2005). Correspondingly, the issues discussed within this study include regular increase of directors’ remuneration as compared to the stagnant pay scale of the workers. It also oversees at the situation where directors’ remuneration has been continuously increasing even when the company is suffering losses. The study also delineates the actions that have been taken to solve these issues which include enhanced transparency of directors’ remuneration in the financial data provided by the company. In the recent years, it has been observed that the shareholders, workers, general public and the media have increased their concerns relating to the remuneration packages paid to the directors. This issue involves poorly organised remuneration report which fails to exactly demonstrate the linkage between the pay and the performance, inappropriate transparency of the companies to report the remuneration package and excessive payments for exit of director’s who depart from the company. In addition, the issues also surround the changes in the structure and level of the directors’ remuneration from the last era which has been ever-increasing irrespective of the company’s size and performance. Director’s remuneration issues often arise due to the market failure that occurs in the heart of corporate governance system. Moreover, shareholders do not maintain any control on the director’s pay which increases the possibility of director’s pursuing a s trategy that would reward them personally instead of contributing to the company’s long-term value (Crown, 2012). It also has been observed that due
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The Importance of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing and How It Affected Research Paper
The Importance of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing and How It Affected America's Relationship with Russia - Research Paper Example The effects of the above mission on America’s relationship with Russia are reviewed in this paper; the explanation of the value of the specific mission for USA and for the global community has been considered as necessary in order to understand the differentiation of the relationship between USA and Russia under the influence of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing. The paper aims to prove that the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing has been a unique event, highly affecting the relationship between USA and Russia which are considered as major competitors in the Aerospace industry. The Apollo missions are considered as the most important projects in the American Aerospace industry. Of particular importance is the first of these missions, the Apollo 11 Lunar landing that tool place in the 20th of July 1969. During that day ’Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, the two members of the crew, had the chance to walk for about half of a mile on foot’.1 It was the first time in human history that such trip has been achieved. Normally, the above achievement should have caused the interest of scientists and the public worldwide. Still, the value of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing has been doubted.2 One of the key reasons has been the project’s cost. ... still, due to its cost the mission did not have the support expected, if considering its value for science, not just for USA but for the international community. The importance of the Apollo 11 Lunar landing can be understood if referring to the mission’s various aspects. The Apollo 11 mission has been a project in which critical programs of Aerospace have been tested. Reference can be made, for example, to ‘the Centaur Program, a program instrumental in the success of the above mission’.4 In ‘the 40th anniversary of Apollo mission’, engineers working in NASA’s projects had the chance to highlight the value of the Centaur program, which was developed during the Apollo 11 mission.5 During the above anniversary, the value of the Apollo 11 for the improvement of the technology involved in the Aerospace industry was highlighted; reference has been made, for example, to the robotic technology6 but also to the Space Shuttle engine,7 which had a criti cal role in the success of the Apollo 11 mission. Moreover, by completing the Apollo 11 mission successfully, USA could set more targets in regards to the Aerospace industry. The exploration of other planets and the development of other projects related to the space have been made feasible in the context of the Apollo 11 Lunar landing. This fact is reflected in the following event: in the 20th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Lunar landing, the US president, George Bush announced the intention of the US Government to support the expansion of projects related to the Aerospace industry.8 The expansion would include a series of initiatives, such as ‘a mission to Mars and a permanent return to the Moon’.9 The above announcements were made in order to enhance the popularity of NASA’s projects. Indeed, in the period
Global Perspectives on Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Global Perspectives on Health - Essay Example While aspects such as GDP growth, Infant Mortality Rate and Adult Literacy Rate, Tanzania records a relatively higher statistic in comparison to the whole of the average in the African Region. Nevertheless, when we look at the statistics in a global perspective, it can be concluded that the numbers for Tanzania is staggering. Total Fertility Rate, Under 5 Mortality Rate and Life Expectancy at Birth are just some of the health indicators which show how the country is struggling in indispensable area of health care. The graphs show that there is little to no progression in terms of Life Expectancy at Birth, Infant Mortality Rate, Under 5 Mortality Rate and Total Fertility Rate of Tanzania. It can be observed that Infant and Under 5 Mortality Rates gradually decreased in more recent years. Life expectancy was also augmented while Fertility Rate remained more or less at the same level. This increase in statistics is a good signifier of a move in progress in terms of health. Based on the data shown, it can be perceived that Tanzania has a reasonably high population rate wherein the number of male population is almost similar with the number of female population. It also illustrates that majority of this population are aged 20 and below. This can be directly related to the mortality and life expectancy rate of the country. The World Health Organization attributes the low level of health in the United Republic of Tanzania primarily to poor nutrition, illiteracy and gender inequality. HIV remains to be the most prevalent problem in the country’s communicable DALY but some progress is being shown. From 9.9% as reported in 2000, HIV infection slowed down to 7% within the years 2003-2004 (World Health
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Business Information Systems etc Research Paper
Business Information Systems etc - Research Paper Example Similarly, on the hardware and software side, firms are increasingly using cloud computing as the valid alternative to process information. The concept of software as a service is not new and increasingly, firms are using these services to take advantage of large data volumes as well as better efficiency and management of the information technology resources. Cloud computing has also allowed the firms to reduce their IT costs by hosting or using third party systems to achieve the same level of productivity and efficiency. The expansion of global e-commerce markets has been assured due to rapid changes in the telecommunication and internet infrastructure. The high speed wireless internet access through mobile phone devices has allowed firms to directly access their customers on their cell phones and deliver personalized advertisement messages to their customers. This paper will therefore attempt to research and analyse the emerging trends in the business information systems and inform ation technology. Information System Trends One of the key trends which have emerged during last few years is the use of peer to peer structure for the management and distribution of information. This new design is based upon the self organization principles and rather than depending upon the central points locations, allow systems to coordinate with each other freely and become more scalable as well as robust. Peer to peer infrastructure is also considered as an innovation in the hardware component of the information systems with better and more robust infrastructure to share and disseminate information at least cost.1 It is also important to note that organizations are increasingly relying on virtualization as one of the key information technology tools which can help them to reduce cost as well as present their message to their targeted audience. It is also important to note that virtualization has also necessitated changes in the software as well as hardware requirements too und er which organizations are shifting towards more handheld devices to use. Virtualization of business systems is also considered as a part of the autonomic computing in which computer systems will regulate and manage themselves on their own based on the computing activity. This trend therefore may be one of the key trends suggesting a gradual shift towards the use of information technology in a relatively new manner. It is also important to note that virtualization takes place both in software as well as in hardware. Hardware virtualization can be done by replicating the whole system through a virtual machine with its own operating system. It is also important to note that businesses can go for complete as well as partial virtualization. Cloud Computing Probably one of the most important emerging trends in the business information systems and information technology in general is the rise of the cloud computing. Cloud computing is used as a service instead of a product and as such req uires an extensive coordination between the service providers and the firms. (Finnie, 2011) Under the cloud computing shared resources, software as well other utilities are provided over a network. Cloud computing is increasingly become more common because it can significantly reduce the overall costs for the firms as well as offer them enough capability to utilize state of the art technology
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Approaches on nursing leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Approaches on nursing leadership - Essay Example Nurse turnover is a situation where registered nurses leave the service prematurely. The reasons for turnover are varied. However, most nurses level the service due to ineffective management and high workloads. In situations of high workloads, nurses tend to seek better opportunities in other professions, and private entities. Many attribute their turnover to poor management that ignore their plight or focus more on the institution rather than the person. Nurse shortage and turnover can be addressed by the manager and nurse leaders. Managers and leaders are best placed to understand the problems and possible solutions to the problems. Managers and leaders can work together to find the causes and lasting solutions to maintain the soundness of healthcare in the next decade. However, there are functional and objectives differences between how manager and leaders approach such issues. The differences and similarities on how nurse leader managers approach the issues are discussed below. Nurse leaders and managers are obligated to show competence in how they handle health-related problems. The role of nurse leaders and nurse managers is to ensure that healthcare runs smoothly by ensuring patients are attended to. In this regard, both are concerned about nurse shortages and turnover. As such, they may approach the issue by allocating resources to higher new nurses and offer a better working condition to retain the existing nurses. However, the groups have different modalities on fulfilling these functions. Managers are more concerned with administrative functions of the health institutions. As such, they work with a budgeted finances and hence act within the confines of the resources that they have (Kelly, 2009). To address nurse shortage, managers are likely to allocate more finances to hiring by cutting down spending on non-essential functions. However, the move is temporary and can be affected
Monday, July 22, 2019
Scientific Writing Essay Example for Free
Scientific Writing Essay Scientific writing -is a form of technical writing that reports scientific observations and results in a manner governed by specific conventions. Examples and Observations (Definition #1): Sustaining a dead body until its organs can be harvested is a tricky process requiring the latest in medical technology. But its also a distinct anachronism in an era when medicine is becoming less and less invasive. Fixing blocked coronary arteries, which not long ago required prying a patients chest open with a saw and spreader, can now be accomplished with a tiny stent delivered to the heart on a slender wire threaded up the leg. Exploratory surgery has given way to robot cameras and high-resolution imaging. Already, we are eyeing the tantalizing summit of gene therapy, where diseases are cured even before they do damage. Compared with such micro scale cures, transplantswhich consist of salvaging entire organs from a heart-beating cadaver and sewing them into a different bodyseem crudely mechanical, even medieval. (Jennifer Kahn Stripped for Parts. Wired, March 2003. Reprinted in the Best American Science Writing 2004, edited by Dava Sobel. HarperCollins, 2004) On Explaining Science 1. The question is not should you explain a concept or process, but how can you do so in a way that is clear and so readable that it is simply part of the story? 2. Use explanatory strategies such as . . . Active-voice verbs Use the Active Voice . . . Most of the Time When a verb is in the active voice, the subject of the sentence is also the doer of the action. Active Voice- John picked up the bag It is in the active voice because the subject, John, is also the thing or person doing the action of picking up. Passive Voice -The bag was picked up by John The subject of the sentence, bag, is the passive receiver of the action. . . . Analogies and metaphors Analogies- comparison between two things that are similar in some way, often used to explain something or make it easier to understand. Metaphors- the use to describe somebody or something of a word or phrase that is not meant literally but by means of vivid comparison expresses something about him, her or it ex. Saying that somebody is a snake. Backing into an explanation, that is, explaining before labeling Selecting critical features of a process and being willing to set aside the others, as too much explanatory detail will hurt rather than help. 3. People who study what makes an explanation successful have found that while giving examples is helpful, giving nonexamples is even better. Nonexamples are examples of what something is not. Often, that kind of example will help clarify what the thing is. If you were trying to explain groundwater, for instance, you might say that, while the term seems to suggest an actual body of water, such as a lake or an underground river, that would be an inaccurate image. Groundwater is not a body of water in the traditional sense; rather, as Katherine Rowan, communications professor, points out, it is water moving slowly but relentlessly through cracks and crevices in the ground below us. . . . 4.Be acutely aware of your readers beliefs. You might write that chance is the best explanation of a disease cluster; but this could be counterproductive if your readers reject chance as an explanation for anything. If you are aware that readers beliefs may collide with an explanation you give, you may be able to write in a way that doesnt cause these readers to block their minds to the science you explain.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Influence of Banks on the Economy and Finance Sector
Influence of Banks on the Economy and Finance Sector 1. Introduction Fundamentally, banking is a process that help the people to solve the problem in financial, for instance DBS. The term â€Å"finance†sector is the regulatory framework that permit transactions to be made by incurring and settling debts (Parkin, 2014). Banking and finance means a lot in Singapore economy as it helps the Singapore economy to growth gradually over the last one and a half decades. Besides, the economy of Singapore become the strongest among the Asian (Top 10 most competitive economies in Asia-Pacific | World Economic Forum, 2015). Most of the bank are earning profit by charging interest on money that the bank lend and by trading financial instruments in the financial markets (, 2015). Thus, almost every bank is seeking the rich person and give them the best offer and try to persuade them to save the money in their bank. 2. Contribution to the national economy 2.1 Job Market Basically, job market implies the employer looking for employee and the employee that is looking for jobs. Whether the job market grow or shrink, it is depends on the labour demand and supply within the long-term economy. (Investopedia, 2010). Job market has help Singapore economy, according to Ministry of Manpower report, the jobs that available has risen to 67,400 and it is the highest level in six years (, 2015). The jobs help the citizens and foreign workers to get the job more easily in Singapore, thus, the unemployment rate also has been decreased steadily (Channel NewsAsia, 2015). Moreover, the banking and finance sector help the SMEs with provide loan as much as possible and once the SMEs expanded their business and it will let the Singapore economy become more stable. 2.2 Local Financial institution investing offshores projects The primary transaction of local financial institution is dealing with financial transaction, for example, deposits, loans and investments. Practically, everybody has deal with financial institution all the time. Everything from keeping cash to taking out loans and exchange currencies must be done through financial institutions (Investopedia, 2006). Singapore have to build up the local financial institution so that Singapore itself able to invest the offshore project. Thus, the economy of Singapore will go steadily. Singapore has to use it advantage which is longstanding position as a main trading hub in the Southeast Asia, so that Singapore allow to proceed with the projects. The strategy which Singapore used has promote and develop the strategy to let Singapore to become offshore trading hub for the import and export for the foreign currency. By that time, Singapore foreign exchange market has been inseparable. Thusly the banking and finance service sector has been becoming emphati cally as the year goes through with the enormous economic growth that the Singapore is encountering. Growth in the foreign exchange market has surpass the economy in Singapore and it served to create a lot of worldwide banking institutions. For instance, Singapore leading the global marine and offshore engineering market (Singapore Economic Development Board Investing Business in Singapore, 2015). 2.3 Financing SME SME is extremely important to the Singapore economy said by Finance Minister Tharman (Channel NewsAsia, 2015). The Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) announced a series of measures to enhance support for SME to restructure and achieve quality growth. Furthermore, the government will enhance support the SME in the areas of productivity, innovation and capabilities upgrading in order to boost their capabilities and remain the competency between the SME (, 2015). In additional, SMEs are important to economy of Singapore as they make up 99% enterprises, said by MR Tan Ser Luck. As Singapore is a small domestic market, so the SMEs need to take risk abroad relatively in the development in order to grow and there are approximately 74% of the SMEs export the goods and services (, 2015). 3. Challenge facing by this sectors in present and future 3.1 Government regulation and deregulation Government regulation which means that the law that pass down from government is to control business in order to protect the consumers interest and government institute regulatory law. In contrast, deregulation means government rules and law is removed (Everyday Life Global Post, 2015). There are a ton of regulation that they have to follow all together for the sector to growth in the economy. Without inputting the regulation to sectors, most of the consumer will not be protected if the business has an unscrupulous activity. Banking and finance services sector will face challenges if deregulation happen and it will wind up have confusion in the economy. To keep chaos from occuring in the Singapore economy, it is a difficulties for the government to turn out with the laws and laws for this sector. 3.2 Shortage of skill talent Deficiency of skill talent defined as there is not enough of skill and talented people to help the firm to gain profit by using less employee making more yield. According to the secondary data, runs a business effectively, almost 45% of employers believe that if want a business runs effectively, the skilled talent deficiency is the potential people. Hays done a surveyed of the bosses represent to the employees and it had also figured out that banking and finance services sector is one of the troublesome expert to hire the employees (, 2015). According to Hays deficiency of skilled talent may influence the operation and growth of the association. This has additionally indicate the employers in the association to be inventive to attract more employees in this divisions. 3.3 Cyber-crime Basically, Cyber-crime are people utilizing distinctive sort of electronic devices to admonish, affront or login to unauthorised system to abuse the information without authority permission. In Singapore, cyber-crime is one of the difficulties confronting by the banking and finance service division in light of the fact that annual crime brief in 2014 cyber-crime exercises has increment by 1149 cases to make an aggregate of 1659 cases. By contrast, with year 2013 which just have 510 cases. In this cyber-crime it also incorporate crime cyber-extortion, web adoration trick are some of the fabulous crime that are hard to control that why this is one of the difficulties that is face by banking and financial service sector as all this cyber-crime include huge measure of cash being scam (SPF, 2015). 4. Strategic planning by this sectors in the present and future 4.1 Training and Education Due to the shortage of skill and talented employee, training and education is the best planning. The employer send the underperformance employees for training in order to upgrade themselves and learn to be more skilful at the same time while education is send the employees to advance study to gain more knowledge and get a better and higher qualification so can get the banking and finance job. In the banking and finance sector, it required extensive knowledge and skilled so that can produce the good work easily. Banking and finance are very competency as this sector get the very high salary and that’s why government always encourage the firm to send their employees for training to let them be more professional so that it can build up the national economy in Singapore. 4.2 Security and Regulation Security and Regulation is a certificate and all the rules and regulation of the company are stated in the certificate. Singapore government has created the security and regulation in order to preserve the economy and the external intimidation to come into Singapore (Acharya, 2008). Furthermore, security and regulation can preserve the national interest. Therefore, every single rules and regulation has a huge impact for every country and the government have to set it carefully. 5. Conclusion Banking and finance is essential to every country as it will impact the economy of the country. In Singapore, Monetary Authority of Singapore support this sector by setting rules and regulations to supervise the financial institutions. The purpose is to make sure every financial institution abide rules and regulations and hope that this banking and finance sector will create more jobs for and build the Singapore economy stable and better, and have a bright future.
Male Sub-fertility: Causes, Effects and Treatments
Male Sub-fertility: Causes, Effects and Treatments M. M. A. Priyantha Introduction Subfertility is a common problem affecting nearly 10 -15 % of couples attempting to conceive a baby even though theyve had frequent sexual intercourse for a year or longer. In up to one third of people having problems in getting pregnant, the issues are related to male reproductive system.[1][3] Definition Male sub fertility is any condition in which the man negatively affects the ability of initiating a pregnancy with his partner. Most commonly, those issues arise when the male is unable to deliver or produce fully-functioning sperm.[2] Prevalence of Male Subfertility Prevalence of subfertility among male varies depending on the definition. Some reports show that worldwide between 3% 7% of all couples / males alone have an unresolved problem of subfertility. [14] Some other couples, has involuntary childlessness in a range of 12% to 28% at least one year: [14] Sub fertility issues affect one in seven males in the UK.[15]nearly half of fertility issues occurred with the male in UK.[13] Male subfertility counts to 25% of infertile peoples In Britain. [14] Nearly 10% of peoples expecting children are sub fertile in in Sweden. Of these peoples one third of the man has the problem. [8] The Causes of Male Subfertility Male Subfertility is driven by many causes, such as hormonal imbalances, physiological problems structural defects and other abnormalities in the reproductive system, and psychological and/or behavioral problems and illness or even trauma. [13] The most common problems of male sub fertilityrelate with the production and development of sperm. Sperm may be abnormally shaped, not develop normally or not making movements properly. Or, even though having normal sperm in structural of functional, it may be produced in abnormally low count which is called as oligospermia.[1] When delivering the sperm, an Obstruction may lead to sub fertility by blocking sperm from its normal passage. It can be caused by a various factors, like prior surgery (includingvasectomy),[1] inflammation or development problems and repeated infections. Any part of the male reproductive pathway can be obstructed, avoiding normal transport of sperm from the testicles to the urethra. Hormonal Problems A small percentage of male subs fertile are caused by hormonal issues.Hormones produced by thepituitary glandare responsible for stimulating the testicles to make sperm. So, when these hormone levels are severely low, low sperm production and development can be result. The gonadotrophic-releasing hormone (GnRH)[3] stimulatesthe hormonal pathway which stimulates testosterone synthesis and so on the sperm production. An inadequaterelease of GnRH results in low levels of testosterone production and a failure in sperm production. The pituitary can fail to produce adequate Lutenizing hormone (LH)[3] and follicle stimulating hormonewhich is called as FSH, which help to stimulate the testes and from that, the testosterone/sperm production.In testosterone and sperm production, these hormones, LH and FSH are very important in the hormonal pathway. Also the sex-hormone balance of a male can be interrupted by some other hormones and some chemical compounds which are produce by himself[13] Physical Problems Many physical problems can cause male sub fertility. These issues will direct affect on sperm production of male body or interruption in the pathway which sperm travel from the testes to the penis and then the female body. These issues are normally identified by a low sperm count and sometimes using the abnormal sperm shape. Varicoceles Varicoceles are the most common correctable cause of male Subfertility:The dilated scrotal veins are present in 16% of all male but are most seen in sub fertile male 40 percent. They interfere with sperm development by fail to give a proper blood supply to testis. Varicocoeles can be result in low sperm count and abnormal sperm morphology which cause sub fertility. Varicoceles are easily identified by physical examination because the veins feel especially like a bag of worms. They can also be able to be enlarged and twisted enough to be seen in thescrotum.[8][9] Damaged Sperm Ducts: 7% of sub fertile male cannot deliver sperm from their testicles to out using their penis. This pathway can be blocked by a various conditions: A genetic or developmental abnormalities can be result in obstruction or cause not having of one or both tubes which needed importantly to transport the sperm from the testicles to the penis to pass the female. Scarring from tuberculosis or some STDs can block the epididymis or tubes. An elective or accidental vasectomy may interfere with tube continuity.[3][8] Retrograde ejaculation Retrograde ejaculation is another physiological phenomenon which can be result in male subfertility. When semen pushes backwards into the bladderthan out thepenis, retrograde ejaculation occurs. This is caused by nerve failure and muscles in the bladder neckto close during orgasm. It can be occur as result from some diseases acting on the nervous system, though out a previous surgery or medications. Cloudy urine after ejaculation mainly helps in identifies this condition. In some cases, diminished or dry ejaculation with orgasm may also help to identify this condition.[3][8] Torsion it is a common issue affecting sub fertility that can be caused by a supportive tissue abnormality which can be result in the testes to twist inside the scrotum which is identified by extreme swelling. Torsion pinches the blood vessels that supply the testes shut which causes testicular damage. When both testes twist, it can be a severe condition which can then results in permanent subfertility if emergency surgery is not to be done to untwist the testes.[3] Infection and Disease: Typhoid, influenza, tuberculosis, brucellosis, gonorrhea, Mumps, syphilis and smallpox can lead to testicular atrophy. A low level of sperm count and low sperm motility are characteristic of this condition. Also, high FSH levels and other hormonal issues are indication of testicular damage. Some STDs like gonorrhea can cause sub fertility by blocking the epididimis or tubes. These situations are usually treated with hormonal replacement therapy and surgery.[13] Genetically Problems Genetics issues have a major contribution to sub fertility. Abnormalities inchromosomalnumbers in the cells and structural issues such as deletions of the relevantY chromosomepresent in normal males can be also interfering with fertility. E.g. Klinefelter’s Syndrome: Is a genetic condition in which is created by additional X chromosome. Physiological symptoms may include peanut-sized testicles which are small than normal size and having enlarged breasts. Most of these males who have genetic issues will suffer with subfertility. Behavior Problems. Some bad behavior pattern also can lead to male sub fertility. # Smoking-significantly decreases the sperm count, volume, quality and sperm cell motility. [13] # Prolonged usage of drugs like marijuana and other recreational drugs. # Chronic alcohol abuse. # Anabolic steroid use- causes testicular shrinkage and then the sub fertility. # Inadequate vitamin C and Zinc in the diet. # Tight underwear-A common reason which increases scrotal temperature and results in decreased sperm production. # Exposure to environmental facts and toxins such as mercury,benzene, boron ,pesticides, lead and heavy metals, paint, radiation, radioactivesubstances. # In some cases excessive stress can also be result in male sub fertility. #Strenuous riding[4] Improving or simply change some pattern of these behaviors can help in sub fertility. Medication Some medications which are sing to treat conditions like arthritis, digestive problems, infections,and even cancer can affect sperm production. Also medication for hypertensionand depression can also be affect on male sub fertility.[13] Diagnosing male Sub fertility Diagnoses can be done using a complete history and physical examination and is usually followed by blood andsemenanalysis. From a sample of semen obtained through masturbation, it can check the factors like concentration, movement, volume, count, and structure of spermatozoa. The low values in any of the above factor can also indicate a problem with the development of male reproductive system or delivery of sperm which require some further testing. In atransrectal ultrasound, which mean an imaging test that places a probe into therectum safely to beam high-frequency sound waves to nearbyejaculatory ducts. This test can check whether these structures of male reproductive system are either abnormally developed or obstructed withcysts,calcificationsor other obstructions. Atesticular biopsyis useful to be done when a semen analysis results gives very low count of sperm or either no sperm. This test is done under general or regionalanesthesia through a small cut in the scrotum or using a needle which is inserted through the skin over the testicle for microscopic evaluation. The biopsy is important to be done in two ways. First, it is to determine the cause of sub fertility, and, if necessary, to get sperm sample for use in assisted reproduction. A hormonal profile is also an important evaluation to test sperm-producing ability. The pituitary hormones like follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) which is responsible in stimulating testicles in sperm production. High levels of follicle-stimulating hormone may indicate that the pituitary is over producing the hormones to stimulate the testicles which they are not responding.[13] Treating Male Subfertility The treatment using for male subfertility bases on specific issue. Unfortunately, no treatment will be available for some cases. But more often, there is a mix of medications, Simple lifestyle changes, assisted reproductive techniques (ART), also the surgical approaches are available as treatments for the male subfertility. Some treatment ways are – Minor outpatient surgery (varicocelectomy) is used more frequently to rearrange dilated scrotal veins (varicoceles), which may help in develop sperm concentration, sperm movement, and its structure. An obstruction causing sub fertility can also be surgically corrected for some extend. [1][3] Intrauterine insemination (IUI) means placing the sperm directly into theuterusvia acatheter close to thefallopian tubes where fertilization occurs. IUI can be a successful solution in avoid the sperm movement problems and sperm count problems like immunologic subfertility or retrograde ejaculation, and some other causes. Taking place the fertilization in a laboratory Petri dish, which means outside the body, is called as vitro fertilization (IVF). There, the male sperms are joined with egg of a female partner .When using IVF, the ovaries should be overly stimulated. Fertility drugs are normally used for that which is facilitating the retrieval of multiple mature eggs. Soon after 2 to 3 days of incubation, this fertilized egg (embryo) is inserted in the uterus of female partner which result the normal pregnancy.[8] When a male with sub fertility and the semen quality is poor or low in volume, a different treatment method is used which is called as Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The method is to inject a good quality single sperm directly in to an egg of female partner. Once it is fertilized, it can place inside in female uterus.[1] Treating Hormonal Problems Medication:pituitary hormone deficiency can be corrected with using the drugs such as clomiphene or gonadotropin If Lutenizing hormone (LH) or follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels are abnormally low but both the pituitary gland and hypothalamus gland are functional properly, using the drugs likeclomiphene citrate (Serophene, Clomid) which helps to stimulate the hypothalamus and helps to release GnRH withregular intervals. When the pituitary is not functioning properly and not produce the necessary sex hormones, hormonereplacement therapy can be used which is usually works in about 4 months. Injecting of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) helps to the increase LH levels and it helps in production of testosterone and sperm by stimulating the testes. In case of unresponsive to hCG , a combination of LH and FSH which is called as the Pergonal drug is used to stimulate spermproduction. The drug Parlodel (bromocriptine) can correct hyperprolactinemia.[3] Cortisone replacement therapy is used to stimulate the pituitary. Testosterone replacement therapy is highly effective for males with low testosterone levels. Treating Physical Problems: Varicocele[8][9] Varicoceles are most often treated by microsurgery. Surgical treatments improve the semen in 70% of male and results in pregnancy in 60% of couples. Surgery relates the interruption of the damaged testicular veins. Blocked Ducts: The sperm travelling pathway which is, from the testicle to the penis, can become interfere or blocked by several factors. In situations like voluntary or accidental vasectomy, the testicle and vas deferens should reconnect by using a vasectomy reversal.In situations like congenital absence of the vas deferens, a male’s sperm can be retrieved using three methods. Micro Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA)- Which is getting a sperm sample proximal to the tubal obstruction using fine surgical techniques. [8] Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA)- which is using a small needle to aspirate spermfrom a location proximal to the tubal obstruction. Testicular Sperm Biopsy (TESE)-Which is using a small biopsy of testicular tissue. [13] Treating Psychological/Physical Problems [1][13] Pharmacological treatment: More commonly related to use of medications which helps to restore erections. Severaldrugs are currently used to treat. Sildenafil (Viagra) is normally taken orally to increase penile bloodflow which is highly effective. Caverject is a drug which is effective highly to cause anerection in penis after injected directly to it. Mechanical Treatment is also effective butmore cumbersome Treatment which uses a vacuum erection device and a constriction ring. The penis get into an erection by the vacuum from the. The constriction ring helps to maintain the erection by blocking blood fromexiting the spongy bodies of the penis. Surgical Treatment can be used in restore erectile capacity of penis. In these treatments, repairing or correcting the vascular damage/blockage or use of implants is used to restore erectile capacity.Arterial and venous reconstructive surgery helps moderatelyeffective and can obtain to restore a male’s erection ability of the penis. As treatments for premature ejaculation squeeze technique can be used effectively.When using squeeze technique, male is stimulated continually until they reach orgasm and after that, his partner squeezes his frenulum. With using this technique, longer sexual intercourse becomes possible. Another treatment option for premature ejaculation is to collect the ejaculate which is used for fertilizing an egg of female partner by using artificial insemination. As treatments for ejaculatory incompetence behavioral therapy can be used for some extend.When using behavioral therapy, ejaculation of a male can be stimulated by using both manual stimulation from insertion of penis into the vagina of his partner and masturbation together. If this method is failing to success, an ejaculate which takes through masturbation can be used in artificial insemination with a female egg and overcome the sub fertility of male. References Mens Health Male Factor Infertility. University of Utah Health Sciences Center. 2003-04-01. Brugh VM, Lipshultz LI (2004). Male factor infertility. Hirsh A (2003). Male subfertility. The Vicious Cycling: Bicycling Related Urogenital Disorders. Leibovitch I, Mor Y (2005). Agarwal A, Prabakaran SA, Said TM (2005). Prevention of Oxidative Stress Injury to Sperm. Journal of Andrology 26 Robbins WA, Elashoff DA(2005). Effect of lifestyle exposures on sperm aneuploidy. Cytogenetic and Genome Research Ji G, Long Y, Zhou Y, Huang C, Gu A, Wang X (2012). Common variants in mismatch repair genes associated with increased risk of sperm DNA damage and male infertility. Infertility in men. Retrieved 2007-11-21. Costabile RA, Spevak M (2001). Characterization of patients presenting with male factor infertility in an equal access, no cost medical system. Masarani M, Wazait H, Dinneen M (2006). Mumps orchitis. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Hwang K, Walters RC, Lipshultz LI (February 2011). Contemporary concepts in the evaluation and management of male infertility.Nature Reviews Urology Mens Health Male Factor Infertility. University of Utah Health Sciences Center. 2003-04-01. Web site Himmel, W.; Ittner, E; Kochen, MM; Michelmann, HW; Hinney, B; Reuter, M; Kallerhoff, M; Ringert, RH (1997). Voluntary Childlessness and being Childfree NICE fertility guidance. Acknowledgment I would like to offer an especial thank for Dr. K.D. Mahinda (Department of Physiology) for spending his valuable time and for giving his precious advice to make my effort more effective. And I also thank every other person who helped me in this effort.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
What is Wisdom? Essay example -- essays research papers fc
What is Wisdom?      At first glance, wisdom would be defined as the ability to apply knowledge. However, there is much more to wisdom than just that brief of a statement. The New Expanded Webster’s Dictionary defines wisdom as â€Å"sound judgement and sagacity; prudence; learning or erudition (pg 378)†What exactly does this definition mean? Some fallacies about wisdom include: confusing wisdom with intelligence, having a college degree, having common sense, or simply having life experiences. In order to prove these fallacies wrong, the definition of wisdom needs to be explored.           The dictionary meaning of wisdom included the words sagacity and erudition. Sagacity, according to the dictionary, means â€Å"quickness of discernment; shrewdness; high intelligence (pg 292).†Erudition means â€Å"learning, knowledge gained by study; scholarship (pg 113).†When looking at these definitions, one can see that they involve high intelligence, discernment, and knowledge gained by study. Upon scrutinizing these words even further, one can deduce that wisdom is the ability to discern, given a high intelligence and knowledge gained by study. Well, what exactly is it that needs to be discerned?      Discernment can also mean to distinguish. According to the website,, wisdom is â€Å"the ability to discern what is right and true†or what we would call, insight. Therefore,...
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858 Essay -- History Historical Politi
Before engaging in the debates with Senator Stephen A. Douglas, Lincoln was relatively unknown in the political world and was just beginning his career in politics. Abraham Lincoln’s reputation was just starting to grow, and his life was about to make a drastic change. The Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 were a turning point in Abraham Lincoln’s political career.      Lincoln had served four terms in the Illinois legislature, and now desired an office with greater prestige. Lincoln had served the Whig Party well, and election to Congress became his goal.      In 1843 and 1844, Lincoln lost the nomination for Congress to other candidates. Although disappointed, he kept striving for his goal. Finally, in 1846, his hard work had paid off. Abraham Lincoln won the Whig nomination for the U. S. House of Representatives.      Lincoln started his Congressional career on December 6, 1847. He failed to make the reputation he had hoped for in Congress. Some of his main tasks included, a bill that would free slaves in the District of Columbia and supporting the Wilmot Proviso, banning slavery in territories acquired from Mexico. He also supported the Whig policy which had the government paying for internal improvements, and in 1848, he worked on the nomination and election of Zachary Taylor, the Whig candidate for President. Already in his political career, Lincoln had a strong stand on slavery. His term ended on March 4, 1849. Lincoln’s stay in Congress was brief and frustrating. He opposed the Mexican War so vigorously that he lost much of his popularity with his constituency. At the expiration of his term in 1849 he returned home and sank into the political background.      At that point, Lincoln decided to return to Springfield, Illinois and revive his law career. He practiced law more seriously than ever and represented big businesses and corporations in many lawsuits, and soon prospered. After successfully defending the Illinois Central Railroad in an important tax case, he became known as the leading lawyer of Illinois. His reputation all over the state had grown steadily. However, Lincoln knew that law was not his dream. Abraham Lincoln decided to reenter politics. At that point in time, there had been a sudden change in the national theme towards slavery. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 had prohibited slavery in territories north of Missouri’s so... ...tly he who molds public sentiment goes deeper than he who enacts statutes or pronounces decisions†(Phillips 38). The above quotation was part of Lincoln’s remarks in the first Lincoln-Douglas debate at Ottawa on August 21, 1858. Also, Lincoln was one of the best extemporaneous debaters of all time (Phillips 145). Lincoln listened to what the people wanted, which gained him popularity and respect. During the debates, he was always confident, mostly because he stood up for what he believed was right. Even if Lincoln’s ideas were of the minority, he would not back down. These verbal skills benefited him throughout his political career. Besides national interest, Lincoln received worldwide appeal. This tall, honest politician was now known across the globe.      The Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 marked a turning point in Abraham Lincoln’s political career, and lead to his popularity among the United States. Finally, without the debates, a great leader, Lincoln, would never have been produced. â€Å"Abraham Lincoln was a great writer and a great orator as well as a great leader†(Ayres IX). Abraham Lincoln started his political career as a nobody, but in the end was greatly admired.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
MBA Admissions Essays - The Island :: MBA College Admissions Essays
There were no tropical bands, smiling islanders, or readily available sun tan lotions. There were, however, three gentlemen dressed in army fatigue sporting rifles and an unhappy disposition. Margarita Island looked more like the stage for a military coup than a vacation paradise. What awaited us on the small plot of land 20 miles north of the Venezuelan coast was a run-down hotel, Porto Fino Mare. Arriving with seven classmates from school and a plane full of American tourists, it felt as if the island's population had doubled with our arrival. We tried to make the best of a bad situation, after all, there was still an abundance of blue sky and crystal clear ocean. Although all seven of us attended the same school, we were still just acquaintances. By the third night on the island we made a rotting bamboo table our source of entertainment. Sitting around that table, we were forced to occupy ourselves with something novel, conversation. At first, dialogue sounded like group therapy. Where are you from? What brings you to this island tonight? Over time, however, our discussion shifted to deeper waters. Some of my classmates knew that I had been running an internet company, but nobody knew exactly what or how I was doing it. I explained about the two books I had written and went into detail about how I was using the internet as a marketing tool. I talked about the weird looks I received from peers, while printing out thousands of pages in the school library. Â My friends seemed genuinely interested in how I could manage a successful company, but what happened next surprised me. My normally reserved school acquaintances became enthralled. They started offering new ideas and directions for my business.
Corporate Social Responsibility Task
The partnership is employee owned (these employees are Often called members or partners) and so they state that their purpose is â€Å"the happiness of all our members, through their worthwhile, satisfying employment in a successful business†The next business researched was McDonald's which is the largest global fast food restaurant in the world. It has over 34000 stores located around the world that serve around 68 million people a day (equivalent to the population of the K). McDonald's has often been criticized for its effect on the environment and its customers due to its low quality products.Its main competition is KEF and Burger King although to combat this McDonald's offers a larger product range with KEF mainly focusing on chicken and Burger King mainly offering burgers. To help promote their food to children they use a clown mascot that they also use for their charities that support children e. G the Ronald McDonald House charity which offers temporary homes for famil ies with close relatives who are in a distant hospital. The Final business researched was SAD which is owned by Wall-Mart, the largest private employer in the world and the second largest public reparation in the world.SAD got its name from the merger of Associated Dairies & Farm Stores Limited and Acquits (a small chain of supermarkets) with the AS coming from Acquits and the DAD coming from Dairies. SAD has had various problems with false advertising in the past usually due to showing items in adverts for sales that are not included in the sale. SAD manufactures and sells its own range of clothes called George. SAD employs 175,000 employees and 565 stores in the ASK. Its mission statement is â€Å"to be Britain's best value retailer exceeding customer needs always. All of these organizations have been put under pressure in recent years to act responsibly and show good corporate social responsibility. The main pressure on these businesses comes from pressure groups which are group s such as Greenback who put pressure on businesses who damage the environment. These groups can have a substantial effect on a business as they can use various protest methods to reduce the profits of a business. These methods include calling for boycotts, deterring ethical consumers, picketing and even suing the business.All these methods cause negative publicity for the equines which deters customers from going to the store as its actions may not follow their ethical beliefs. Negative publicity can also affect share prices as this publicity can be an indicator that the profits of the business fall drop soon due to some of their customers being deterred. The main organization have researched that has been effected by this is McDonald's who has been targeted by various environmental groups in the past and is now being targeted by PETA who has done investigations into McDonald's and has set up whom. Cruelty. Com which publicizes how McDonald's mistreats animals. This is likely to det er customers from going to McDonald's and cause it to lose a small amount of its market. Although it is being targeted negatively by some pressure groups, other groups have recently sat reed to us port its new CEO-friendly initiatives and employment strategies which has improved the company's image a lot. Another organization that has been effected negatively is SAD who have been targeted by Labor Behind the Label and War on Want who have shown various suppliers of SAD to be underpaying workers.This would affect ethical consumers as they would be deterred from supporting SAD and its u pliers by buying their products and some may protest against SAD in other ways. Pressure groups can also help a business if it shows advancement in particular CAR fields. The John Lewis Partnership is the main business that I've researched that has benefited from positive publicity from pressure groups as it has received various awards from pressure groups for having good suppliers and caring for the e nvironment.One of their recent awards, the good pig award, allowed the company to advertise that they sourced their pork products from high welfare farms which would increase the likelihood hat an ethical consumer would purchase that product. Many of the Actions taken by pressure groups would not work without ethical consumers. Ethical consumers are people who purchase goods based partly on them being ethically right.An example of this is people who buy fair trade products which are often more expensive than non-fair trade products but help support the producers of those products. These consumers are very important for the pressure groups as it can allow them to get customers to boycott certain products or retailers. This also allows pressure groups to influence the decisions of a business as they can reduce the profits of a business or alternatively if the business is doing well in some aspect of CAR they can give them an award that will attract ethical consumers to them.An example of the power of ethical consumerism is that McDonald's has been forced to alter its view on the environment with it being linked to rainforest's destruction and over packaging of products whereas now it has some of the best packaging in the fast food industry and has decreased its effect on the rainforest's. The main way ethical consumerism has affected SAD is through the reduces it sells with them now stocking a large range of fair-trade and free range products to encourage ethical consumers to go to SAD instead of its competitors.This has caused SAD to decrease its profit margin on these products as these products cost more for SAD to buy which may have lost them money for a short time but would increase their sales due to greater Customer retention. The John Lewis Partnership has benefited a lot from ethical consumerism with many of its products aimed at ethical consumers and a lot of its customers choosing to shop their because of their view on business.This allows them to main tain a good customer base as ethical consumers are likely to keep shopping at John Lewis Partnership stores so long as they continue to make ethical decisions. Often the main way a business promotes it is being socially responsible is through its investments. This helps to maintain a good relationship with pressure groups and advertises the business to ethical consumers. An example of this is McDonald's who promote their investment into fuelling over 50% of their trucks with bodiless and continually researching ways to reduce their packaging waste.Most socially responsible investments made by a business have other benefits too such as the bodiless they make themselves which reduces fuelling costs and decreasing waste packaging means they don't have to buy as much of the raw materials for the packaging. The John Lewis Partnership promotes its socially responsible actions a lot. An example of this is that it has invested into an awards program called the Waitress Supplier Awards which rewards suppliers for improving their environmental performance. This has helped Waitress improve its suppliers so that ethical groups will continue to support Waitress.This also advertises to consumers that Waitress are trying to improve the CAR Of their suppliers and not just their stores. SAD gain substantial benefits from advertising its socially responsible actions. One way it has benefited is through better employment as it advertises its employment benefits, such as access to its skills academy, to gain a better standard of employees. It also benefits by advertising the various things it is doing for the local community, such as supporting a local athlete, which would help the local community see some of the good aspects to having an SAD in their community.All 3 of the businesses I have researched have benefited from their positive CAR which has helped them grow. The John Lewis Partnership has benefited a lot from the good publicity it has received from various organizations that report on CAR to the extent that it has become the industries leader for ethical consumers. This has allowed their stores to offer their goods at a higher price than their competitors as their customers are willing to pay more for an ethically sourced product.As they have a history of ethical consumerism they have been able to maintain customer loyalty as it is less keel for them to make an unethical business decision. John Lewis has also used its employment benefits to maintain a good work force with it giving its employees a large percentage of the profits (usually in the form of a bonus worth 2 months pay). These benefits increase employee loyalty and make the John Lewis Partnership a more attractive option for job seekers. This allows the stores to be more selective when employing new members of staff so that they can get the best person for the job.This also allows them to create a more diverse workforce so that they can find out bout different ways to market products tow ards people of a different age, culture, ethnicity, sex and background. McDonald's has benefited from the positive publicity from its socially responsible actions a lot because in the past many pressure groups have given McDonald's negative publicity on its effects on the environment, its packaging and its effects on the consumers health. Over recent years though it has advertised what it has done to combat these issues to such an extent that it has now won a lot of environmental awards.This has helped to increase its ethical consumer customer base and in turn increase its profits. The main area McDonald's has benefited from good CAR is in its recruitment. Due to McDonald's offering its employees a good range of benefits it has been named one of the Auk's top employers. This helps promote McDonald's to potential employees and helps retain employees which is essential for McDonald's as most Of their franchise owners are previous employees. SAD has benefited a lot though the loyalty o f its customers. This is due to them maintaining a good price for their products while still doing a lot for their CAR.This has meant that the business has not had to invest in club cards which it says cost â€Å"hundreds of millions of pounds†and only reward â€Å"people who can afford to spend the most†. Instead it explains that it uses that money to reduce the cost oftener products â€Å"across the board for everyone. †This allows them to advertise that they have more products cheaper than Deco's than Deco's have of SAD. This draws in new customers and maintains customer loyalty as customers believe it is the best option for them to shop there. SAD have offered a lot of benefits to employees with cheaper stock offerings and various qualifications available. Corporate Social Responsibility task One thing it has done is source a lot Of its products from local suppliers e. G. All Waitress fresh chicken, beef and pork, bacon, duck and goose are sourced room the [J which helps local communities as it increases the profits of the local suppliers and allows them to expand which allows them to increase their workforce. Increasing the suppliers workforce helps the community as it decreases unemployment rates and increases the amount of money that stays in the community.This is very important to local communities as usually 95% of a business's income is taken away from the local community but by altering its supply methods and improving its employee bonuses John Lewis removes a lot less. Another way the John Lewis Partnership has had a positive impact on the coal community is through its employee bonuses which are substantially larger than most other supermarkets. This helps the local community as it gives the employees more disposable income which is likely to be spent in the local community.It also helps employees to maintain financial stability through the Christmas period which would help the community as there would not be as many community members in debt after Christmas. The John Lewis Partnership has also helped the local community through its community matters scheme which offers its employees the opportunity to work with the community on local projects. This combined with their investment of Ell million into the local community has benefited their local communities a lot.This helps the local community as it not only gives them the funds to make a change but access to a large workforce to get it done. The final way the John Lewis Partnership helps the local community is by using diverse recruitment methods which helps different parts of the local community to learn about each other's cultures and helps people who would find it hard to get a job. An example of this is their elderly recruitment which provides jobs to elderly people who normally would fi nd it hard to get a job.This would also set an example for other business in the area and so increase diverse recruitment methods in other businesses. The John Lewis Partnership also has a negative impact on local communities as its Waitress products are often a higher price than other supermarkets which could cause problems for people with money troubles as they would not be able to afford as much. This may also cause a class divide in some areas as some would be financially able to shop at John Lewis or Waitress whereas other would not and so this may split the community.The John Lewis Partnership has also been linked to an increase in house rises as people are willing to pay more for a house located near a Waitress. This effect has been noticed by estate agents in areas that a Waitress has been built nearby with some claiming it increases house prices by up to 25%. This would affect people who want to move into the area as they may find fewer houses in their budget. This would al so affect the diversity of the local community as it would reduce the amount of people who have a lower income in the area.This would however have a positive impact on people already living in the area as their house value would increase. The final negative impact that Waitress has had is that in some communities it has caused traffic problems as people from the local area flock in to use the store. This would affect the environment as some of these people would have driven further than normal so that they can use Waitress rather than a different store. This would also affect the local area which would become more congested and would have to spend Moore to maintain the roads.Overall I think that the John Lewis partnership is good for the local community as it offers the local community a range of high quality products and has advanced ethical consumerism a lot. Also the main negative impacts John Lewis has are difficult for them to change and they are still trying to improve on thes e effects such as offering a value range to make Waitress a more affordable option and looking to decrease its impact on congestion such as at its Guilford site which is located near a large junction they have paid for the council to improve the roads.McDonald's McDonald's is probably the most improved business I have researched as it has received a lot of negative publicity on its CAR choices in the past but is now trying to improve its public image. One way it has done this is by advertising its various green schemes that reduce the impact they have on the environment. The most visual form of this environmental change is their packaging which has been altered so it is now more biodegradable and smaller.This helps the local community as it makes it easier for the council to deal with any litter that is dropped by a customer and it reduces the amount of waste McDonald's contributes to the local land fill. Another way McDonald's green schemes have helped the local community is that i t has increased its local product sourcing. This decreases the air miles of he food and reduces the amount of money that is removed from the local community. This helps support local agriculture which is at threat due to other companies sourcing products from overseas.This also helps to support the local economy as a transnational corporation usually removes a lot of money from local communities and so the more money it spends on local produce the less impact it has on the local economy. McDonald's also helps the local community by bringing a lot of jobs to their community and hiring people with little or no experience which helps some members of the local community improve their ability to work. This also helps people in higher education as often McDonald's working hours are quite flexible and so they can work their without it affecting their education.The final way they are trying to help the local community is by decreasing the amount of litter found around the community. They ar e doing this by funding local council bins and putting litter bins outside of their restaurants. This helps the local community as it makes it a cleaner place and improves its image which would increase the amount of people who would want to visit the area. This also helps reduce the cost for the council when dealing with an areas litter problem. McDonald's has had substantial negative impacts on the local community as well.The main impact it has had is on the health of the local people as many of their best selling products are unhealthy and the products that are healthy have been criticized as they often do not appeal to their customer base. This is shown in a daily mail article called â€Å"McDonald's shares fall as customers shun new healthier items on the menu†that links recent price drops to customers rejecting the healthier McDonald's products. Although McDonald's are trying to combat litter in their local communities, they are one of the main causers of it. This is s hown by a 2009 survey that McDonald's packaging makes up for a third of the Auk's litter.Also a lot of their delivery packaging contributes to local landfills which if filled would have to be expanded or a new local site would have to be created which would decrease the appeal of the local area. Overall I think that McDonald's is bad for the local community as although it is trying to reduce its impact on the local community it still has a strong impact on the local populations' health and the cleanliness of the surrounding area. This would decrease the appeal of the area which may lead to problems such s a decrease in house prices, less tourism and less people visiting the area to use the local shops.As I have mentioned above, McDonald's is often criticized for it negative effects on the customer's health and its low sales in its healthy options. To decrease these negative effects McDonald's should look to invest in research on improving the nutritional value of their food. This re search should include trials of various food ideas in some of their stores so that they can work out which ones to spread chain wide and which to improve on. After improving the healthiness of their product range they should then Penn a large amount of money on a new advertising campaign that advertises the largest changes e. . A large decrease in calories or saturated fat in their burgers. This should also include a look at their Other positive improvements such as their care for the environment and anything else related to the welfare of their customers and the environment they live in. Due to McDonald's advertisement of its healthier product range the company's image should improve. This should help to set up a business deal with a new healthy food partner such as Real Foods, Weight watchers, Wellness Foods or another healthy food company who would be happier to e associated with a healthier McDonald's.With one of these healthy food company McDonald's should work with them to try and improve the taste of their healthier product range so that it seems a more attractive option to customers. This would allow McDonald's to gain a larger customer base as then only other large fast food chain that can advertise the healthiness of its food is subway who McDonald's could take customers from. This could also be used to try and appeal to a larger customer base as some organizations, such as weight watchers, offer their own food range for people who are dieting.If they sold weight watchers dieting products or certified some of their own products as recommended by a healthy food company then they would probably attract a lot of new customers as their main competition, KEF and Burger King do not offer any specific dieting products. Another benefit of this is that they could work with a company such as Real Foods to increase the amount of special diet foods on their menu. This would increase their customer base as it would attract people that are vegetarian, vegan or hav e an allergy to things like gluten or wheat.This improvement would greatly improve McDonald's image as they would come the market leader in healthy fast food which, with its environmental work, would alter the view of groups such as PETA who would not target them as much. This image change would also increase the amount of children (one of their prime demographics) that go to McDonald's as parents would be happier to take them if they had healthy food. SAD SAD benefits the local community mainly through its SAD foundation program which supports a lot of small charities located around the ILK.This is especially helpful to the local community as most businesses only support arguer charities but as SAD has this program it can donate to smaller charities that need the money to improve their functionality in the local community. So far this year the program has donated almost E3000000 to a wide variety of charities which often offer specialist support for members of the community. Anothe r way SAD is helping the local community is through its new plan to give Store space to local authorities, businesses, voluntary groups and educational services.It is giving this space as a lot more customers are buying online and so the stores do not need as much space for stock. This helps the local community as it means that customers are more likely to find out about various groups and community projects in their community. The final way SAD has had a positive impact on the local community is through its community life program which offers customers the opportunity to vote on what SAD should do with the money it plans on investing in the local community. This helps the local community as it increases the relativity of the changes for the local community.This also encourages other groups to consult the community more due to the increased advertisement they receive from voters. SAD has also had a negative community due to where it's building. A lot of Sad's stores are deliberately located near another supermarket to try and reduce its profits. The problem with this is that often they can't find a suitable site near enough and so use planning loopholes and other methods such as paying for an improved transport system to secure sites that aren't meant to be built on.This affects the community negatively because it is likely that there would have been a reason for the council not wanting the supermarket being built there (e. G. The site had natural beauty). This also effects where the average shopper purchases goods as many of these stores are located out of town or on the edge of towns many people are drawn away from the shopping area Of the town and so are less likely to purchase something from that area. Due to Sad's delivery service many of their Lorries have to go into smaller towns to make deliveries.This poses problems for the local community as they may not have the infrastructure needed for Lorries to travel through their town which could cause damage to the roads and congestion. This effects the local community as the council would have to pay for any damage one to the road and the local people may find it harder to get to their destination. Like other supermarkets, SAD cause 2 main problems, increased traffic and a decrease in business for local shops.
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