Thursday, August 27, 2020
What Led to the Renaissance Essays
What Led to the Renaissance Essays What Led to the Renaissance Paper What Led to the Renaissance Paper The Renaissance is the instituted term for a time of resurrection that spread all through Europe between the fourteenth and sixteenth hundreds of years (Brotton, 28). All types of information, craftsmanship, and articulation showed into new bearings and yearnings. It was a significant structure obstruct in the progression of human idea. The Renaissance concentrated on learning through normal sciences and recently discovered information instead of tolerating more seasoned lessons (Brotton, 39). It encouraged interest and development in numerous ventures and parts of life. It might be said, it was another section or book in our mankind's history file. The Renaissance likewise made ready for the Protest Reformation to inevitably happen (Brotton, 101). There are numerous components that drove the Renaissance to happen. It was a mix of the Crusades and the Mongols development that started under Genghis Khan that prompted the fulfillment of the Renaissance. The Crusades brought the two universes of Islam and Christianity in a way more than ever. The loss of life of the Crusades differs among the scholarly world somewhere in the range of one and 5,000,000 individuals (Madden, 172). Other than all the carnage, the Crusades permitted Europeans to rediscover new types of workmanship, articulations, and lifestyles. Europe turned out to be excessively engaged with their medieval and government type frameworks. They had overlooked the significance of expressions of the human experience and sciences and were progressively centered around building fortunes and spreading salvation. Europeans, by method of the Crusades, were surprised at the headways of the Muslim world and tried to take in and underwrite from it (Madden, 156). The Abassid Empire, the Muslim realm, put away the information on past civic establishments and kept on using them (Madden, 158). Greek and Roman lessons on arithmetic, life structures, medication, science, material science, and more were ensured by the Abassid Empire (Madden, 159). These antiquated Greek and Roman lessons that vanished during the Middle Ages were taken back to Europe and propelled another flood of thought (Weatherford, 116). This recently procured lost information set up the establishment for the creation and headway of logical information, investigation devices, scientific discoveries, thus significantly more. The main mechanical clock, the pendulum, eye glasses, the print machine, flushing toilets, the magnifying lens, the compass, the telescope, lateen sails and even submarines are largely innovations of the Renaissance age (Brotton, 120-144). In any case on the off chance that it were not for the triumphs and development of the Mongol domain that started under Genghis Khan, the Renaissance would likely not have showed as it did (Brotton, 84). It would have likely taken any longer and who knows how unique the result could have been. At its pinnacle, the Mongol realm controlled the vast majority of Russia, China, landlocked Asia, Mesopotamia, and Eastern Europe (Brotton, 39). The exchange courses set up by the Mongols were extraordinary and essential to the help and eventual fate of new improvements by our reality (Brotton, 55). To put it plainly, it regrouped and brought these thoughts and things into movement. Significant urban areas like Baghdad, Hangzhou, and Istanbul, were mainstays of headway and social quality. These urban communities and a lot more were vanquished by the Mongols (Brotton, 39). With their realm in the long run reaching out to the extent Venice, a wide range of intercultural correspondence and exchange happened (Brotton, 41). This blending of societies prompted newly discovered thoughts in numerous features of life. Such an excess of making way for the Renaissance. The Crusades, the Mongol’s realm and exchange courses, and the Renaissance, were a characteristic movement of occasions that each prompted major cultural changes. It’s generally suitable to credit the Crusades for motivating the underlying interests and wants that started the Renaissance. Notwithstanding, it was the Mongols that carried the Renaissance to fact by associating nations and societies through victories more than ever. It’s hard to state which is progressively mindful, one is ideologically capable and another is infra-fundamentally dependable. Both played fundamental, yet unique, jobs that set up for what in the long run turned into the Renaissance. WORKS CITED Brotton, Jerry. The Renaissance: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. Print. 160 Madden, Thomas. The Crusades: The Essential Readings. New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell, 2002. Print. 288 Weatherford, Jack. Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World. New York: Crown Publishers, 2004. Print. 317
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Argument about Memory in Fahrenheit 451 Essays - Literature
The Argument about Memory in Fahrenheit 451 Anna McHugh Most perusers of Fahrenheit 451 would concur that the possibility of memory, both as an intellectual and moral workforce and as an aggregate resource of the network, is essential to the plot and governmental issues of the novel. Montag's apotheosis in the last pages is an aftereffect of his willing, even happy, joining with a retained texthe turns into the Book of Ecclesiastes. The Book Men, who remember the best of human astuteness and hang tight for the post-end of the world when their retained libraries will reconstruct another world, typify Bradbury's contention for an arrival to a pre-present day memory praxis 1 and ethos. Coordinating the Book of Revelations into its own printed structure, the novel finishes with a signal to the rich intertext which memory makes conceivable, and which Bradbury's tale magnifies and grows. That the last piece of the novel is wealthy in tropes, themes, and analogies of customary memory praxis is nothing unexpected. As a framework around which to fabricate a dystopian world, and a solution for the drained, incredulous style and scholarly act of the 1950s, the last piece of Fahrenheit 451 draws profoundly on a corpus of writings and contemplating the development of memory. Section Three in this way outlines an answer dependent on memory to the hero's problemour issue, as well, on the off chance that we consider scholarly oppressed worlds as convergences of the most noticeably terrible contemporary social patterns and the hero's subjectivity as proof of how they influence people. In any case, if the last part offers an answer dependent on memory, it is on the grounds that the issue is acted like one of memory, as well. I propose that issues of individual memory-work and the worth put on memory by the novel's social and social establishments essentially advise its tragic ch aracter. Bradbury extends a future America by drawing on contemporary patterns which corrupted the job of memory in individual and shared life. Memory-rich scenes show it being destroyed as a developmental influence in a person's moral character and a neuropsychological staff which stores and gives emotionally labeled data through which we understand our reality. This exposition will look at scenes from the novel's three sections to follow the contention about memory and to investigate Bradbury's comprehension of it.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Too Many Tasks, Not Enough Day
Too Many Tasks, Not Enough Day If you feel overwhelmed by the number of tasks you have to do each day in the classroom, read these tips on how to organize those chores and make your job easier. New teachers will find this resource particularly valuable. Updated on: January 25, 2007 Page 1 of 2 Too Many Tasks, Not Enough DayI always chuckle to myself when people tell me that teachers have it easy. They say teachers just work a couple hours a day and then they have all those vacations off. Oh, if they only knew! I don't think it would surprise you to learn that teachers work many more hours, many more days, and many more weeks than the general public thinks. Fire Alarm The average classroom teacher will make more than 1,500 educational decisions every school day. In an average 6-hour school day, that's more than 4 decisions every minute. Secondary Thoughts Educational studies and conversations with teachers have shown that the number-one time robber is classroom discipline. Studies revealed that more than 15 percent of an average high school day is devoted to discipline or student behavior matters. Grading papers after school and on weekends, volunteering to coach various athletic or academic teams, coming in early to set up a special lesson, and spending holid ays and vacations doing research or looking for new teaching ideas are all part and parcel of the life of a teacher. On top of that, you can add all the daily interruptions, distractions, unanticipated problems, or visitors and the myriad decisions that must be made. It's no wonder many teachers feel stretched to their limit by the end of the day. What steals your time? Or what consumes your time so you're out of time for other tasks and duties? In conversations with teachers at all levels and in all types of schools, I have found that they most often cited the following chores, duties, and assignments: Classroom discipline Taking attendance Noninstructional activities Visitors Noises, distractions, and unplanned interruptions Distributing and collecting papers Talking and telephone calls PA announcements Paperwork and clerical tasks Bus duty, hall duty, or cafeteria duty Grading and record keepingA number of educational research studies have shown that more than half of a typical s chool day is consumed by noninstructional matters. Taking Control of Your Time Think about this: time is about control. When you allow time to control you, you never have enough of it. On the other hand, when you control your own time, you can allocate your time available to complete tasks and duties. Time Chunks When your friendly author (that's me) was asked to write the book The Complete Idiot's Guide to Success as a Teacher, I was quite excited. Then, my friendly editor told me I had to write the 25 chapters of the book in just 12 weeks (in addition to holding down a full-time teaching position). Was I disheartened? No, because after writing around 90 books, I've learned that the best way to write a multi-chapter book is to break it into chunks. By dividing an assignment (such as a book project) into smaller pieces, it becomes more manageable. I didn't look at the book as a 25-chapter project; rather I looked at it as a series of magazine articles. Each “article†would be be tween 12 to 14 single-spaced manuscript pages long; would have about 4,600 words, and would go through approximately 12 to 15 drafts. I pictured the project as a collection of short articles, rather than an overwhelming 115,000-word book. “Chunking†a task or assignment into smaller pieces helps make the overall assignment more manageable. You can do as I do: after I finished each “article†for the book, I checked it off a master list. As I went along, I saw more and more check marks on my list. That was a positive stimulus and a positive incentive. Imagine how I would have felt if I just listed the entire book on my “To Do†list. It never would have been checked off until the end, and I might have become weighted down by the enormity of the project. Here are some tips you can use for managing any major project: Divide the project into smaller, more manageable chunks (lessons instead of a whole unit; paragraphs instead of a whole report; columns instead of a whole spread sheet). Record each individual chunk separately on a list. Focus on completing one chunk at a time. Check off each individual chunk as you complete it; then move on to the next chunk. Look at how rapidly your check marks accumulate on your list, and use that as motivation to keep going. Give yourself a reward for the completion of two, three, or five chunks (I reward myself with macadamia nut cookies for every three chapters [or “articlesâ€] I write).Just Say “Noâ€! Teachers are special people. We love working with othersâ€"students, parents, colleagues, and maybe even our administrators. By our very nature, we are “people persons.†We like to go out of our way to help others and especially to help our students succeed. But as teachers, we have a tendency to say “Yes†too many times. We volunteer for too many projects; we get on too many committees; we get involved in the lessons or units of our colleagues; or we willingly take on duties simply because somebody asked u s to. In the words of a former first lady, teachers need to “Just say no!†Teachers tend to be workaholicsâ€"it's the nature of the job. As a result, you're likely to be confronted with lots of requests and lots of “invitations.†Use these ideas for saying “No†with style and grace: “I'd really like to, but I'm overcommitted right now and don't think I'd be able to do it justice.†“Thanks for asking, but I really need to spend some more quality time with my children … my spouse … my friends … myself.†“I appreciate your confidence in me, but I have other tasks that demand a lot of my time.†“I have a lot of assignments already on my calendar. Can I get back to you at a later time?†“No thank you. I'm not ready to take on that additional responsibility just yet.â€
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Potential Effects of Developing Technology Essay
Technology is a tool created by the human race to enhance its ability to learn and grow as a collective group. Humans taper these tools, created through technological process, to their uniquely specific needs. Technology, when used in a morally sound way, can have immense benefits that help a culture grow and develop effectively as demonstrated by the society in Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World; however technology can be a double edged sword in the sense that it has the power to destroy as demonstrated in Arthur C. Clarke’s novel 2001 A Space Odyssey. When this is coupled with its own unreliability, technology can be a challenge for those who seek to control and master its enigmas. Technology does not have the ability to choose†¦show more content†¦a shield {with} the World State’s motto: Community, Identity, Stability, (Aldous Huxley p1). In this fictional account of Earth, technology is used to keep people safe and orderly. The motto refers to t he way people live and interact in the society. Everyone feels wanted and included making society a safe and stable place for everyone to learn and grow. No one is abandoned; everyone has a place where they belong. Through the use of technology, an individual or a group of people can work together to bring themselves into a new era of prosperity and security. Technology has the potential to be greatly rewarding to those who choose to use it in good conscience but if those people were to use technology in a less responsible way then there could be daunting consequences looming in the distance. Everyone has their own opinion of how technology should be used and in which direction it should be allowed to progress. These varying ideals create friction between the different factions that control technology. Eventually these varying views on the use of technology lead to conflict. In the final moments of Arthur C. Clark’s 2001 A Space Odyssey, The United States and The Soviet Union nearly destroyed all life on Earth with the technology they had at their disposal. â€Å"A thousand miles below, he {Star Child} became awareShow MoreRelatedEssay on Product Marketing Failure: HP Drive769 Words  | 4 Pagesattempt to increase the market share with in the digital memory division (DMD) of Hewlett-Packard, management decided to analyze the potential profitability of developing a 1.3†drive that would surpass the current technology within this continually growing market. Teams comprised of the best and brightest employees, within the organization, were tasked with devel oping this new product from the ground up. After successfully delivering on their goals, the new drive was ready for the customer. InitialRead MoreGlobalization Essay1402 Words  | 6 Pagestoday. Its effects can be felt throughout the world in industrialized and developing nations alike. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Factors that influence consumer buying behavior - 1747 Words
Factors that influence consumer buying behavior There are a lot of subjects for marketers to understand in order to get more customers purchasing their companies’ products or brands. Consumer buying behavior is one of the studies that marketers need to understand. Factors that influence consumer buying behavior can be classified into four classes which are social factor, cultural factor, personal factor and psychological factor. One of the factors that influence consumer buying behavior is social factors. Social factors can be classified into three classes which are reference groups, family, and social roles and statuses (Kotler, 2000). Reference groups comprise of people that directly or indirectly influences a person’s behavior†¦show more content†¦This means that the group members of main culture still share the core values and beliefs but there are another set of beliefs that they share among them which may be unusual for those held by the main group. In Malaysia, subcultures such as racial, religious, nationality, ethnic, age, gender, and regional are shared among us. In a psychologically view, subcultures that are important to people and their sense of identity can have an influence on their behavior. For example, women eat foods that ensure their health and fitness. Therefore marketers have to understand their eating behavior in order to meet their need. Social class is also parts of s ubcultures. As mentioned by Schiffman Kanuk (2010), social class is defined as â€Å"the division of members of a society into a hierarchy of distinct status classes, so that members of each class have relatively the same status and members of all other classes have either more or less status†(p.320). As we know, different classes of people buy different product or brand from the others. Generally, we have three categories of social class which are lower class, middle class, and upper class. Lower class people are individuals who have poorly educated, low incomes, unskilled labors, part-time or temporary labors, the unemployed, widows, and retire people. Lower class people tend to not spend more on other things than their daily needs. Middle class includes small businessmen, skilled labors, white-collar workers, and higherShow MoreRelatedRetail Environmental Factors That Influence Consumer Buying Behavior939 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Consumer buying behavior has became great interest to the marketing researches (Ali Hasnu 2013, p. 1). Understanding the consumer buying behavior unable the mall managers plan effective marketing strategies. Researchers have identified number of different factors that influence consumer buying behavior. Retail environmental factors is one of these factors. This literature review seeks to identify the retail environmental factors that influence consumer buying behavior. 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When purchasing any product, a consumer goes through a decisionRead MoreMarketing Of Brand And Consumer Buying Behavior924 Words  | 4 Pageson how factors of brand, like brand equity, brand loyalty, brand awareness, etc., impact on consumer buying behavior, so that in this project, the research will consider these two concepts, brand and consumer buying behavior, on another side that researching the impact of consumer buying behavior on brand management, and give manager some suggestions about how to manage a good brand. The purpose of this project is to analyze the features of the impacts of brand on customer buying behavior to put
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
America s Post Racial Racism Essay - 2072 Words
Adolf Hitler, often touted a psychopath for his vile hatred and extermination of Jewish and other non-Aryan persons, possessed an incredible genius for rallying his German compatriots to war, nationalism, and acquiescence of mass murders. Rallying Germans to action required conditioning via propaganda. Propaganda in all forms of media helped radically shift the German perspective, not only to identifying themselves as superior to all other races, but also to viewing non-Germans and non-Eastern Europeans in subhuman ways with devastating results. While America has done away with distinct, polarizing forms of racial propaganda in its seedy history of racial oppression, more subtle yet equally damaging forms of propaganda have taken its place. American media is complicit in continuing the ideology of race-based â€Å"goodness,†intelligence, criminality, and superiority, even though many experts say otherwise, in what they currently term as America’s post-racial era. Despi te the election of President Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, a post-racial America has never existed due to the fundamental and persistent criminalization of non-whites in media and utilization of propaganda in media to perpetuate white supremacy. A post-racial America has never existed due to the fundamental and persistent criminalization of non-whites in media. Accordingly, just as Nazi film propaganda success relied on repetitive messaging, visual images, appeals to emotional states and simple word usage (HerfShow MoreRelatedWhat Has Barack Obama s Election Victory? An Article Written By Paul Adjei And Jagjeet Gill947 Words  | 4 Pageskey features of What Has Barack Obama s Election Victory Got To Do With Race, an article written by Paul Adjei and Jagjeet Gill which debates the supposed post racial rhetoric that has unfolded in North America, through the inauguration of the first African American President in the United States of America. Although various theorists have characterized this time as a ‘post racial era,’ Adjei and Gill put forth the notion that while President Obama s election is a milestone in American historyRead MoreLetter From A Birmingham Jail And Barack Obama s A More Perfect Union 1304 Words  | 6 PagesIn Martin Luther King Jr. s Letter from a Birmingham Jail and Barack Obama s A More Perfect Union, both leaders discussed many of the same issues. The big theme in both was about race in the United States and becoming a much more unified nation despite our race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc. Both of these leaders also touched on the fact that in order to solve the problems in this country, we must be unified and work together. One quote that really stood out to me in Letter ofRead MoreEssence Of Post Racial America1476 Words  | 6 PagesFeb 2015 Essence of post-racial America Racialism is not merely an English words as simply as it look like. Racialism is complex social problem which excise since the establishing of United States. About 6 years ago, after Barack Obama win the presidential election, most Americans raise the theory of â€Å"post-racial†America. According to urban-dictionary s definition: post-racial is â€Å"a term used to describe a society or time period in which discussions around race and racism have been deemed no longerRead MoreEssay On Racism In America1326 Words  | 6 PagesRacism in America Since President Barack Obama In 2009 the first African America president was elected. Barack Obama, an American politician who served as our United States president from 2009 until 2017. During his time there has been a controversial discussion about how racism has begun its last mile. Many question, if racism now is worse now than it was in the 1960’s and has America entered a post-racial era? If so where does America stand on the race issue and what challenges have occurred inRead MoreRacism : Racial Discrimination And Injustice1257 Words  | 6 Pagescreated what people now know of as racism. For centuries, racism has been a part of society, shaping the way humans view each other, but with the aid of Young Women s Christian Association (YWCA) - Stand Against Racism, racial discrimination and injustice can be eliminated. All across the United States, African Americans are faced with racial prejudice, a negative attitude towards a group of people based on race  not on direct knowledge or experience. This kind of racial prejudice began in the 17thRead MoreRacism Is The Belief That Characteristics And Abilities Can Be Attributed1130 Words  | 5 PagesProfessor Falloon ENGWR 101 July 2, 2015 Racism in America Today Racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. Racism leads to discrimination and prejudice towards minorities which leads to a lot of hate crime. Many people that have not had any racist remarks told to them would argue racism doesn t exist anymore. Sadly, this is not true. Racism today might not be as bad as it wasRead MoreRacial Injustice Is A Major Social Problem Essay1701 Words  | 7 PagesRacial Injustice Without any doubt, issues of racial injustice is a major social problem in our society. It not only affects how people view each other, but also how people interact and cooperate with each other. A lot of people are not aware of the racial issues that are still occurring in the United States, and even worldwide. It is an immense economic and social problem that is faced in communities. There are different forms of racism that is still seen currently in the judicial system, schoolRead MorePublic Perception On Police Profiling Essay1699 Words  | 7 PagesThe presidential election of Barak Obama has led many to believe that we live in a post-racial society. If an African-American candidate has been elected in a predominantly white nation, this must signify that the U.S. does not have barriers that hinder African-Americans and other people of color from accessing opportunities or that we live in a color-blind society – in which race is not an issue. However, public perception on police profiling and the fairness of our justice system, public supportRead MoreAddress Racial Inequalities : Past And Present1247 Words  | 5 Pagesaddress Racial Inequalities: Past and Present Introduction It is no secret that racial inequalities exist today and have for many years now. They have existed at many levels including institutional, collective, and personal. In this paper, I plan to show how previous policies created these inequalities, and explain how we can address these issues at all levels. I will also show which policies have had an impact on minorities in contributing to greater equality. For racial inequalityRead MoreDiscrimination : Discrimination And Discrimination1161 Words  | 5 Pagesinstitutions are reluctant to give important and commanding posts to women†¦ †¢ Gender discrimination is also evident in social life of America†¦ 2. Religious Discrimination †¢ Treating or Valuing group or person differently because of what they believe in is religious discrimination†¦ †¢ Most Americans see beliefs of Native American as superstitious†¦ †¢ Catholics of Irish background were thought to be heavy drinkers and lazy . . . 3. Racial Discrimination †¢ Poverty is a big source of discrimination in
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Industrial Revolution In England Essay Research free essay sample
The Industrial Revolution In England Essay, Research Paper The Industrial Revolution in England The Industrial Revolution brought about a major alteration in the lives of about all of the people of England. The people of the on the job category benefitted from the Industrial Revolution. In other words, I am an optimist. I think that the criterion of life of the people increased. However, I besides believe that many people of the working category lost their independency as a consequence of the revolution. Greed did non increase over this clip period because there was merely every bit much greed before the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution was a measure frontward for adult females because they wanted to be at place with their kids. The working category in England had a higher criterion of life during the Industrial Revolution than before it started. Life Standards The life criterions of the working category of England improved during the Industrial Revolution. At the start of the revolution, from 1790 to 1815, monetary values and rewards grew steeply. At this point, the monetary values were a small higher than the rewards. This was due to the war against France from 1793 to 1815. Be it merely a happenstance that the monetary values were higher merely during the clip that the war was traveling on? I do non believe that this was the instance. Monetary values tend to travel up during wars. After the war with France ended, the monetary values went back down really aggressively. Wagess did non diminish as much. They went down marginally, but non near to the crisp diminution in monetary values. For the majority of the revolution, rewards were higher than the monetary values. After the people of England had bought their necessities to populate on, they still had money left over because of the lessening in monetary values. This constituted higher life criterions because the people had more money to pass on things other than the necessities. ! Pessimists argue that the chart from which this information was taken is incorrect because it merely shows mill workers. However, the mills were where most of the people of England were working. People knew that they would do more money in the mills, and accordingly, the people of England flocked to the mills. Pessimists besides claim that it is unjust to disclaim duty for the Industrial Revolution during the war clip old ages with France. But why should optimists be responsible for the old ages of hapless life criterions when it was non the revolution # 8217 ; s mistake? It was the war # 8217 ; s mistake, non the revolution # 8217 ; s mistake. It is obvious that over the class of the Industrial Revolution, decease rates in England decreased. There was besides a big population addition because of the decreased mortality rates. # 8220 ; 20 % of the population growing came from increased birth rates, while the remainder came from worsening mortality rates. # 8221 ; ( Bin. p. 103 ) From 1700-1750, the decease rates i! n England were 32 out of every thousand people per twelvemonth. By the 1810 # 8217 ; s, decease rates were down to 21 out of every thousand people. At the terminal of the revolution, in the 1840 # 8217 ; s, the decease rates were at 22 out of every thousand people per twelvemonth. # 8220 ; There were no important medical progresss until after 1850 # 8230 ; , so improved lodging, vesture, existent rewards, and diets reduced the mortality rates. # 8221 ; ( Bin. p.103 ) The pessimists point out that about all of the diminution in decease rates occurred before 1800. This is right. However, the decease rates still went down. They besides point out that when the effects of industrialisation took clasp, the national decease rates rose from 21/1000 to 23/1000. But, even though they rose by two more people per 1000, this is undistinguished compared with how much the decease rates had already decreased. While from the 1810 # 8217 ; s to the 1830 # 8217 ; s, the rates went up by two people per 1000, in the 1840 # 8217 ; s, the decease rates went back down to 22/1000. The get downing point used by the pessimists of 1820 is unjust because it fails! to include the part of history during which the decease rates fell the most. # 8220 ; The pessimists below the belt choice 1820 as their starting point, which is to their advantage in the argument, but the technological alterations in cotton and Fe, which brought about industrialisation all occurred in the 1770 # 8217 ; s and 1780 # 8217 ; s. # 8221 ; ( Bin. p.104 ) The pessimists besides say that the decease rates increased in the metropoliss. In fact, throughout the whole revolution, they did non. In Manchester, the decease rates fell from 40/1000 in 1770 to 33/1000 in the 1840 # 8217 ; s. The decease rates did travel up from the 1830 # 8217 ; s to the 1840 # 8217 ; s, but that does non outweigh the lessening in the rates before so. These reduced mortality rates point to an addition in the life criterions in the general population of England. Independence During the Industrial Revolution, the people of England lost their independency. Before the alterations were made which brought about the Industrial Revolution, the people of England worked for themselves. During and after the revolution, the people no longer worked for themselves, but for big companies in mills. They now worked for a pay alternatively of being paid by the sum of work that they completed. The people of England lost their right to find how much they would work. Now they had to work a certain figure of hours that their employers in the mills wanted them to work. This is precisely what happened to the handloom weavers. They were forced out of their concern and into mills. From 1795 to 1810, the sum of handloom weavers increased. But from 1810 to 1845, the sum of handloom weavers decreased dramatically. This was because the first power loom mill opened in 1806. After 1806, the figure of power loom mills increased dramatically. ! Handloom weavers were forced out of concern because they could non maintain up with the efficiency in the mills. Two people working power looms could bring forth as much cotton as seven handloom weavers. The handloom weavers merely could non maintain up and either were forced out of concern or had to travel work in a mill. But they lost their right to take what they wanted to make, and could no longer be handloom weavers. It was merely impossible for them. Another ground that people lost their independency during the Industrial Revolution was that Enclosure came approximately. Enclosure made the little land proprietors give up their land and happen a new occupation. Merely the big land proprietors could afford to pay for all of the new demands that Enclosure called for. With Enclosure, all land proprietors had to pay a level revenue enhancement on their land. It was besides required to hold your land fenced and surveyed. Peoples that did non have a big sum of land could non afford to hold these things done. Peoples that! could non afford to pay the revenue enhancement on their land had their land take n off. About 25 % of the families could non afford to pay their revenue enhancements on their land. Consequently, all of the little land proprietors were forced out of concern. They could non work their ain land any longer. They had to discovery work either on person else # 8217 ; s land or in a different line of concern. Enclosure took away the population # 8217 ; s right to take what they wanted to make. It did non let them to farm for themselves. Greed Greed did non increase during the Industrial Revolution. There was merely as much greed before the revolution as there was during it. The hapless intervention of kids did non acquire any worse. It merely became more noticeable because it was all in the same topographic point. Peoples started detecting the hapless intervention of kids because it was all in the mills alternatively of being widespread as it was before the revolution. There are many illustrations of the hapless intervention of kids before the revolution of all time started. Robert Owen was 10 old ages old when he was an learner, and said the followers: # 8220 ; Frequently at two o # 8217 ; clock in the forenoon, after working all twenty-four hours from 8 AM, I had been hardly able, with the assistance of the Bannisters, to travel upstairs to bed. # 8221 ; ( Bin. p.101 ) Another illustration of the mistreatment of kids is shown by the undermentioned quotation mark: # 8220 ; He employed 17 apprentice misss, and had so cruelly ill- treated and starved them that 5 had died. The misss normally worked at embellishment on Muslim! from 4 or 5 in the forenoon until 10 or 11 at dark. Their nutrient was normally bread and H2O # 8230 ; The 17 slept in an Attic in 3 beds. # 8221 ; ( Bin. p.101 ) This sort of hapless intervention of kids before the revolution started was common all throughout England. There was an betterment in kid labour Torahs towards the terminal of the revolution. The Factory Act of 1833 forbade the employment of kids under 9 in fabric Millss, limited kids aged 9-13 to working 9 hours per twenty-four hours and 48 hours per hebdomad, and limited kids aged 13-18 to working 12 hours per twenty-four hours and 69 hours per hebdomad. # 8220 ; The Mines Act of 1842 banned male childs under 10 and all females from working resistance. The Ten Hours Act of 1847 limited work for kids under 18 and all females to 10 hours a day. # 8221 ; ( Bin. p.102 ) Towards the terminal of the revolution, the authorities passed these Torahs to restrict kid labour and demo that they were non avaricious. Pessimists point to handloom weavers being driven out of concern as an illustration of the gre! erectile dysfunction in the revolution. But, that was non greed. If there was a B etter manner to bring forth a merchandise, so why would person non desire to utilize the better method? # 8220 ; They had 20 old ages to switch to a new business. Their refusal to make so was the consequence of stubbornness. # 8221 ; ( Bin. p.97 ) Pessimists point out that kids were widely mistreated in mills. However, the hapless intervention was merely noticed because it was in the same topographic point alternatively of being spread out all over the state as it was before the revolution started. Laslett argued, # 8220 ; The coming of industry did non convey economic subjugation. Nor did it make a state of affairs where workers were exploited. These things were already there. # 8221 ; ( B p.97 ) Womans The Industrial Revolution brought about a measure frontward for adult females. Many people today would state that the revolution was a measure rearward for adult females, but we are non sing what people think about this issue today. We are analysing whether or non it was good for the adult females of the early 19th century. # 8220 ; In pre-industrial Europe most people by and large worked as household units. # 8221 ; ( WS p.796 ) At the start of the revolution, households worked together in the mills as good. Later, attitudes changed and kid labour was restricted. Work force were expected to gain the money for the family and adult females were supposed to remain at place and attention for the kids. # 8220 ; The adult male emerged as the household # 8217 ; s primary pay earner, and the adult female found merely limited occupation opportunities. # 8221 ; ( WS p.796 ) A definite tendency formed with the work forces working and the adult females remaining at place. The adult females of this clip period appreciated the new reforms because now they could run their places and watch their kids turn up. Before so T! hey could make
Monday, April 6, 2020
Marketing Essays - Business, Marketing, , Term Papers
Marketing * Evaluate her strategy planning for her new business. >From her love to stay in Petosky; she started the carpet cleaning service by her saving money, and based on her experience when she worked part-time for Joel Bullard. Mr. Bullard has a very successful business at this small town, dominates this carpet cleaning service, and so far no one able to compete to him in quality, strong relationship with many loyalty clients. Jane Galloway try so hard in advertising, taking care of her customer's work but she still unable to reach her goal, $60,000/year. * Why was not she able to reach her goal of $60,000/year? The most important problem of Jane is she did not do any marketing research in potential need of customers, she tries to sell the service she has rather the customer need. First, she should do marketing to know this business saturated at this town or not?. It seems to me that this small town just needs some extra works in the peak seasons as summers and winters. Second, she should study to know her competitions and what she should do to compete with them in quality, prices, customer's relationship?. Third, from lack of marketing the potential need of customer; she set her goal is too high and spends too much energy to reach her target. * What should she do now? Explain. I think she can have two choices: - First, if she wants to stay in Petosky; she should set her goal more reasonable. She can maintain her good work as quality and advertising; but she should have a more competing price with Mr. Bullard, builds up a strong relationship with customers. She will have a larger share with Mr. Bullard, and able to compete with him in the future. - Second, she should do marketing study at another town for these matters: Potential need of customer, price, service and quality of current competitions. She will carefully check her ability to compete with them; then based on those conclusions, she will choose a right place to move her business, and have a successful business. Marketing Essays - Business, Marketing, , Term Papers Marketing * Evaluate her strategy planning for her new business. >From her love to stay in Petosky; she started the carpet cleaning service by her saving money, and based on her experience when she worked part-time for Joel Bullard. Mr. Bullard has a very successful business at this small town, dominates this carpet cleaning service, and so far no one able to compete to him in quality, strong relationship with many loyalty clients. Jane Galloway try so hard in advertising, taking care of her customer's work but she still unable to reach her goal, $60,000/year. * Why was not she able to reach her goal of $60,000/year? The most important problem of Jane is she did not do any marketing research in potential need of customers, she tries to sell the service she has rather the customer need. First, she should do marketing to know this business saturated at this town or not?. It seems to me that this small town just needs some extra works in the peak seasons as summers and winters. Second, she should study to know her competitions and what she should do to compete with them in quality, prices, customer's relationship?. Third, from lack of marketing the potential need of customer; she set her goal is too high and spends too much energy to reach her target. * What should she do now? Explain. I think she can have two choices: - First, if she wants to stay in Petosky; she should set her goal more reasonable. She can maintain her good work as quality and advertising; but she should have a more competing price with Mr. Bullard, builds up a strong relationship with customers. She will have a larger share with Mr. Bullard, and able to compete with him in the future. - Second, she should do marketing study at another town for these matters: Potential need of customer, price, service and quality of current competitions. She will carefully check her ability to compete with them; then based on those conclusions, she will choose a right place to move her business, and have a successful business.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Dashman case Essays
Dashman case Essays Dashman case Essay Dashman case Essay Desman Company was making many types of equipment for Armed force of US. They had 20 different plant situated In the central part of the country. All 20 plant were following their own purchasing procedures, central management never completely co-ordinate these procedures and they were encouraging these procedures. In late 1940, company faced difficulty in procurement of raw materials, so Mr.. Manson, President of the company appointed Mr.. Post as the Vice President of purchases. Lot of freedom was given to Mr.. Post and Mr.. Larson was assigned as assistant of Mr.. Post. Mr.. Larson has worked in many departments of the company for many years and knew most of the plant executives personally. Mr.. Post decided that he would ask plant executives who were handling purchases in their individual plants to clear with head office all the purchases contracts exceeding 10000$. When he proposed the plan to Mr.. Manson and board of directors they agreed to it and then later on he draft a later considering this facts in later and situation to all Purchase Executive. He sent a later to all the purchasing executive eating to report the central unit before purchasing Inventory costing more than $10000. On which he got a reply from many of them. Which mostly stated that they agree to what he has said and they will think on it. This showed that there reply was very lineman and they didnt care for his order and they did not take this as an order. Problem Statement: Consequences faced because of highly decentralized system in the company. Situation Analysis: The case under study Is based In a post-independence(near 1960) scenario. The mall focus of the government is to boost the economic development throughout the action. In such situation the government of Bombay Province has come with a plan, to build earthen dams on rivers Lookout and Stomata, in order to increase the agricultural yield of the area(Exhibit-1). The government announced the plan to people of the area. This plan had a plenty for people in economic terms but It was against their sentiments. This plan besides affecting their houses was affecting the Beneath Temple. This temple being of utmost importance to villagers made them angry. Thus, irrespective of its various benefits plan faced a great opposition from lagers. There were several problems faced by this plan such as: PROBLEMS Firstly, it was suspicious belief of villagers towards the government. This plan would be affecting their livelihoods. They were not sure about their re-settlement plans. The land they were living Is very much ferule and moreover they are emotionally connected to it. They were not sure about the productivity and profitability of the land theyll receive in compensation. Secondly, it was a fight between economical development and sentiments of people. The plan with any proposal whether reports-A(Exhibit-2) or proposal-B(Exhibit-3) will increase the agricultural production, thus boosting economic development. While plan with any proposal villagers. Thirdly, location of Beneath Temple. The location of temple has a great historical and religious value attached to it. It is believed that this land has connection to Boring Irish , who holds great importance in heart of villagers. Thus, government can shift the temple but cant do the same with the importance of the land. This step would also affect the tourism by affecting the annual fair at the temple. This in return would harm the
Friday, February 21, 2020
Statistics in Business Decision Making Term Paper
Statistics in Business Decision Making - Term Paper Example As discussed in the introduction that this paper will attempt to describe statistical tools such as mean, standard deviation, variance etc. These statistical tools often come under the heading of descriptive statistics as they are the main tools used to collect data quantitatively and present in the more meaningful manner to draw some logical conclusions from the data collected. Once data is collected, it is nothing more than a raw set of data which may provide no clue about the potential information that they may provide. Thus one meaningful way of manipulating the data will calculate the mean or average of the data. It is also important to note that mean values may provide distorted information because of the outliers effect. One large observation value can distort the results and mean values may become more inflated due to the impact of outliers or larger values in the population.Mean value is considered as one of the most significant and important measures especially in finance. There are various uses of this measure in finance i.e. from measuring the average rate of return on an investment to calculating the weighted average rate of return of a portfolio.Similarly, average values are also calculated for studying the costs also as concepts such as average cost, average variable costs, average fixed costs are important concepts to understand in order to make important business decisions because controlling costs is one of the fundamental responsibilities of the managers.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Individual portfolio( part 1. personal consumption journal 4TH MARCH Essay
Individual portfolio( part 1. personal consumption journal 4TH MARCH 2013 -1ST APRIL 2013, part 2. Ten product list, part 3, Ad - Essay Example It has a slight flicker that makes it stoutly attractive. The product comes in a variety of colours hence making it perfect for matching with a variety of outfits. As a beauty accessory The gorgeous looks makes me want to buy more and more Beautician shop 10/03 Budweiser light 1.62 A newly introduced brand of Budweiser, which was intended to have added flavor For leisure Not really satisfied because it lacks the expected â€Å"added†flavor considering it is a â€Å"select†Restaurant 11/03 Samsung Galaxy SIII 304.99 This Smartphone is the most human mobile ever, especially due to its phase recognition capability among other unique and smart features. . For communication and internet Very proud Electronics shop 12/03 Stanley knife 1.25 It is a very convenient knife which can serve many purposes and its price is relatively low For cutting vegetables and fruits Satisfied for having value for my money supermarket 14/03 portable media player 25.3 This product, which is manu factured by Apple Inc., is presumed to be of superior quality but relatively expensive. Its brand is so strong that it is used by many including the media to as a general term to refer to all portable media players For listening music when travelling Although I spent more money than I could spend in other brands, I feel satisfied because I presume the product as of superior quality. Electronic shopping mall 14/03 Inspirational book 11.23 Contains Inspirational Thoughts for a Happy, Healthy, and Fulfilling Day For inspirational reading So inspired and satisfied online 15/03 Miller (lime) 1.98 This is a Miller product that was very successful on introduction For leisure Highly satisfied because I was able to get a taste in the lime flavored product, which was different from the regular Miller’s products. Restaurant 16/03 Paradise Open Petal Pendant 49.95 This necklace is stunningly cute, with petals that resemble the plumeria flower, set with a real diamond and designed from st erling silver. The item is relatively expensive but gives a classy feeling, besides a gorgeous looks that any flamboyant lady would not want to miss out. As a beauty accessory So exited online 19/03 Cotton swabs 0.63 This is a small wad of cotton, made of plastic. It is used for cleaning, besides other uses. For cleaning of ears I was happy because returned the value for my money since it is very cheap in comparison with a regular cleaner, and though its use is not very convenient. Open air market 20/03 Red Bull Energy Drink 1.68 This product stimulates performance, increases endurance, and increases concentration and performance. For staying alert and attentive, to increase performance Chilled and satisfied supermarket 20/03 Lace Side Detail Shell Top ? 60 The jacket has a lovely quality material and it is recommended for an official occasion. For attending official occasions I feel so proud when people give me compliments 21/03 non-opioid painkillers 0.99 This product can be bough t over the counter to relieve a variety of common aches such as headache, back paid, fever and so on. There are so many brands that usually confuse the customers. To relieve a variety of aches Instant pain relive hence satisfied by the product Pharmacy 22/03 Aviance 10.59 This product is golden yellow, contains fragrances juices, with a variety of fragrances including
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Factors Influencing Public Policy
Factors Influencing Public Policy As for a good government, the valuable public policy, which refers to the government action or inaction to deal with particular issues, can be regarded as one of the evaluation criterions. Thus, it seems that the process of policy making, turning the government political vision into the actual programs and actions in the real world (Cabinet Office, 1999), becomes significant which should be put on much more emphasis. Especially, good quality policy making depends on high quality information, derived from a variety of sources-expert knowledge; existing domestic and international research; existing statistics; stakeholder consultation; evaluation of previous policies and new research(Cabinet Office, 1999). The high quality information here mainly refers to evidence which becomes more and more important part for the policy making. Even more, the increasing use of various kinds of evidence by government has determined the central role of evidence in policy making for 21st century. The te rm evidence-based policymaking naturally comes up at the same time. Actually, the rise role of evidence in policy making does have its own reasons. As the development of modern society, the growth of well-educated and well-informed public cast their interest to the exact information provided by the government and ask why. Thus in certain distance, it facilitates the government to explore the precise data of all types with the help of developed information technology(Davies, Nutley and Smith, 2000). Whats more, an increasing demand on accountability in government spurs on the significance of evidence in a democratic society. Due to the above reasons, in UK the Blair Government, who was elected on the basis of What matters is what works, announced that to produce policies that really deal with problems, that are forward-looking and shaped by evidence rather than a response to short-term pressure, that tackles causes; not symptoms(Modernising Government, 1999 White Paper), and demonstrated that it was a good time for the new government to begin evidenc e based- approach to public policy (Gary Banks AO, 2009), At the same time, they built a new relationship between social science and government as well as pointed out that public policy had to be driven by evidence. So, what exactly does evidence mean? UK Cabinet office defines it as analysis of the outcome of consultation, costings of policy options and the results of economic or statistical modeling(Cabinet Office, 1999) According to Chambers Dictionary, evidence consists of results of systematic investigation towards increasing the sum of knowledge (Davies, Nutley and Smith, 2000). Both two definitions can be divided into four kinds serving for policy making: descriptive data, analytic findings, evaluative evidence, and policy analytic forecasts(Carol Hirschon Weiss, 2001). Descriptive data is a tool to show objects condition, location, relation and direction of change. Consider, for instance, before the Hong Kong Government introduced the environmental levy scheme on plastic shopping bags, amount of data are collected to show the increasing danger brought by the plastic bags. 3-the average number of plastic bags is used by Hong Kong people per day. 13,503-the number of tons of solid waste is disposed of at landfills per day (EPD Hong Kong, 2009). 20 to 1000-the years are needed to decompose the plastic bag. From the exact data, government could clearly see the negative environmental affect caused by the plastic bag. Thus, governments policy is made on the basis of large and comprehensive data. The second kind is analytic findings which refer to the identified information conducted by an academic research and analysis system, discovering the relationship between factors and current situations(Carol Hirschon Weiss, 2001). Also in the same policy-the environmental levy scheme on plastic shopping bags, after academic analysis, we can conclude that the low environmental consciousness of public endangers the situation of indiscriminate use of plastic bags. The analytic findings are the direction for seeking positive solutions in the process of policy making. Evaluation serves for directly examining the existing policies in other countries or places, and then selectively choo sing for own use. Taiwan, as one of the pioneers in environmental protection, provides valuable experience for the Hong Kong Government enacting the plastic bag levy scheme. After evaluating positive and negative sides of Taiwans Restricted Use Policy on Plastic Shopping Bags and Disposable Plastic Tableware (Our Groups Essay on Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bags, 2009), the HK Government adopts the same policy of restricted use of plastic shopping bags while temporarily abandons the unavailable policy on plastic tableware. The last one is policy analytic forecasts. In common situations, analyst will calculate and predict the potential cost and benefits of the coming policy. The report of prediction will influence the final release of the new policy(Carol Hirschon Weiss, 2001). In short, these four kinds of evidence are used as the basis of the government policy making. Nevertheless, no matter how important evidence is, in the process of policy making, its nature has several limitations and difficulties. According to Gary Banks research on evidence-based policy making, methodology the government choose, data deficiency or overload, evidence transparency, people who research and analyze evidence, and the limited time to do the data collection are all the potential factors to influence the effectiveness of evidence used in policy making(Gary Banks AO, 2009). Sometimes, quantitative data could be collected, but that does not mean they are the real valuable data needed. The increase use of plastic shopping bags has no necessary correlation with the heavy air pollution problem. Thus, the evidence for air pollution should directly from car emission, industrial emission, waste deposition, etc. People with diverse political value or interest could be not reluctant to accept the evidence which obeys their interest. Whats more, even for the policy makers, the y would like to set the mode of policy first and then look for confirmation evidence. In this sense, evidence only can be regarded as one of the crucial factors in policy making. It will be much more appropriate to call that evidence-influenced policy making( H.K. Wongs lecture note). In addition, other three main factors-political, economic and social factors, also have a intensive power to affect the complex process of policy making. Politics here concerns with political system and crisis. On one hand, as we know, the stable political system determines the usual way of the government policy making. From the first beginning of policy proposal to the consultation and to the final policy making, every step complies with a certain regulate with minor change. Moreover, the same as the steady political system, political ideology and beliefs also become the major elements to force the policy made(Philip Davies, 2004). On the other hand, crisis explosion becomes the direct primacord to urge the government to enact and implement a new policy in the immediate time. After the explosion of the global financial crisis, once the economic situation in Hong Kong got worse rapidly, and the Hong Kong Government carried out series of policy to stimulate the recovery and development of economy. In the 2009-2010 Budget, the government introduced several measures to ensure the stability of financial institutions and the market to bols ter public confidence in our financial systems, including the provision of liquidity assistance to the banking system and the establishment of a Contingent Bank Capital Facility(The 2009-2010 Budget of Hong Kong). Meanwhile, in order to decrease the unemployment rate caused by the financial crisis, the Hong Kong Government also sustained the provision of more than 60000 employment chances, increased the recruitment of civil servants, and closely cooperated with Guangdong Province to create more jobs(The 2009-2010 Budget of Hong Kong). Thus, it seems that in some certain situations, political factors are more available than evidence which needs time to collect and analyze. The economy is often closely connected with the politics. The long-standing development of economy should base on valuable policies. In every years policy address, economic policy is the most important one. According to the specific economic situations, the government have emphasised their policy on different aspects. For instance, when the Hong Kong market was heavily hit by the financial tsunami, the policy emphasis are placed on how to cope with it and how to recover this year. This is why the government make great effort to stabilize the financial system, support enterprises and preserve employment(2009-2010 Policy Address). Comparing to the previous year, there was no financial tsunamis hitting, the Hong Kong Government focused more on 10 large-scale Infrastructure Projects which aimed to improve Hong Kongs transportation and link up socio-cultural and business activities with more efficient transportation systems(2007-2008 Policy Address). When talking about economic factors, w e should notice that every policy is restricted within the government finance. As we know, if the budget of a policy is largely beyond the governments financial endurance after exact calculation and the cost effectiveness/efficiency system, the policy will be cut off. Social factors here include experience and judgement of policy makers, habit and tradition, pressure groups and consultants(Philip Davies, 2004). Normally, the experience and judgement of policy makers are precious conclusion on the basis on the previous policy success or failure, embodying rational capital and tacit knowledge(Philip Davies, 2004). They are consider as an influence factor. Actually, the use of experience and judgement often appears in the condition where the evidence is incomplete or non-existent(Grimshaw, et al, 2003). It can be regarded as a complement for evidence in the process of policy making. Habit and tradition constitutes another social factor affecting policy making. Some institutions stagnate due to the unchanging habit and tradition. They refuse to make and implement new policy to stimulate the development of themselves. To a certain extent, Changing traditional and habitual ways of doing things to accommodate the forces of rationality and modernity prese nts a major challenge for policy making(Philip Davies, 2004). The last social factor-pressure groups and consultants, increasingly influence the policy making in the current days. The fast development of think tanks in society, they have already deeply penetrated into the politics. Especially when a policy contradicts with think-tanks and pressure groups interest, their opinions are powerful enough to affect the policy making. In a word, all the above factors come together to influence the process of policy making. Evidence, political, economic and social factors supplement with each other, preparing for the fully consideration of policy making. However, factors come together here does not mean that every factor should become one necessary part in a policy. In most conditions, there are only two or three factors influence the policy making. Now, I will analyze how these factors come together to affect policy making within one case. Small Class Teaching in Hong Kong is a typical case which could prove many elements come together to influence policy making. As the development of modern knowledge-based society, more and more requirements are raised on education system and method. Especially, for the comprehensive development of younger generation, it is commonly supposed that small class with smaller number of students per class is much more helpful than the normal large class in primary and secondary school. As for the teachers in small class, they could reduce their heavy workload, pay more attention to every individual student and then teach students according to their ability. For the student, in small class they would have more opportunities to communicate with teachers and classmates, participant in class activities and get more immediate feedback of their own study from teachers(Group 2s Essay on Small Class Teaching). Since July 1998, an oral question on class size in primary and secondary schools was first raised by Hon Cheung Man-kwong in the Legislative Council. Till 2007, the Chief Executive finally announced that the small class teaching would be launch in 2009/10 school year in his 2007-2008 Policy Address. During the long period of policy making, in order to collect more resource as well as considering some controversy issues concerned with the small class teaching, the government conducted a pilot study in primary school with effectiveness strategies of class and group teaching in 2003/04 school year and another scheme in primary schools with high concentration of disadvantaged pupils with effect from 2005/06 school year. During the study, amount of feedback and quantitative data have been collected from teachers and students through the way of questionnaire. Qualitative data, carefully analyzed through systematic lesson observations and case studies, get a conclusion that schools and teac hers have not really benefited a lot from the small class teaching (Group 2s essay on Small Class Teaching). Even though the final result of the study has not been released to the public, from the aspect of evidence, it can be regarded as a good way to start. In addition, the evaluation and experience-learning on the basis of overseas experience is also a kind of evidence. The United State is a successful example on the implementation of small class teaching, who conducts specific cost-effectiveness analysis and fully considers the allocation of funds, the target popularity, the class size and so on(Group 2s essay on Small Class Teaching). From the aspect of social factors, most of academic and parents representatives concurred with the policy of small class teaching with the reasons that teachers should be professionally trained and care more about individual students need. Moreover, political parties such as Democratic Party and Liberal Party, also agreed with the implementation of this policy. Thus, a great major of stakeholders were unanimous the implementation of small class teaching which they believed students and teachers would benefit a lot from it. In this sense, the strong opinions for stakeholders have a certain impact on the whole policy process. From the aspect of political factors, in 2002, the Consolidating High Cost and Under-utilized Primary Schools policy was introduced by Education and Manpower Bureau, leading to a threaten to amount of teachers jobs. Thousands of teachers hold a march and protested against the policy in July 2003(SING TAO, 2003). This political pressure became one element to influence the making of small class teaching policy. Originally, the Hong Kong Government attempted to practice evidence-based policy making by conducting the pilot study, evaluating and analyzing the research as well as learning from overseas experience. However, political and social factors partially become the elements of affecting the policy making. Thus, evidence in this case is still the most important factor and the policy of small class teaching could be called evidence-influenced policy. To conclude, in the complex process of policy making, evidence as well as the political, economic and social factors constitutes the influence elements. On one hand, Evidence, by means of descriptive data, analytic findings, evaluative evidence, and policy analytic forecasts, occupies the most significant position in policy making. On the other hand, to some extent, the limitations and difficulties of evidence restrict the policys formation. It leads to the evidence-influenced policy, instead of evidence-based policy. Yet, the existence of the political, economic and social factors makes up the limitation of evidence in a certain distance. They all serve for the whole policy process. Reference Cabinet Office, 1999, Professional Policy-Making for the Twenty-First Century, Strategic Policy Making Team, London, Cabinet Office. ( accessed on 18 November, 2009) Cabinet Office, 1999a, Modernising Government, White Paper, London, Cabinet Office. Carmen, Fiona, Helen, Gloria, Selin and Yvonne, November 2009, Group Paper: Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bags Carol Hirschon Weiss, 2001, What Kind of Evidence in Evidence-Based Policy? Third International, Inter-disciplinary Evidence-Based Policies and Indicator Systems Conference, July 2001 (accessed on 19 November, 2009) Chau Kam Yan, Hon Heung-Kwan, Kung Tin Ho, Leung Lok-Sum, So Tsit, October 2009, Group Essay on Small Class Teaching Donald Tsang, 2007, Policy Address 2007-2008: A New Direction for Hong Kong,, (accessed on 20 November, 2009) Donald Tsang, 2009, Policy Address 2009-2010: Breaking New Ground Together,, (accessed on 20 November, 2009) Environmental Protection Department Hong Kong, 2009. Environmental Levy on Plastic Shopping Bags. (accessed on 3 November, 2009) Gary Banks AO, 2009, Challenges of Evidence-Based Policy-Making, Australia Public Service Commission, (accessed on 19 November, 2009) Grimshaw, J.M., Thomas, R.E., MacLennan, G., Fraser, C., and Ramsay, C.R., 2003, Effectiveness and Efficiency of Guideline Dissemination and Implementation Strategies, Final Report, Aberdeen, Health Services Research Unit. H.K. Wong, 2009, Lecture Note 3: The Rhetorics and Reality of EBPM Hum Davies, Sandra Nutley and Peter Smith, 2000, Introducing Evidence-Based Policy and Practice in Public Services, In What Works? Evidence Based Policy and Practice in the Public Services, Chapter One, 1-11, Bristol: Policy Press John Tsang Chun-wah, 2009, the 2009-2010 Budget, (accessed on 19 November, 2009) Philip Davies, 2004, Is Evidence-Based Government Possible? To be presented at the 4th Annual Campbell Collaboration Colloquium, Washington D.C., 19 February 2004 (accessed on 20 November, 2009) (accessed on 20 November, 2009)
Monday, January 20, 2020
Operations Management Essay -- essays research papers
Operations Management Operations management focuses on managing the processes of producing and distributing products and services. Operations activities often include product creation, development, production and distribution. It deals with all operations within the organization. Related activities include managing purchases, inventory control, quality control, storage, logistics and evaluations. The nature of how operations management is carried out in an organization depends very much on the nature of products or services in the organization, for example, retail, manufacturing, wholesale, etc. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â In operation management a great deal of focus is on efficiency and effectiveness of processes. Efficiency is when processes are being completed at the lowest cost possible. Effectiveness is having the right processes that will create the most value for the company. In addition, operations processes depend solely on the decisions made by management. When management makes decisions, the concept of ethics comes in to play. Managers who fail to provide leadership and incorporate systems that facilitate ethical conduct share responsibility with those who knowingly benefit from corporate misdeeds. Executives who ignore ethics run the risk of personal and corporate liability. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â One example would be Bank of America (BofA), the bank that I currently bank with. BofA has begun operations of combining ... Operations Management Essay -- essays research papers Operations Management Operations management focuses on managing the processes of producing and distributing products and services. Operations activities often include product creation, development, production and distribution. It deals with all operations within the organization. Related activities include managing purchases, inventory control, quality control, storage, logistics and evaluations. The nature of how operations management is carried out in an organization depends very much on the nature of products or services in the organization, for example, retail, manufacturing, wholesale, etc. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â In operation management a great deal of focus is on efficiency and effectiveness of processes. Efficiency is when processes are being completed at the lowest cost possible. Effectiveness is having the right processes that will create the most value for the company. In addition, operations processes depend solely on the decisions made by management. When management makes decisions, the concept of ethics comes in to play. Managers who fail to provide leadership and incorporate systems that facilitate ethical conduct share responsibility with those who knowingly benefit from corporate misdeeds. Executives who ignore ethics run the risk of personal and corporate liability. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â One example would be Bank of America (BofA), the bank that I currently bank with. BofA has begun operations of combining ...
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Promotion Strategy Used by Sony to Promote Vaio C Series Essay
VAIO C Series uses advertising to communicate to consumers. In addition, it classifies its segmentation to communicate directly with each ages or lifestyles of consumers. Message on advertising must classify to depend on target group because they are different such as teenager or young. Those target groups want notebook to reflect to their lifestyles. Using message to make recognition about functional, smart, cool, and modern is available for teenage or young. As well, the obvious promotional strategy is taken an emotional advertising instead of representing performances. Now, VAIO C Series is entering to a stage of an emotional benefit. Representing only an advance technology is not enough, VAIO C Series uses the emotional advertising to make consumer feeling accompany with VAIO C Series. An emotional aspect is made consumer to be proud when they use VAIO C Series and feel required to possess it. For example of VAIO C Series advertising campaign, â€Å"Show It with Your VAIO†this advertising emphasizes feeling and pride to possess and use VAIO C Series. Sales Promotion Sony has promoted its product through different sale promotional strategies. For example, distributing a premium product is a standard promotion. The premium product is accessories that are case & pouch, mouse, docking station, and micro vault. These premiums supported absolutely VAIO C Series users to enhance when using it. Furthermore, VAIO C Series uses the sale promotion of price-off especially in Commart X’Gen Thailand or Sony Day Let’s Cheer that consumer can buy VAIO C Series for the special price. For example, VAIO C Series discount 2000 Baths and pay by installments zero percent within a year. Public relation Sony VAIO C Series has advantages of public relationship from the corporate brand to take the good brand image. The Sony Group recognizes that its businesses have direct and indirect impact on the communities in which it operates. Sponsorship Sony is an active sponsor. Sony understands that sponsorship is its responsibility to assist like-minded organizations to help them achieve their goals. For example of sponsorship, Sony supports the InSIGHT Out project, Sony Thai support Showroom TV Program, and Sony Thai supported the 36th Charity Bazaar. Direct Marketing On the other hand, SONY also used direct selling strategy for their promotion. They provide an interactive customer website for visitor who wishes to get more information about VAIO C Series to select and preview the colours for the SONY VAIO C Series. SONY also uses e-mail to acknowledge their customer about their latest product and updates. Personal selling In VAIO store, the sale force makes the good relationship and will communicate well to costumer when they want to know more information. SONY has training the sale force to communicate VAIO C Series information both its product and entertainment from VAIO C Series. They must have the technology knowledge to relate with product to teach consumer. Personal selling has every VAIO C Series dealers that is a force promotion in highly competitors.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Attitudes And Perceptions Of Immigrants - 2334 Words
Attitudes and Perceptions of Immigrants Immigrants have always been the backbone of America and are responsible for the unprecedented success of the country. As time has continued to move forward, society has also made it known as to what is appropriate or inappropriate in regards to weight and style. The subject of weight can be a very sensitive subject to discuss, especially when women, and some men, are at the center of attention. Many individuals feel self conscious of themselves when the discussion of weight is surfaced. Society, in particular the American society, has placed emphasis on being a certain weight, and at the same time viewing a person who is over a specific size as overweight and undesirable, as well as having a low socioeconomic status (SES). In comparison to the American society, in the African society, an individual’s weight is viewed as being part of a medium-to-high socioeconomic status in which they are able to purchase food, unlike some who may be able to only receive the necessities to live. However, as society continues to change, the idea of beauty is also changing. In the fashion industry, a thin woman has always been seen walking the runway, or posing in magazines or store ads; however, it has been called to many individuals’ attention that most of these women are going to extreme measures to remain thin, such as developing an eating disorder. Many individuals perceive overweight and obese individuals as someone is lazy, or lack willShow MoreRelated Civic Democracy1592 Words  | 7 Pagesthe new customs and attitudes in order to qualify for full citizenship (Shulman 2002). However, theory and practice do not always correspond, and reality has shown the inconsistencies of these ideologies. For example, certain groups of immigrants are defined as both essential to the economy and as unassimilable aliens, while other groups are given ethnic preference but may become public burdens. To further complicate the issue, there are several categories of immigrants who enter receivingRead MoreReliability, And Validity Of The Population Of Women With Diabetes1240 Words  | 5 Pagespurpose of this research. Original questions related to diabetes have been excluded and some items have been altered to reflect Chinese immigrants’ experiences in particular. Also, only those questions that are associated with preconception healthcare have been selected in the questionnaire. Because the current study aims to examine knowledge and beliefs/attitudes toward preconception healthcare by applying the HBM scale as the main framework, six subscales (perceived suscept ibility, perceived severityRead MoreUse of Language in Immigration1615 Words  | 6 Pagespositive attitudes towards immigration. 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According to the center for disease control and prevention (2014), minorities have higher rates of disabilityRead MoreGender And Academic Performance Among College Students1489 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to Brown and Chu (2012), the perception of teacher discrimination was associated with more negative academic attitudes among Latino immigrant children who attended predominantly White schools and children who attended moderately diverse schools. However, there was no association between academic attitudes and teacher discrimination for children who attended predominantly Latino schools. Also, at predominantly Latino schools that valued perceptions of discrimination, ethnic identity, andRead MoreThe Underpinning Assumption Of Open Economic Politics : A Critical Analysis723 Words  | 3 Pagescompetition cannot explain the source of anti-immigrant sentiment. Instead, people with higher levels of edu cation and occupational skills are more tolerant to immigrants regardless of immigrants’ skill levels. Mansfield and Mutz (2009) find that individuals trade policy preferences are shaped by their perceptions rather than their self-interests. They argue education is less representative of skills than of individuals perceptions, and perceptions of how trade affects the country as a whole largelyRead MoreIllegal Immigration and the Economy Essay1414 Words  | 6 Pagesvoices and dominate the tone and tenor of the dialog. Americans are uncertain about how immigration is affecting the US economy and this is apparent in the conversation. Most analysts, after considering all aspects, agree both legal and illegal immigrants produce a slight, yet positive, net gain of about one tenth of 1 percent in the gross domestic product. The most significant benefits come from lower labor costs and this translates into reduced prices for every commodity they handle. 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