Thursday, May 14, 2020
Factors that influence consumer buying behavior - 1747 Words
Factors that influence consumer buying behavior There are a lot of subjects for marketers to understand in order to get more customers purchasing their companies’ products or brands. Consumer buying behavior is one of the studies that marketers need to understand. Factors that influence consumer buying behavior can be classified into four classes which are social factor, cultural factor, personal factor and psychological factor. One of the factors that influence consumer buying behavior is social factors. Social factors can be classified into three classes which are reference groups, family, and social roles and statuses (Kotler, 2000). Reference groups comprise of people that directly or indirectly influences a person’s behavior†¦show more content†¦This means that the group members of main culture still share the core values and beliefs but there are another set of beliefs that they share among them which may be unusual for those held by the main group. In Malaysia, subcultures such as racial, religious, nationality, ethnic, age, gender, and regional are shared among us. In a psychologically view, subcultures that are important to people and their sense of identity can have an influence on their behavior. For example, women eat foods that ensure their health and fitness. Therefore marketers have to understand their eating behavior in order to meet their need. Social class is also parts of s ubcultures. As mentioned by Schiffman Kanuk (2010), social class is defined as â€Å"the division of members of a society into a hierarchy of distinct status classes, so that members of each class have relatively the same status and members of all other classes have either more or less status†(p.320). As we know, different classes of people buy different product or brand from the others. Generally, we have three categories of social class which are lower class, middle class, and upper class. Lower class people are individuals who have poorly educated, low incomes, unskilled labors, part-time or temporary labors, the unemployed, widows, and retire people. Lower class people tend to not spend more on other things than their daily needs. Middle class includes small businessmen, skilled labors, white-collar workers, and higherShow MoreRelatedRetail Environmental Factors That Influence Consumer Buying Behavior939 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Consumer buying behavior has became great interest to the marketing researches (Ali Hasnu 2013, p. 1). Understanding the consumer buying behavior unable the mall managers plan effective marketing strategies. Researchers have identified number of different factors that influence consumer buying behavior. Retail environmental factors is one of these factors. This literature review seeks to identify the retail environmental factors that influence consumer buying behavior. 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