Wednesday, May 6, 2020
America s Post Racial Racism Essay - 2072 Words
Adolf Hitler, often touted a psychopath for his vile hatred and extermination of Jewish and other non-Aryan persons, possessed an incredible genius for rallying his German compatriots to war, nationalism, and acquiescence of mass murders. Rallying Germans to action required conditioning via propaganda. Propaganda in all forms of media helped radically shift the German perspective, not only to identifying themselves as superior to all other races, but also to viewing non-Germans and non-Eastern Europeans in subhuman ways with devastating results. While America has done away with distinct, polarizing forms of racial propaganda in its seedy history of racial oppression, more subtle yet equally damaging forms of propaganda have taken its place. American media is complicit in continuing the ideology of race-based â€Å"goodness,†intelligence, criminality, and superiority, even though many experts say otherwise, in what they currently term as America’s post-racial era. Despi te the election of President Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012, a post-racial America has never existed due to the fundamental and persistent criminalization of non-whites in media and utilization of propaganda in media to perpetuate white supremacy. A post-racial America has never existed due to the fundamental and persistent criminalization of non-whites in media. Accordingly, just as Nazi film propaganda success relied on repetitive messaging, visual images, appeals to emotional states and simple word usage (HerfShow MoreRelatedWhat Has Barack Obama s Election Victory? An Article Written By Paul Adjei And Jagjeet Gill947 Words  | 4 Pageskey features of What Has Barack Obama s Election Victory Got To Do With Race, an article written by Paul Adjei and Jagjeet Gill which debates the supposed post racial rhetoric that has unfolded in North America, through the inauguration of the first African American President in the United States of America. 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